The most difficult labyrinth in the world: types, characteristics, choice of difficulty, rating, passing amazing and unusual labyrinths

One of the most difficult games is a maze. Virtual or material, plant or stone, mirror, composed by man or natural natural - all of them are fascinating in their own way, the choice depends only on the preferences and capabilities of those who want to go through them.

Labyrinth in the shape of Saturn

One thing is clear - no matter how labyrinths are by origin, it is interesting and difficult to overcome them. People noted the special charm of this entertainment, sometimes tiring and even dangerous, a very long time ago - the time of construction of the oldest labyrinth in the world dates back to 2300 BC. e. True, then there was no question of games - in this, possibly the most difficult maze in the world, it was not difficult to get lost forever.

Meaning of the word

Despite the limitations of the idea, the word came to Russian only in the 18th century from German. From there, it was transformed into other European languages. And in the German dictionary, the Latin version was taken, taken from the Greek word that happened so long ago that it is still not possible to establish its exact meaning until now.

Ancient Abandoned Maze

The main version - the original word meant a narrow street, a gorge. Some experts associate the modern word "labyrinth" with the identical name of the room used to store the ritual ax in ancient Greece.

The oldest mazes

This inscription is located above the entrance to the oldest of the currently known labyrinths of the Earth.

Madness or death is what the weak or the vicious find here; only the strong and good find life and immortality here.

The inscription did not portend an easy way, so this is probably one of the most difficult labyrinths in the history of mankind. Now almost completely destroyed, located less than a hundred kilometers from Cairo, the oldest terrestrial labyrinth at the time of its operation occupied an area of ​​70 thousand m2 and was located on two levels - ground and underground.

The total number of rooms reached approximately 3,000; they were connected by open and closed passages, including those making a rattling loud sound with doors. Most of the rooms were in pitch darkness. It is believed that the building was used for the purposes of governing the country of the pharaohs and the conduct of religious rites and mysteries.

famous french maze

At least three more labyrinths of different purposes (only one of which survived) dating back to antiquity are famous in history. However, they are all much simpler and have fewer components. Even the legendary labyrinth in which Theseus killed the minotaur.

The Cretan maze is considered very similar to the Egyptian, but almost a hundred times smaller. Only written references to him were preserved. Although, if the monster really lived there, then he could claim the title of the most complex maze in the world.

Labyrinth ratings of the world

In the world, mazes have been and remain popular. Playing the world's most difficult maze, passing it virtually, is interesting and fascinating, and most importantly - accessible at any time and very convenient, but with a real journey through the tangled corridors this can hardly be compared.

That is why, from year to year, around the world, many classic and most amazing, scary and beautiful, plant and mirror, natural caves and artificially built labyrinths are created or maintained in the best possible way, so that they serve as entertainment for many visitors. The labyrinth designer is a very real profession.

Labyrinth of Longleat Hedge Maze

All the famous labyrinths stand out and are famous for some special signs.

  • The most difficult maze in the world.
  • The most unusual.
  • The most beautiful.
  • The longest route.
  • The largest area.

Many famous labyrinths can be attributed to several of these categories.

Temporary and permanent labyrinths

Some of the famous buildings are famous for their history, others were created relatively recently (many at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century). Some became famous for their special ideas for building a route, others change the pattern every year.

The latter are usually created specifically for entertainment, for decoration or for harvesting. The walls of such hedges are often fast-growing flower bushes or crops, the most common of which is corn. The practicality of farmers attracts tourists and simultaneously allows you to harvest. One of the most complex in the world, as well as large and unusual, is the American Pumpkin Cool Patch Pumpkins.

The most difficult maze to go through

For many years, the Italian Il Labirinto remains the most difficult maze in the world. This is a classic plant park maze, a tribute to fashion, created in 1720 for the future Venetian Doge. It was the result of the work of Girolamo Frigimelika. There is a labyrinth in the famous palace and park complex, known as the Villa Pisani in Stra, the Venetian Versailles, or Veneto. Its walls are boxwood thickets, but initially they were hornbeam. However, the trees were unstable to pests.

The most difficult maze

The pattern of the most complex maze in the world, played by aristocrats from the beginning of the 18th century, is formed by nine circles of various sizes, having a common center. In it in a stone tower is a statue of the goddess Minerva, who patronizes art and symbolizes wisdom.

The legend ascribes to this place a story about how Napoleon himself was his captive for several hours during a walk. It is here that a part of the events of the novel "Flame" by the Italian writer Gabriele d'Annunzio unfolds.

What surprises the most famous labyrinths?

In addition to the size of the squares and the total length of the tracks, the existing labyrinths can surprise with many ideas. The most famous Hawaiian maze, named after the pineapple garden, which is also one of the largest on the planet, consists of various exotic trees. It is dedicated to pineapples and has in the center a pattern in the form of this fruit.

British York Maze created by satellite. Its pattern is dedicated to the fortieth anniversary of the movie Star Trek. Longleat Hedge Maze, again English, is considered the record holder for the total length of the path. Once again, the United Kingdom - Escot Gardens is famous for its suspension bridges and gates, creating especially bizarre options for passing the route.

The Australian Ashcombe has become one of the largest, oldest and most famous permanent classic mazes. In fact, this is a complex of three. In addition to lavender and pink, there is a cypress maze. The peculiarity of the latter is in the rounded forms of hedges, in the walls, which become more and more high from year to year, and in gradually narrowing passages.

Three famous mazes

One of the largest and most symbolic is the “Peace” labyrinth associated with historical events in Ireland. For 20 years, the American Davis Megs Maze has been changing the pattern of corn plantations every year, occupying a larger area with each season. Scottish Traquair differs only in the direct direction of lines and angles, as well as the absence of dead ends.

At different times, labyrinths existed or exist in the form of a cow’s stomach, in the form of snakes, Big Ben, the astronaut’s figure. In Denmark, the famous labyrinth created from the planting of Christmas trees, more like a forest park. Not one mirror maze has been built, where it is better not to move without arms extended forward.

This is not a complete list of complex labyrinths, the photos of which, taken from a bird's eye view, allow us to fully appreciate the scale and complexity of the planned fun.

The scariest mazes in the world

The most creepy natural or artificial complexes of intricate moves can be called the most complex labyrinths in the world from the point of view of psychology. The intricate corridors of mass graves, such as the famous Paris catacombs, full of old secrets, the Solovetsky labyrinths, London dungeons inspire fear and attract tourists.

Path in the plant maze

Their rare admirers find the natural dangerous tangled trails of the far corner of the Canyonlands National Park in the US state of Utah, threatening at any moment with rockfalls or even a stream of water. Several people disappear there annually.

The secret of passing mazes

Various methods for successfully completing mazes are proposed. However, the "one-handed rule" is considered the most famous. It says that even a very complex maze can be overcome by continuously touching the walls of the corresponding side with the same hand. True, such a recommendation will not allow you to visit those parts of the labyrinth whose walls are not connected with its external fence.


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