Hairstyle bump on long and medium hair. Beautiful female hairstyles

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the bump hairstyle has again turned from a comfortable home styling into the main trend of this season. The speed of this hairstyle is an indisputable plus for any modern woman who values ​​her personal time and scrupulously refers to her appearance. The stars on the carpet every now and again demonstrate how this styling forms an elegant and natural look, regardless of the style of the chosen outfit, and urban fashionistas beat a stylish bun of hair in combination with everyday and simple things. The main advantage of this styling is that it suits almost everyone, regardless of age and shape of the face. The only criterion for creating a bump hairstyle will be the length of the hair. If your hair is up to your shoulders and below, our article is specially for you.

Bump hairstyle

Originally from antiquity

It is difficult to imagine when exactly this hairstyle appeared. It seems that as soon as women began to grow long hair, a problem immediately appeared: they need to be removed from the face to open a review and get rid of interfering curls. A variety of bump hairstyle options are found on medieval fashionistas and on the heads of Asian beauties looking from ancient canvases.

Nowadays, fashion for this styling was introduced by athletes and dancers. Today it is impossible to imagine a more suitable hairstyle for gymnastics or ballet. Earlier, hair tightly tied at the back of the head was additionally fixed by putting on special mesh with elastic. Time has passed, and now many women enjoy using simple secrets from the past to form everyday hairstyles at home.

Hairstyle for athletes and dancers

  1. Comb your hair back and pull it into a high ponytail with a thin but strong elastic.
  2. Put a little styling on the tail, comb and twist into a tight straight tourniquet.
  3. Wrap the tourniquet tightly around the gum and pin the tail with a few invisible ones.
  4. To make the bob hairstyle hold on better, stick a few more invisibilities into it in those places where it is adjacent to the head.
  5. Fix hairdo with hair spray.

If you have thick long hair and want the hairstyle to last all day unchanged, fix it additionally with a second elastic band over the already finished form.

Newfangled way

For a quick and convenient formation of bumps from hair, many devices have already been invented. Special bagels are especially popular this season. Hairstyle cone with a donut can be varied, depending on the location of the donut on the head, its size and your imagination. There are several ways to don a bagel. We will tell you about several of them.

Bagel with tucked hair.

Bump hairstyle
  1. Gather your hair in a high ponytail and pull it tight with a thin elastic band.
  2. Pass the tail into the bagel and lower it to the gum.
  3. Carefully place the hair on top of the bagel in such a way as to hide underneath its entire base.
  4. Using a thin comb, start combing the ends of the hair in a circle while tucking them under the bagel.
  5. When all the tips are hidden, fasten the bottom of the donut with invisibility, and spray on the hairspray to fix it.

Bagel with a scythe

Another interesting way to make a beautiful hairstyle with a donut.

Cone with bagel
  1. Comb your hair into a high ponytail and secure with a thin rubber band.
  2. Put the bagel on the ponytail and lower it down to the gum.
  3. Place the hair on top of the bagel so that it covers its entire surface.
  4. Comb the hair on the bagel and put on top of it, another thin elastic band.
  5. Loose the ends of the hair, braid in one or several braids, and close the elastic with them, using invisibility to fix.
Pine cone

Such a hairstyle with a bump on long hair is perfect.

Wrapped bagel

  1. As in the first two examples, comb the hair into a ponytail and secure with an elastic band.
  2. Put the bagel on the tip of the ponytail and cover it with strands of hair.
  3. Holding your hands above your head, gently start twisting the bagel towards the head so that the hair is evenly wound around it.
  4. When reaching the base of the tail, fix the bump with a few invisible ones.

A bump made in this way has a slightly eccentric splendor. To give it additional openwork, you can stretch out some strands with your fingers.

Scandinavian motives

Fashion for braids and all kinds of weaving gave us a lot of old styles, beaten in a completely new way. One of such beautiful hairstyles is a bump with a slanting spikelet. Spikelets in this case can be located on the sides of the head or behind, directly under the bump. We will consider how to make the second option.

Back weave
  1. Clean and dry hair must be combed gently, with your head tilted forward. The hair should hang freely, and not scatter on both sides of the head.
  2. In this position, starting from the hairline at the neck and moving to the back of the head, braid the braid using the spikelet technique.
  3. Tighten the hair on the back of your head in a tight ponytail and form from it such a bump that you like best.
Two checkers with weaving on the back

For the bump itself, you can use a bagel or curl your hair with a tourniquet. Young girls may also like a hairstyle of two cones, complemented by such an unusual weaving on the back.

Bump with loose hair

Another example of a hairstyle in which weaving and a bundle are perfectly adjacent to the back of the head. Such a hairdo with a bump with your own hands is done very simply.

Hair with a bump
  1. Clean, dry hair should be carefully combed and divided into two parallel partings at the top of the head. This part of the hair will be braided into a braid, because the further partings are placed from each other, the wider the braid will turn out.
  2. Braid the braid spikelet, moving from the face back. In the neck area, secure the braid with a tight thin elastic band.
  3. Twist the hair into a braid or form a bump with a donut.
  4. Loose hair will look best with a light curl at the ends, or with perfect straightening.
Loose hair and bump

A bump for a girl’s hair can be decorated with a beautiful hairpin or bow. Also, bright thin ribbons woven directly into the braid will look very original.

Pigtail cone

This method of forming hairstyles will add playfulness and immediacy to the image. Thus, you can perform as one cone, and several. We will consider the implementation of hairstyles as an example of two cones on the sides of the head. This styling method is perfect for teenage girls or very young girls.

Two cone braids
  1. Gently comb clean and dry hair and separate in the middle of the head with even parting.
  2. Gather the hair on one side in a tight ponytail and tighten with a thin rubber band. On the second side, exactly the same tail is formed, at the same level with the first.
  3. On each of their tails, braid two pigtails. It can be either ordinary braids or braids using the Spikelet technique. To give braids openwork along the entire length, you need to carefully pull each lock outward. When the braids are ready, tighten each with a thin rubber band at the end to secure them. Silicone rubbers are best suited for this.
  4. To form a bump, throw one of the braids over the base of the tail and secure with invisibility. Fix the second pigtail in the same way, but under the elastic of the tail. If the braids are long, transfers can be done several times in a circle. The second bump is formed in exactly the same way.
  5. Pigtails of braids fill inside the bumps and fix the finished hairstyle with invisibility. For additional fixing, you can use hair spray.

If you don’t have enough invisibles at your disposal, you can fasten your hair with several thin elastic bands. Also, small beautiful hair clips, ribbons, or bows are well suited for this purpose.

How to make a bump hairstyle from harnesses

Most often, such a bump is not done too high. She looks great on long smooth hair. If your curls have the property of curling, before performing such styling, they should be straightened with an iron.

  1. Gently comb clean, dry hair and collect in a low ponytail, securing with a thin rubber band.
  2. Divide the tail into two equal parts. Twist both parts into tight harnesses and twist the harnesses together.
  3. Wrap the twisted tail around the elastic several times and secure with a few invisible ones.
  4. Hide the protruding locks under the bump or inside it and also pin it with hairpins or invisible.

To make the hairstyle last longer, you can additionally strengthen it using hair spray or any styling.

We hope our article was useful to you.


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