Moral feelings: the meaning of definition, concepts and types of feelings

In order to define the concept of "moral feelings", you should first find out what feelings in general are. Often feelings go along with such concepts as perception, sensation, thinking. These categories are responsible for the display of events perceived by a person and indicate the direct relationship of the individual to everything that happens in the world around him. Moral feelings and moral norms are closely interconnected.

good and evil

What are feelings?

From the point of view of psychology, feelings - this is the individual attitude of a person to what he knows, to others and to himself. They are divided into two categories - lower and higher feelings. The first category includes the satisfaction of any physiological needs, the second category implies moral, aesthetic and intellectual feelings.

Where do moral feelings come from?

First of all, under the influence of society and surrounding reality. Any environment in which a person functions has its own framework of permitted behavior. What is normal for some may be completely unacceptable to others. It depends on the nationality, religion, and even the country in which the person lives. Society establishes norms of behavior, and a person lives in accordance with these accepted norms. It seems that everything is simple, society establishes - we are following, but what will happen if a particular individual refuses to live in accordance with the proposed moral standards?

moral feelings

What happens if moral standards are rejected?

First of all, non-observance of the norms and rules of behavior prescribed by morality causes negative emotions not only on the part of society, but also on a person in relation to himself. This is manifested in remorse, guilt, shame and even jealousy and pity. If society did not exist, then individuals would not have an idea of ​​what the rules of decency are, they would not distinguish between beauty and ugliness, correctness and incorrectness of actions, and so on. But the question remains open: "What are the norms of morality, how and by whom are they established?"

immoral behavior

Morality and the modern world

Recently, heated discussions have been held on what is good and what is bad. Revaluation of values ​​is taking place in society, the world around us is undergoing major changes, and we are changing with it. You may notice that what was once considered shameful and immoral is now perceived normally by society. The most striking example is the sexual revolution. If before the bridegroom was the first and only, and any deviation from this rule caused negative emotions in society, now everything is completely different.

Is it possible to consider moral harm to another person? It is difficult to specifically answer this question, even the Criminal Code takes into account the circumstances of the crime, and we can talk about mitigating signs. If the crime was committed in the course of self-defense, can such an act be called immoral? Everyone gives an answer to himself, based on upbringing and personal principles.

That is why morality is a purely individual concept. However, accepting the foundations of morality is order in society. If a person did not have moral principles, the world would return to primitive society. Morality is a proof of the development of society.

different feelings

How do higher feelings arise?

First of all, the highest moral feelings arise in the consciousness of a person when he in his behavior is based not on his desires, but on the demands that society makes. In the process of upbringing, these requirements must be firmly entrenched in a person’s mind so that in the future they become his own requirements for himself. Often these feelings appear in the minds of people based on a specific event or event that has occurred in life. It can also be only a temporary experience. Often, moral feelings arise after a generalization of the perception of many phenomena of reality.

With the development of society, man has acquired the skill to perceive what is happening around, not only on the basis of morality, but also on the basis of an assessment of these events. Here appears one of the components of morality - aesthetic feelings.

Moral feelings - this is the individual's stable attitude to society and to himself. What are these feelings?


This moral feeling is based on moral principles and human values. It is this category of feelings that guides a person in the knowledge of such phenomena as recognition of the rights, freedom and dignity of those around him. It manifests itself through dialogue, help, empathy. Moral feeling and moral behavior are the basis of humanity.

social influence


This category is responsible not only for a person’s attitude to himself, but also for how society and people around him relate to it. This highest moral feeling is public recognition of certain achievements of a person.

This concept includes a person’s desire to maintain his reputation, good name, dignity. This category also includes a sense of moral responsibility.

Intellectual feelings

They arise in a person in the process of cognition of a particular phenomenon. Thirst for knowledge, euphoria from studying something unknown, a sense of mystery, doubt, surprise, confidence - all these feelings are inextricably linked with the concept of morality. The source of intellectual emotions is creative, scientific and research activity.

Aesthetic feelings

This category is responsible for the sense of beauty, for the love of beauty that arises in connection with the phenomena and events that cause aesthetic pleasure and delight. These feelings are responsible for a person’s attitude to objects and phenomena. For example, a person wants to learn how to draw because this activity gives rise to aesthetic feelings.

Every human activity is based on attraction to the beautiful. Therefore, aesthetic feelings are realized in virtually any field of activity.

the influence of others

Sense of comic

This category is recognized as one of the most difficult, as it combines three main aspects - morality, aesthetics, and intelligence. A funny feeling can be expressed in completely different forms. For example, a friendly attitude, sympathy turns into a sense of humor. The opposite of humor is satire, a feeling that is soaked through with malice. We have all heard more than once that the best medicine is laughter, it is he who fights the negative emotions that arise in the human mind.

A sense of humor can be both aesthetic, and intellectual, and moral. Therefore, psychologically, these feelings are not so easy to distinguish.

Higher given feelings are called only because they combine the whole variety of emotional relationships of a person with society and himself.


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