How to braid two braids on the sides: tips

For many millennia, braids have been an integral part of the image of any girl. Hundreds of secrets and methods of weaving braids stretch from around the world , which differ from each other in unique beauty, sophistication and skill. If such a hairstyle causes delight among others, then those craftsmen who are able to weave unusually beautiful braids aroused envy and popularity. However, one braid is good, and two is even better, so the question arises of how to make two braids on the sides and what types are.

two pigtails on the sides

Spikelet weaving on the sides

Simple weaving requires good efforts so that the pigtails for a long time kept in their original form. Therefore, two pigtails "spikelet" on the sides should weave with well-combed strands.

Step 1. With a thin comb, divide the hair into two parts with a straight part. While one side is braided, it is necessary to stab the second with clips so that the hair does not interfere with the work.

Step 2. The left parting must be divided into two parts.

Step 3. Weaving begins with two strands that lie on each other with a cross, while it is important to maintain the middle of the weaving with the thumb. Continuing to weave the spikelet, you need to capture small strands from each part, while weaving is carried out strictly inside the pigtails.

Important! During weaving, it is necessary to try to tighten each strand as much as possible in order to give the spikelet delicacy at the very end. A well-tightened pigtail will last on the model from several hours to a whole day.

Step 4. Fasten the pigtail with small hairpins or hairpins so that the hair does not fall out near the back of the head.

Step 5. Give the tracery. Each strand, starting from the top, needs to be let out a little forward, slowly moving to the very last strands, while carefully supporting the tip of the spikelet. Repeat on the other side, and then fix with varnish.

how to braid two braids on the sides

Unusual hairstyle. Side braids

So, how to braid two braids on the sides so that they look original and beautiful?

Step 1. Divide the hair with a vertical parting into two parts, while combing each side well. One part must be secured with a hairpin, and on the second, make a high ponytail on its side and tighten with a tight elastic band.

Step 2. The tail is also divided into two parts. We twist light bundles from parts so that the hair is tightly twisted, but it does not curl into a spring. Carefully supporting, the harnesses must be braided, like ordinary braids, and secured with a rubber band.

Step 3. Repeat on the other side. Fix with varnish.

hairstyle two pigtails on the sides

Two ponytails

When a girl asks herself: how to braid two pigtails on the sides independently, the image of a beautiful French braid always comes, but often not everyone can make straight, neat and the same braids on their own, so you can resort to lighter options that will add romance and playfulness to the image.

So, we will weave two braids on the sides according to the following algorithm:

Step 1. Make an even vertical parting, secure one part with a hairpin. Those who want variety can be done with a zigzag parting instead of a vertical one.

Step 2. Gather a tight high tail. It is important that the tail is tight. After that, divide it into two more parts. Start weaving the spikelet so that the strands go from bottom to top.

Step 3. Carefully supporting the tip of the finished pigtail, begin to slightly release the strands around the spikelet to get a beautiful openwork. Gently tie the pigtail with a tight rubber band or hairpin.

Step 4. Repeat with the other side. Fix with varnish.

two pigtails spikelet on the sides

Tip for beginners

Those who are just learning to weave two pigtails on the sides, you need to remember that you should not go on the first stages of training to complex techniques. It takes time, practice and technique of perfect hand movements to make braids uniform, dense and beautiful, and all this can be achieved only by constant attempts to weave light pigtails, such as a spikelet, fish tail or Russian braid.

Russian braid - an easy option for everyday hairstyles, as well as for beginners

Two braids on the sides can be braided as follows:

Step 1. Spread the hair evenly into two parts with a vertical parting. Set aside one side and stab with a hairpin.

Step 2. Divide one side into three parts, while counting the locks from left to right.

Step 3. Strand No. 1 passes between No. 2 and No. 3, then strand No. 3 passes between No. 2 and No. 1, and then strand No. 2 passes between No. 1 and No. 3. Continue weaving along the entire length. Repeat on the other side.

Step 4. Fix the tip of one braid with a hairpin or invisible at the base of the second braid and vice versa. Fix hairdo with varnish.

two pigtails on the sides are long

Pair fishtail

Two pigtails on the sides for long hair will be a great weekend option that even a beginner can braid. Although this hairstyle requires tight weaving, it looks very elegant and amazing. The image will resemble a real Mermaid from fairy tales.

So, to braid two pigtails on the sides long, you need to act according to the following plan:

Step 1. Carefully combing, the hair must be distributed in two using a vertical parting. To keep the pigtail for a long time, you can fix it with a thin tight elastic band near the base. It is important to remember that one part must be stabbed with a hairpin while one side is braided so that the hair does not interfere with work.

Step 2. Weaving should be based on very thin strands, so the fishtail pigtail belongs to hairstyles that require long work and patience. Next, you need to take the strand on the right side of the tail and throw it to the left, repeat the opposite: take the strand on the left side and throw it to the right. Repeat for the entire length of the hair.

Advice! To prevent the fishtail from blooming during the day, it is necessary to tighten the strands as tight as possible, and fasten the base of the pigtail with a thin and tight elastic band. Then you can go to the other side and fix with hairspray.

two pigtails on the sides for long hair

A few rules to observe when weaving braids

To beautifully braid two pigtails on the sides, you need to listen to the following tips:

  1. Before you start weaving, you need to comb your hair well. If they are not thick, then there will be no problems in inventing a hairstyle for a modest length, but for long hair it is necessary to comb each strand separately. With thick curls, for convenience, you can fix each strand with hairpins so that they do not interfere with weaving.
  2. Do not braid braids on wet hair. Firstly, it severely injures them along their entire length. Secondly, during weaving, discomfort will occur, as wet hair will constantly stick to your hand.
  3. You need to start weaving with lighter patterns, and then switch to complex hairstyles. Good pigtails require proven dexterity of fingers and a lot of patience.

how to make two pigtails on the sides

Pigtail waterfall. 5 minutes and you're done

Step 1. Spread the hair with a vertical parting into two parts. Comb each side well so that your hair is smooth. If they are naturally wavy, then it is best to start working as a rectifier.

Advice! Pigtail-waterfall, although it does not require a long time for weaving, but, however, to keep the hairstyle for a long time, you need to be well prepared. For example, before you start weaving, you can apply a small amount of hair styling products to your hair, but not varnish! The varnish only fixes the already prepared hairstyle, and the styling agent (spray, mousse) will help to make the hairstyle neat and durable from the first stages of weaving.

Step 2. Comb the strand near the temple and divide it into three parts to start weaving the classic Russian braid. The weave should extend exactly to the parting.

Step 3. At each braid weaving, it is necessary to add a thin strand from the top of the head so that it passes through and gives the impression of a falling waterfall.

Step 4. Once the pigtail is ready, you need to fix it with a thin rubber band near the parting and invisible, and then repeat the steps on the other side.

Step 5. To fix a hairdress with a varnish.

two pigtails on the sides

Simple pigtail or french? Better all together

A great option for long hair for every day, where two types of braids are intertwined with each other in a single whole.

Step 1. Divide the hair into two parts. We do not touch one side yet, but only fix it with a hairpin.

Step 2. We divide a small lock near the face into three parts and begin to weave a vertical pigtail, periodically adding thin locks. As soon as the pigtail is ready, it is necessary to fix it with an elastic band.

Step 3. We divide the remaining hair into three parts and continue to weave a classic Russian braid, and then again it needs to be fixed with an elastic band and fixed with varnish.

Advice! You can let out several locks from the combined pigtail, giving chaos and negligence to the image.

Hairstyle "Two pigtails on the sides" will be an original option for every day. She will cause admiration and envy among others!


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