How to develop critical thinking? The Psychology of Critical Thinking

Quite often, the term “critical thinking” is interpreted incorrectly, replaced by concepts such as creative thinking, the ability to draw logical conclusions, the adoption of sound decisions, and the ability to analyze information. In fact, the above notations are not synonyms, but (except for the first) components of the critical thinking process. Creative can be considered a critical antagonist. Therefore, such a substitution of concepts is inappropriate.

how to develop critical thinking

What is critical thinking and should it be developed?

Origin of the term

The word criticism is derived from the Greek kritike and literally translates as "the ability to disassemble or judge" (to form an opinion based on facts).

Such a person’s ability as thinking has been studied for many years by various sciences (logic, psychology, linguistics, philosophy, pathopsychology, neuropsychology). A generalized thought process can be defined as the ability to motivate the achievement of a goal through a system of specific actions and planning with a predictable result. Naturally, depending on the science that considers or studies thinking, the definitions of this phenomenon will also change. For the correct interpretation of the term “critical thinking”, the concept that this is a special activity of a person with a certain structure and types is enough.

how to develop critical thinking

From all of the above, we can derive a definition: what is critical thinking. Lev Semenovich Vygotsky proposed his wording, in which he described one of the types of intellectual activity with an objective approach to the surrounding reality and information flows. This human ability is based on a system of rules and actions.


Before listing the ways of developing critical thinking, it is necessary to describe the signs inherent in this type of intellectual activity :

  1. One of the key features is independence in conclusions, assessments of phenomena and objects, and beliefs. This is the ability to extract and analyze information based on your personal experience and well-known problem-solving schemes. Hence, the more complete the information on the problem being solved and the more diverse the palette of ways to solve the problem, the more reliable the result will be predicted (bypassing the established stereotypes of people).
  2. Another distinctive feature can be considered relevant to information: its location, analysis, selection and application. A person who knows how to select the necessary grains from any information and establish connections with an object of interest can cope with problems of any level.
  3. Signs can also be considered posing the right questions, which, as you know, are a solution to half the problem, and developing a strategy for solving the problem.
  4. An important sign is the exhaustive argumentation, rationalization and reasonable and reasonable arguments.
  5. One head is good, and two is even better. Another sign is the inclusion of social factors in solving the problem, because truth is born in a dispute. Therefore, debate and discussion is an acceptable form of work to achieve the goal.

question of the day

How to develop critical thinking using well-known techniques without outside help? It is enough to practice daily until this process becomes a way of life.


Due to the large number of techniques for the development of critical thinking, listing everything is not possible (and necessary). Therefore, it suffices to list the most popular of them and dwell on the description of effectively applied ones.

How to develop critical thinking on your own? Popular tricks include:

  1. "Clusters".
  2. "Basket of ideas."
  3. "Reverse logical chains."
  4. "True and false statements."
  5. Six hats.
  6. Fishbone
  7. Sincwain.
  8. "Logbooks."
  9. "RAFT".
  10. "The tree of predictions."
  11. "Field Marks."
  12. "Question of the day."


It is good to use the technique in systematizing the information obtained and in establishing links between phenomena.

what is critical thinking

The principle of cluster construction is based on a model of the structure of the solar system. The question or problem of interest occupies the position of the Sun. All other information is located on the positions of the planets of the solar system with their satellites.


Another technique for organizing information and finding the optimal solution to the problem seems to be Fishbone.

how to assemble a puzzle

His help on how to develop critical thinking is undeniable. Reception is displayed as a fish skeleton. The head and tail are designated as a problem and its solution, respectively. On the ribs are the causes of the problem and the facts confirming them. This technique allows you to identify the relationship of problems and the system of their interaction.


This technique is good for working on speaking, developing rhetoric and persuasion skills. The name is formed from the first letters of the words - Role, Audience, Form, Subject. This technique involves discussing a topic on behalf of a certain character (role), to an audience (a certain level of needs), in a pre-selected form (dialogue, story, anecdote, etc.) of the narrative and a given number of topics.

Six hats

How to develop critical thinking with hats? The reception is suitable for independent work, and for working with an audience (both large and not very). The number of hats corresponds to certain views on the problem. Colors are assigned to certain elements:

  • white - facts;
  • yellow - opportunities;
  • blue is the meaning;
  • green is creative;
  • red - emotions;
  • black is criticism.

ability to analyze information

You may notice that the problem is considered comprehensively, from different perspectives, which allows us to make the most acceptable and rational solution.

"Prediction Tree"

Reception for the development of the ability to reasonably and reasonably make forecasts on a given topic.

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The theme is represented by a tree trunk. Predictions (possibly, probably) - branches on two sides. Arguments are leaves on branches. In this way, it is possible not only to draw up a probabilistic model for the development of the situation, but also to determine the decisive factors in the created situation.

Technologies for the development of critical thinking in the education system

Modern education is too concentrated on the learning process itself, which is reflected in the excessive enthusiasm for (necessary and not so) technologies. Fundamentally, the use of technology practically does not change anything (except for the names of the parts of the lesson, according to the requirements of the technology, ZUNs - competencies, etc.). As a result, the student must remember certain material. True, the use of educational puzzles in lessons at a certain dosage is encouraged. This type of activity brings diversity to the strictly regulated life of the student. Indeed, in order to find the answer to the question of how to assemble a puzzle, it is necessary to mobilize all the knowledge and skills, as well as independence in achieving the goal.

what is critical thinking

In order for the technology for the development of critical thinking not to look like a decorative addition in school life, the educational system itself needs to be changed. And this is almost impossible to do in the near future.

In the lessons, many elements of critical thinking are often used (the question of the day, etc.), but the foundation remains a mystery behind seven seals.

Instead of a conclusion

The development of critical thinking is available to humans from about 5-6 years old. Until this time, the nervous system has not yet been sufficiently developed and certain parts of the brain have not been formed. For the senior preschooler, the solution to the question: "How to assemble a puzzle?" - and there is this development. For younger students, the set of techniques is expanding. And for the children of middle and senior management, the whole palette of techniques for the development of critical thinking is available.

Adults can independently use, as needed, or for self-examination, the above methods. In addition, the application of critical thinking in everyday life helps to preserve the youth of the brain for many years. On the other hand, it is critical thinking that allows a person to remain a Person, that is, not to succumb to the provocation of a well-developed public opinion management system.


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