Domracheva Daria: biography, personal life and awards. Biography of the Belarusian biathlete Daria Domracheva

The famous biathlete Domracheva Daria was born in Minsk at the time. Her biography can tell about victories and defeats, ups and downs. When the girl was 4 years old, the family had to move to live in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. They lived in Nyagan for almost 15 years because the mother of Daria was the main architect of the city. Just at that time, he was just starting to be completely built up.

It was here that Darra Domracheva began to engage in sports. Her biography suggests that at first the girl’s brother enrolled in the ski section, and in 1992 she decided to follow him. The trainer of Daria was Andrey Doroshenko, he immediately noticed the girl’s potential. In 1999, a biathlon school was opened in Nyagan. Dasha was very interested, and she signed up for training one of the first. The first coach was Albert Musin.

In 2004, Darraia Domracheva, whose biography is described in this article, decided to return to her hometown - Minsk. The coaches invited her to the Belarus biathlon team, and the girl agreed with pleasure, because she always dreamed of playing for her native land. By the way, her brother Nikita decided to go the other way, he adopted the profession of parents and became an architect.

Daria Domracheva: biography. general information

Domracheva Daria biography

In 2005, Finland hosted the World Junior Championships. This was the first start in which Darraia Domracheva participated. The biography of the athlete can tell that it was there that she won the pursuit and sprint. True, in the individual race such an excellent result could not be achieved, she took 40th place. This happened for the reason that at one of the next lines the diopter fell off. As a result, all five shots ended in misses. These are such annoying oversights made by Daria Domracheva. A biography in Belarusian about her, by the way, is available on many relevant resources.

In 2006, the athlete showed a better result. In the USA, she took 3rd place in the pursuit, and in the individual 4th.

In 2007, Daria twice climbed the honorary podium at the junior championship in Italy. According to the results of the sprint and the pursuit race, she won second place.

Championships and career cups of Daria Domracheva

biography of Daria Domracheva

- 2006 year. Biography of Daria Domracheva for this period includes a debut at the World Cup. In the sprint race, Daria showed a good result. She took 16th place. In total, 5 athletes from Belarus participated in the cup, among them in the second place was Daria Domracheva, a brief biography of which is described in this article.

- 2006-2007 year. This season, the girl first got into the adult biathlon. In the final standings, she managed to take 22nd place.

- 2008-2009 year. Daria became a famous athlete. She was included in the list of 10 best biathletes from around the world. Of course, sometimes in the championships a girl made mistakes and admits this. For example, in the German Oberhof, I remember, she made two rather annoying mistakes. Then Daria never hit the target for the reason that she shot while standing, and not lying, as expected. This led to the fact that she simply lost the race.

- 2009-2010 The biography of Daria Domracheva for this period is perhaps the most striking segment of the athlete's career. It seemed that everything unpleasant was behind, and luck began to smile at the girl. Daria won the sprint (Kontialahti), and also got silver for an excellent result in the individual race (Holmenkollen).

- 2011-2012 In the overall standings of the World Cup, Domracheva scored 1188 points, which brought her second place. The first place went to the German athlete Magdalena Neuer, she scored 1216 points. It is worth noting that Daria was quite a bit lacking in leadership, but the girl was incredibly glad and in second place. This was her personal little (whether?) Victory.

- 2013-2014 This season can safely be called a triumph. According to its results, the girl deservedly won an honorary award - a small Crystal Globe.

Large crystal globe

Daria Domracheva short biography

The biathlon season of 2014-2015 ended for the athlete with another victory. She went around all her rivals, climbed the pedestal (his highest level) and, finally, received the award she dreamed of - a large crystal globe.

Results of the World Cup 2014-2015:

  • Daria Domracheva - 1092 points.
  • Finnish athlete Kaisa Mäkäräinen - 1044 points.
  • Valentina Semerenko (Ukrainian) - 865 points.

Olympic Games

Daria Domracheva biography personal life

In 2010, Daria was 23 years old. It was then that she managed to win her first Olympic award. In the individual 15 km race, the girl received a well-deserved bronze medal.

