Do you know what defamation is?

From television screens and in the press, the word “discrediting”, which came to the Russian language from French, often sounds quite cutting. Discréditer in translation means "undermine confidence." In this article we will present the word "discredit" with detailed information that will be of interest to the reader.

What is discredit?

Discredit is a sociological, economic, and political term. Therefore, in order to know exactly what discrediting is, we turn for help to explanatory dictionaries and dictionaries of economic and political terms.

What is discredit

Discrediting is a complex of measures, the purpose of which is to humiliate, weaken authority, image; undermining trust. This term is mostly negative in color.

For instance:

  • What is discrediting power? Crime against the state or expression of citizenship?
  • Discrediting as a method of competition is often used by dishonest partners. This is a simple and effective way to eliminate an opponent.

Discrediting authority

What is discrediting power? The term began to be used by political scientists in the Soviet Union and denoted the actions of an official aimed at undermining the authority of the ruling bodies. Such behavior is criminally punishable and is regarded as abuse of entrusted power.

Morphological features

Since the word “discredit” answers the question “what?”, It is a noun, moreover a common noun, inanimate. It is also a feminine noun.

The word we are considering consists of thirteen letters and fourteen sounds: the letter "I", standing in position after another vowel, gives two sounds.

Since the word has six vowels, it can be divided into six syllables, of which the fourth is stressed.

Who or what can be discredited?

What nouns are combined with the verb "discredit" and the noun "discredit" derived from it?

Power, authority, trust, person, competitors, opponent, deputy, director, president, girl, man, ancestors.

Discredit: synonyms

Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same meaning. Often synonyms help convey to a person the meaning of what was said in simpler and more understandable words.

Discredit: synonyms

Discredit is:

  • defamement;
  • blackening;
  • slander;
  • dishonor;
  • compromising;
  • oohai.

We hope that after reading the article it will become more clear to you what discrediting is.


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