"Droplet" - a polycarbonate greenhouse

The growing season of vegetables is just around the corner, and many summer residents are thinking about buying a greenhouse for themselves. Polycarbonate greenhouses are popular, and this is no accident: the material is very practical and convenient to use. The positive qualities that polycarbonate possesses are famous throughout the world, but it can be difficult to distinguish material, and you have to resort to the help of professionals. There are a lot of fakes on the market for such products, so you need to be extremely careful in choosing a greenhouse.

greenhouses polycarbonate droplet

Right choice

It is worth taking a look at the prices of polycarbonate - it’s best not to take a very cheap product made in China, since it has many disadvantages. If the material is quite light, then this indicates its poor quality, maybe it is made even from recycled materials. In the production of such polycarbonate, most standards have likely been violated, and it will not last long. Naturally, such material will differ significantly in price. Today, many Chinese companies take the names of famous world brands, but do not buy it - it's better to look at other types of greenhouses.

Signs of quality polycarbonate

The first step is to ask the seller about the availability of a certificate, he must be present for each type of such material. Then try to crush the polycarbonate with your hand, it should be fairly hard to the touch. If you buy material via the Internet, check the service life and guarantees on the official website, then you will be protected from fakes and you will be able to present something guaranteed to the manufacturer. If the official site does not exist, or it does not inspire confidence in you, then it will be better to immediately abandon the purchase.

A good and high-quality polycarbonate, in addition to the main ribs, also has transverse ribs, which serve as additional durable material and increase its service life. If they are absent, then in a year your greenhouse will begin the irreversible process of destruction, however, you will not be able to prove anything to the manufacturer, so check everything in advance.

greenhouse droplet reviews

Polycarbonate Features

For the construction of different types of greenhouses and greenhouses, a special type of polycarbonate is used, and it differs from that which goes to arbors and other types of buildings. Firstly, this is not a fragile material, it is very durable, for comparison, it is two hundred times stronger than glass. Secondly, it has excellent light transmission, which is favorable for the greenhouse. Thirdly, it perfectly retains heat, without which it is also simply impossible to do in a greenhouse. Its fourth advantage is that it is very light and easily bent, it can take the desired shape. Well, the fifth one is that it is well washed and after any contamination it is very easy to clean.

Why is polycarbonate used for greenhouses?

The very purpose of the greenhouse is to grow a good full crop, and this requires favorable conditions. The function of sheltering seedlings on cool spring nights, protection from strong ultraviolet radiation - all this is the work of the greenhouse. With proper and proper care of plants, you can get a good harvest.

greenhouse drop

What kind of droplet?

The greenhouse received the interesting name “Droplet” due to its shape resembling a drop of water. It is this form that distinguishes it from many others and makes it suitable for installation in areas where a large amount of rainfall occurs. The roof in the form of a drop does not allow the snow to linger for a long time and improves its rapid descent. Naturally, this affects the material well, as a rule, its service life is extended. “Droplet” is a factory-made greenhouse with a durable frame and high-quality polymer coating.

greenhouse droplet from the manufacturer

Assembly "Droplets"

Getting started assembling your greenhouse, use the advice of professionals. If you are not an ace in construction, it would be better to invite someone to help. At the first stage, of course, the frame is assembled, after completion of the assembly, polycarbonate is cut. Only after all measurements can you start laying it, it will be correct to stack it with an overlap, using screws of various lengths for fastening. For each self-tapping screw, it is best to purchase a rubber gasket in advance, which will not allow sliding and will further strengthen the assembly site without damaging the material itself.

When installing the "Droplet" polycarbonate greenhouse, remember that the material will naturally expand and contract. Choose only high-quality mounts. Today, many stores offer self-tapping screws with heat-resistant washers, you can use these and improve the quality of work.

greenhouse droplet heavy duty

Greenhouse "Droplet": reviews

Many brands offer us the purchase of greenhouses of various shapes and designs. Why is it worth stopping at the “Droplet,” and how did it conquer gardeners? There are a lot of reviews about this building, almost all of them are positive. Greenhouse "Droplet" reviews earned positive due to its characteristics. Gardeners distinguish the following advantages:

  • This model with a durable frame and high-quality polymer coating does not require regular removal of snow mass in winter. Thanks to the teardrop shape, snow does not linger on the surface.
  • The greenhouse "Droplet" from the manufacturer due to the steel 2-meter inserts is extended to the desired size. Using special partitions, you can delimit the internal space.
  • The greenhouse "Droplet" from the manufacturer is guaranteed to have no gaps or crevices.
  • In the end parts there are doors with windows, which greatly facilitates the care of plants and makes it possible to control the temperature regime inside.
  • The Droplet greenhouse is heavy-duty, it is equipped with all the elements necessary for assembly. These include a base of 20 × 30 × 1.5 mm, foundation stakes that allow you to install the structure directly on the ground.

"Droplet" is a greenhouse in which very convenient snow slope function. In the harsh conditions of Siberia, it is an almost indispensable design. Weather conditions do not always allow you to grow crops without a greenhouse, and therefore every second acquires such an assistant in the household. “Droplet” (greenhouse) is a unique, strong and durable product made of polycarbonate. The crop grown in it will always please with its abundance, and it takes up not so much space, it is very compact and convenient, which is why it is very popular.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39080/

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