How to send files by e-mail and how convenient it is

With the development of technology, many people on our planet have forgotten about pens and sheets of paper and use a monitor and keyboard. Network users want to not only communicate, but often wonder how to send files by e-mail, for example, text or video / audio. We will try to help them in this.

What is the advantage of the virtual world?

how to send files by email
The Internet provides many opportunities for obtaining various information as well as knowledge. In addition, this technology allows you to quickly share information with relatives or friends who live far away. Now, instead of a long job search and unnerving many interviews, you can simply send your employer a resume using a computer.

Earnings at home and remote collaboration are also features of the Internet and email. Correspondence in this case is similar to traditional, unless transferred to the electronic plane. However, we were a little distracted, let's look at how to transfer the file by mail. After all, this issue worries a lot of people, and in particular beginners. To get started, let's decide on the most common emails.

how to send a file via mail

More about service

In this mail service, the maximum size of an outgoing or incoming message is 18 megabytes. It is impossible to say in one word how to send a file via mail. The fact is that one letter can be accompanied by only one file. If you need to send large amounts of information through, then you can use the e-Disk service. Thanks to him, you can send archives, the size of which reaches 1.5 gigabytes.

Another minus is that large materials can only be sent to @ The e-Disk server stores files for a maximum of a week, and if you do not go to your own mailbox, then for 90 days it blocks all incoming letters.

How to send files by e-mail using

In this mail service, the base size is 10 gigabytes. The maximum message size is indicated at around 30 megabytes, but practice suggests that you can send only 22 megabytes. The main disadvantage of Mail.Ru is the short life of a single mailbox. If the owner does not visit the mail for more than 3 months, it can be deleted or blocked.

A separate inconvenience lies in the fact that while sending a letter to the Mail.Ru service, it certainly "catches" some kind of advertisement. It should also be said that this service has a weak anti-spam filter.

What is good about Gmail?

how to attach a file in mail
As you probably already guessed, then we will talk about mail from Google. Here, the maximum size of one letter is 25 MB. Gmail has good anti-spam protection, but sometimes it does not respond correctly to letters sent through the server of a regular provider or hoster. The interface is intuitive, and it will tell you how to send files by e-mail, for example your favorite photos.

Gmail has a very convenient feature that saves the user time - viewing sent documents is carried out directly in the browser. This solution is incredibly convenient, especially in the case of a slow connection.

How to attach a file in Yandex mail

According to many users, it is currently most convenient to use Yandex-mail. A mailbox can work with the largest possible size of files that can be sent (we are talking about 30 megabytes in one letter). In addition, there is a special service called β€œDisk” - with it you can send large files up to 5 gigabytes in size.

Yandex got a convenient interface for downloading files. Additional features of his mail include high-quality antispam and a quick search for letters. The server can also allow viewing received files directly in the browser.

how to transfer a file by mail


Are you still wondering how to send files by email? Then we pass to the main thing. We go into the mail, create a new letter, click on the "attach file" button. The browser window opens. In it we find the necessary document, click the "Open" button, after which this document is inserted into our letter. Next, select the recipient and click the "Send" button.

We emphasize that the file type in most cases does not matter. You can, for example, send ordinary documents or video materials. Another important point: some electronic mail services block files that have extensions: reg, bat or exe. However, you can send them by compressing previously in a ZIP format.

Benefits of Email

Today there are a large number of services that allow you to share files. We are talking about file hosting and programs with which thousands of people communicate: Skype, ICQ. The problem of file hosting is that to get the maximum transfer speed you need to deposit a certain amount of money. And ICQ and Skype are not as widespread as email, so it can still be called a leader among the means of exchanging information.


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