Graphic information and text information. Graphic information: tasks, test

Before you consider any of the basics of digital graphics, you should initially understand what graphic information is. Nowadays, this concept is actively used in various fields of human activity, but at the same time, many do not even understand what this term is and what it means.

What it is?

graphic information

Graphic information today is used in most areas of visual communication, ranging from various works of fine art, which should arouse emotions in a person and arouse a sense of admiration for the beautiful, and ending with all kinds of symbols designed solely to convey certain information to a person. In particular, road signs can be attributed to such symbols, which experienced drivers sometimes do not even reach the area of โ€‹โ€‹conscious perception.

Today, graphic information and images represent the basis of the thinking of most specialists, and a separate place here is allocated to graphic designers, who are people who have a visual-figurative warehouse. The possession of computer technology in the visualization of any ideas is very useful, but provides for thorough preparation, as well as an understanding of the peculiar graphic information in terms of translating it into a computer format.


Graphic information is a complete set of data printed on a wide variety of media, including tracing paper, paper, canvas, glass, walls and much more. To a certain extent, it can be said that even our objective reality, which the camera or camera lens is aimed at, also represents graphic information.

graphic information and text information

The widest variety of graphic media, as well as the types of images available to a modern person, is difficult to account for, in principle, and this happens not for the reason that they are presented in infinite numbers, but because there are a lot of different intermediate options. After all, we cannot simply put them together and construct a kind of alphabet, and this is what distinguishes concepts such as graphic information and text information. However, there are certain exceptions.

Considering what constitutes graphic information and text information, it is worth noting that a set of text characters has long been brought into a certain system called the alphabet. At the same time, in European countries the alphabet is phonetic, while among the Far Eastern peoples the alphabet does not record phonemes or sounds, but represents a whole concept and consists of hieroglyphs, which transfers it to the category of not textual, but graphic information.

Useful examples

Grade 9 graphic information

Not everyone understands that modern European languages โ€‹โ€‹also use the peculiar principle of the hieroglyph, which are represented by numbers in our country. Despite the fact that in different languages โ€‹โ€‹numbers can be written exactly the same, in reality they are called and pronounced completely differently in each individual language, which is a typical principle of the hieroglyph.

In this regard, all the elements that are required to implement the encoding procedure have long been highlighted over a long historical period. Elements that are separate and independent from each other can be represented in the form of a specific list, in which there is a finite and clearly fixed number of lines.

The time when a person studies graphic information in more detail is Grade 9, but many may not even remember this. Moreover, even then we were taught that if we turn to graphic data, including paintings, photographs, drawings or any other pictorial objects, then in this case we will no longer be able to find such natural and universal elements that could operate in exactly the same way as letters.


graphic information computer science

It is worth noting that there have been attempts to form a single image system. In particular, William Hogarth, an English painter and art theorist, tried to do this. In this case, his example is interesting not for the reason that he is a master of the satirical genre, whose main goal was to expose the vices of the aristocracy, but because he was trying to invent a universal graphic alphabet that he failed. However, the curve that the artist was able to single out as a reference back in the 18th century, somewhat resembles the Bezier curve.

Why can't I create an alphabet?

tasks graphic information

In fact, it is simply impossible to invent a graphic alphabet, and this is precisely the difference that separates standard writing and modern visual activity. This is also mentioned by the subject that studies graphic information - computer science. These areas are fairly close in essence, but the alphabet is a universal tool, which, having a limited number of elements, allows you to create an unlimited number of texts, while in the field of visual activity such a strict list of elements simply cannot exist.

It is for this reason that the possibility of coding is based on a different approach compared to standard elements like numbers and letters, and this is primarily studied in the process of how various tasks are performed. Graphic information is a more complex concept than textual, therefore, its development should be approached more thoroughly.

What do you need to understand?

graphic and sound information

Since there can be no strict list of elements in the field of graphic activity, compiling a list of them is impossible, and the serious task is manifested here - to determine how all kinds of digital codes or images can be converted if only computer devices can work with them. In particular, this task is concretized by the fact that it is necessary to invent a method that would allow operating in modern computer technologies not only with text.

What are the differences between the perception of a computer and a person?

Obviously, there are a lot of differences between how computer and person perceive graphic and sound information. For a person, every image that can be far from realistic photography is a substantial structure, because each person can distinguish, for example, landscape from portrait.

This becomes possible for the reason that visual perception is not the result of the work of only the organs of vision, but is also the result of processing information with the help of powerful intelligence, which has amazing recognition capabilities. For example, thanks to this, a person can easily recognize another person, even if he has not seen him for several decades, but the latter has already managed to age a little and his appearance has become different.

Technical systems, in the process of which even the most advanced computing power is used, cannot yet realize such tasks.

Test on graphic information in computer science

graphic info test

The final stage in which schools complete the study of what graphical information is - a test that changes depending on the educational institution and its focus. However, in most cases, all questions are standard and fairly simple. Among the most common it is worth noting the following:

  • What happens to the file size in the process of increasing the size of a vector image?
  • Why do I need the tools of the graphical editor Paint?
  • What is the smallest image element on a graphic screen?
  • What is a graphical editor?
  • What is a graphical editor for?

And many others.

In other words, in the process of compiling this test, the main goal is to determine how much the student has mastered the basic concepts of the course of graphic information and how much he mastered working with traditional graphic editors.


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