Another 4 years passed, and Daria Domracheva again decided to try her hand at the Olympic Games in Sochi. It was a real triumph of the athlete. Nobody has seen such a result yet. Five days of competition ended with three victories of the girl. Three consecutive victories is simply a grand result. She is the first woman in biathlon to succeed.

Gold medals :

  1. First gold. 10 km pursuit. At the start, Daria was the ninth, but she quickly managed to get around her rivals and win.
  2. Second gold. Individual 15 km race. The girl simply did not leave a chance to her rivals and won with a big difference in points.
  3. Third gold. Mass start at 12.5 km. Just one miss at four firing lines - an excellent result.

In Sochi, Daria Domracheva managed to break the Olympic record, which was previously set by biathlete Katie Wilhelm. In addition, it was she who became the first three-time champion in the world.

Major victories

Daria Domracheva biography in Belarusian

Here is a list of the athlete’s main victories:

  1. The first three-time Olympic champion (2014), a bronze medal at the Olympics in 2010 in Vancouver.
  2. Two-time world champion in biathlon. 2012 - Germany, the pursuit. 2013 - Czech Republic, mass start.
  3. Silver medalist of the world biathlon championships. 2008 - Sweden, mixed relay. 2011 - Russia, mass start. 2012 - Germany, sprint.
  4. Bronze medalist of the world biathlon championship. 2011 - Russia, mass start.
  5. Small crystal globe - season 2010-2011, season 2011-2012, season 2013-2014.
  6. Large Crystal Globe - 2014-2015 in the overall World Cup.

Education: interesting facts

Daria Domracheva biography general information

Daria really devoted a lot of time to sports. She seemed to have practically no free time. No one expected that a great athlete would also be a diligent student.

In 2009, Daria defended her thesis with a degree in Economics and Tourism Management. However, the athlete decided not to stop at this and immediately submitted documents to the university in order to receive a second higher education, but already in the specialty “Commercial Law”.

Video diary

biography of Belarusian biathletes Daria Domracheva

Daria does not hide anything from her life. It is for this reason that she decided to make a film in the format of a video diary. In it, the girl tells in detail how her career began, what mistakes she made, what feelings she experienced after the first victories. The world of big sport on one palm through the eyes of Daria Domracheva.

An exciting story that proves that the athlete was not so easy to win. The main point is that you always need to work hard in order to achieve what you want with all your heart.

Title of honor

On February 17, 2014, the President of Belarus issued an order. For excellent achievements in sports and high skill in her work, Domracheva Daria was awarded the honorary title - “Hero of Belarus”. In the entire history of the country, she became the first woman to win this title. Daria and her family are very proud of this. This is another proof that you need to fight for victory and make every effort to achieve your goal.

Holmenkollen Medal

Daria Domracheva also earned Norway's highest recognition for skiing achievements. This medal began to be handed over to athletes since 1895. In the entire history of sports, only 8 athletes deserved it, and Daria was among them. Her outstanding achievements did not go unnoticed.

Daria Domracheva: biography, personal life, awards

The personal life of celebrities is full of rumors and speculation. Most often they are unfounded, and the information is taken from nowhere. Daria Domracheva did not stay away.

The media and fans did not leave the girl alone. All for the reason that she did not tell anyone about her personal life. There were many rumors that Daria was having an affair with Ole Bjerndalen, who is recognized as the “king of biathlon”. Some even said that he divorced his wife only in order to marry Domracheva. Dmitry Guberniev was especially “worried” about this. At each broadcast from the women's biathlon, he mentioned the “biathlon wedding”. However, the rumors were just empty phrases.

The biography of the Belarusian biathlete Darya Domracheva says that very often in the media there were photos of Darya with Maxim Subbotin, who is the director. Sometimes they tried to hint at their romance. However, this is also just a rumor. Maxim and Daria are just friends, he helped the girl to make a film, which was released in 2010. So we can safely say that personal feelings can not be discussed here.

No matter what they say, Daria still has not found her life partner. At least she is not married. The girl herself really does not like it when they interfere in her personal life and spread empty rumors. Although she was very amused by the gossip about the wedding. The girl was surprised, but laughed heartily. Daria told the media that when she decides to get married, she will definitely tell this news to everyone who is interested.


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