How to cook peas, pea soup and pea puree? Little tricks for housewives

Peas are an incredibly tasty, satisfying and healthy product. From it you can create dozens of rich dishes. But not all housewives willingly undertake their preparation. This is due to the fact that peas can quickly boil, burn or even remain dry. Why deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying a delicious dish, if you can just learn a few simple rules about how and how much to cook peas?

green pea

Interesting Facts

Before talking about how long it takes to cook peas, it is worth listing a few facts that we know about this unique product:

  • Peas - a vegetable from the legume family, which is very good for health. It contains vegetable protein, minerals and vitamins.
  • Peas are incredibly nutritious and saturated. In 100 grams of the product, 310 calories are concentrated.
  • Raw peas are subject to long storage - from 1 to 2 years. A cooked product can be stored for up to 72 hours.
  • By nutrition and usefulness, it is able to replace some varieties of meat.

There are many first, second courses and even desserts that can be prepared from this unique vegetable. So it’s worth to understand in more detail how much to cook peas.


Soak peas before cooking. To do this, you need:

  1. Wash dried peas in cold running water.
  2. Go through it, throwing away all the garbage.
  3. Refill the peas with cold water and leave to soak for 5–8 hours. If necessary, you can change the water several times. Crushed peas can be soaked for one hour.

After this time, they should swell and increase in size.

For full cooking, you need to cook peas on low heat for 60-100 minutes. Then it can be used to make soup or vegetable puree.

It is required to strictly observe the temporary mode of soaking. Otherwise, the vegetable may turn sour.

Cooking without soaking

If there is no time for many hours of product storage in cold water, then pay attention to how and how much to cook peas without soaking.

You need to pour the beans into the bottom of the pan and pour them with cold water. During cooking, foam will appear. It must be carefully removed with a spoon. The cooking time of whole peas is 1.5-2 hours. The crushed product will be cooked within 30-40 minutes.


Many housewives are worried about how much to cook peas in the soup? During the above time, it will be necessary to cook the bean product together with the meat at the same time. 10-15 minutes before graduation, you can add onions, carrots or herbs.

It is not recommended to cook dry peas for more than 2 hours. Otherwise, it will fall apart and turn into porridge.

Little tricks

Many housewives have long been concerned about the question of how to cook peas in time and how much.

peas growing in the garden

We will tell you a few secrets that help reduce the cooking time:

  1. A pinch of salt is required in cold water. This alkaline substance accelerates the swelling process. Boil the vegetable several times faster. It is reasonable to use such a trick only when cooking chopped peas.
  2. It is recommended to cook it in a slow cooker. To do this, you need to pour 300 grams of the product with water and turn on the "Extinguishing" mode. In 60–90 minutes the dish will be ready.
  3. Try not to pour all the water into the peas at once, and gradually add 500 ml each. Frequency - 2 times per hour.
  4. It is also recommended to add a small amount of salt to the water, bring it to a boil, and only after that add a vegetable from the legume family there. Firstly, it will cook several times faster. Secondly, the dish will be more tender and aromatic.

Of course, the variety and type of peas plays an important role in this matter. For example, to reduce the cooking time of whole peas, most likely, will not work.

How to cook pea soup?

We should also talk about how much and how much to cook peas in the soup. It is worth noting that it lends itself to heat treatment in the first place. To get started, take 100-200 grams of the product and fill it with 1-2 liters of water. After 10-15 minutes, you can add chopped meat.

pea soup

The cooking time of peas also depends on the type of meat with which it is cooked. For example, chicken soup will be ready in 60 minutes. The total cooking time with pork or beef will be from 100 to 120 minutes.

While the pea and meat broth is cooked, you will need to finely chop the potatoes. It is added to the soup 30 minutes before the end of cooking.

How to cook pea puree?

All women know how to cook mashed potatoes. But not everyone knows how to cook chopped peas correctly and how much to cook pea puree. But this dish also has a pleasant taste and high coefficient of usefulness. To prepare it, you need:

  1. Rinse the vegetable thoroughly.
  2. Transfer it to a container. Enough 200-300 grams of product.
  3. Pour with clean water, in an amount of 1-1.5 liters.
  4. Now peas need to be cooked over low heat for 2 hours.
  5. Boiled vegetables must be crushed, salt and pepper.

The healthy dish is ready.

dry peas in a pack

It is worth mentioning how much to cook chopped peas in a slow cooker. Cooking in the "Extinguishing" mode lasts approximately 1 to 3 hours, depending on the power of the equipment.

Memo for housewives

Type of dishTotal cooking time
Dry peas without pre-soaking1.5-2 hours
Pre-soaked dry peas1-1.5 hours
Frozen peas5-7 minutes
Fresh peas10-12 minutes
Pea soup with meat2-3 hours
Pea mash2 hours

Vegetables belonging to the legume family are very nutritious, healthy and tasty. That is why every hearth keeper should know how much to cook peas.


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