At what temperature does the cake bake in the oven: cooking order, time

No one can refuse tasty and fresh home-made cakes. Appetizing cabbage pies, crispy custard rolls, buns with poppy seeds, puffs with cheese and ham - it's just an excitement! But all this will be edible only with proper preparation.

It's no secret that sometimes baking fails. The dough does not bake, or becomes stiff, like a sole, or does not rise. And the chef is insulted, since he cooked strictly according to the recipe, but still an inedible dish turned out.

When the baking did not work, the cooking technology was most likely violated. And perhaps the whole point is that the wrong temperature was set for baking pies in the oven. What should she be like? It depends on several factors, including the type of dough and the size of the baking.

oven baking temperature


Beginners in cooking often ask about what temperature to bake a pie in the oven if nothing is specified in the recipe. In fact, most baked products are prepared at average rates, namely - 170-190 ° C. The optimum temperature is 180 ° C.

Cooking time will depend on the type of filling and the degree of its readiness. For example, a cheese pie reaches a state of readiness very quickly, since in this case it is only necessary to bake the dough. And if you put dough with raw minced meat in the oven, then such a meal will be baked for longer.

oven cake baking temperature

Cold or hot oven

It is also important to know in which oven to put the dough with the filling. The choice between hot and cold is obvious: all pies must be placed in a well-heated oven. Only cold baked goods that are made in glass or porcelain form can be put in cold, since the rapid heating of such materials can lead to disaster. In a cold oven, you can put baked lasagna, apples with honey or pasta with cheese.

But it is better to put any pastries in a preheated oven. The temperature for heating can be set either in the recipe, or 30-40 ° C higher, and then, when installing the baking sheet, switch to the recommended one. A higher temperature warms the oven faster and more evenly, while when the door opens and a cold form is set, the oven cools to the optimum mode.

It is important to remember that if you put the pastries in a cold oven, it will be dry and will not rise properly.

at what temperature do you bake a pie in the oven

Small and large pies

The answer to the question at what temperature to bake pies in the oven depends on the size of the baking. Each person understands that small ones will be ready faster than large ones.

A large pie with filling should be cooked at 180-220 ⁰. The average mode will ensure uniform heating of the entire mass. With such indicators, the cake will cook more slowly, therefore, the filling will have time to bake. If the cake begins to burn from above, and inside it is still raw, it is covered with a sheet of white paper soaked in water.

Small yeast cakes with filling are also prepared at 180-220 ° C. But a little less in time, as small products are baked faster.

Bread rolls, kalachi and kulebyaki with ready-made filling can be cooked at a higher temperature - 220-270 ⁰. If the baking mode is low or medium, the dough will not rise so luxuriantly and will be dry.

Yeast and yeast-free

The type of test determines which mode of operation of the oven should be set, that is, temperature and time. Baking pies in the oven is a simple process, especially if you know how the product behaves when heated. Yeast and yeast-free dough rise well in the oven. But the first, as a rule, is slightly better, and it is more voluminous. Therefore, products from yeast dough reach readiness faster - small pies with ready-made fillings can be removed in 12-15 minutes. But products from yeast-free dough will be baked in the oven for at least 20 minutes.

The temperature for both types of baking is approximately the same - 180-230 ⁰ depending on the filling and size.

at what temperature do you bake a pie in the oven


Shortcrust pastry is the basis for desserts. Pies with cottage cheese, fruit filling, cheesecakes and much more are prepared from it. The temperature for baking pies from shortcrust pastry is 210-240 ° C. Cooking time - 15-30 minutes depending on the size of the product.


Dry crispy pastries or soft tender snacks are prepared from puff pastry. If crispiness is needed, the oven is necessary at a higher temperature. If soft, then low.

At what temperature does the cake bake in the oven? For puff pastry, this figure is 190-240 ° C.

cake baking temperature


The most delicate biscuit dough is loved by all fans of baking. It should be cooked at a temperature of 190-200 ⁰. Thin cakes, with a thickness of not more than 1 cm, bake for 10-20 minutes. Large products - 35-50 minutes. Large cupcakes with raisins - one hour.

Meat and fish

The operating mode of the oven is set depending on the type of filling and the degree of its readiness. If it is raw, then the regulator should be set to an average indicator so that the cake is baked evenly with the filling and does not burn on the outside. Baking with ready-made ingredients is prepared as usual.

The temperature for baking fish pie in the oven with raw filling is 170-200 ° C. Time is one hour. Raw minced meat pie should be baked with the same indicators.

With fruits and vegetables

At what temperature does the cake bake in the oven? If we are talking about baking with vegetable or fruit raw filling, then this is 170-180 ⁰. Cooking time - 30-40 minutes.

baking temperature of yeast cake

Useful Tips

In order to make the pastry tasty, with a well-baked dough and filling, use a few simple tips:

  1. Using an electric oven is much more convenient than using a gas oven. The electric oven has heating elements from below and above, and even on the sides. They can be included in any configuration. In addition, most appliances are equipped with a timer and a full-time thermostat. The last device turns on and off the heating elements so that the temperature in the oven is maintained at the same level.
  2. The baking temperature of the yeast cake is 180 ° C. Like many types of other pastries. This is the best indicator at which you can bake any kind of dough. Some of them will turn out a little worse than they could, but overall this is a safe option.
  3. Oven heating takes 15-20 minutes.
  4. The cake pan cannot be placed on the bottom of the oven. So from below the baking will burn. The mold must be installed either on the wire rack or on the baking sheet.
  5. In order to get a delicious golden crust and not to dry the dough, the baking must be moistened. Achieve this in many ways. Some cooks put a container of water at the bottom of the oven and remove it 10 minutes before being cooked. Others grease the cakes in the middle of the process with milk, water, or water with sugar. Some cooks, after they have taken out the pastries, sprinkle it with water and cover it with a towel so that it dries under hot steam.
  6. Do not open the oven too often. From this, the temperature drops and the dough falls. When choux pastry is baked, opening the oven is prohibited.
  7. Do not slam the oven door. From this, the dough also falls.
  8. Readiness is checked with a match or a toothpick - if there are no sticky traces on a wooden stick, then the baking is ready.
  9. The baking sheet cannot be placed close to the back wall, as there must be space for air circulation.
  10. To get a crispy crust on a large cake, it is slowly brought to readiness, and then the temperature is added and baked for another 4-5 minutes.
  11. In dark and dull forms, cakes reach readiness faster.
  12. After cooking, leave the baked goods in the cooling oven with the door open for a few minutes.

All delicious baking!


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