Gooseberry tincture at home: recipe

Gooseberry tincture is an unusual berry drink. It can become a worthy decoration of the festive table, surprise and conquer guests, delight with its delicate taste and aroma. In addition, the tincture is very useful for the body, due to the content of the same substances that make up the berry: monosaccharides, folic acid, potassium, sodium, zinc salts and so on. Even a novice cook can cook it. But first things first.

How useful is gooseberry tincture?

This berry drink has an amazing composition. In addition to the already mentioned substances, it contains various vitamins (B and P), selenium, cobalt, sodium, ascorbic acid (4 times more than blueberries!), Iron. These substances are inherited from the berry on the basis of which it is prepared. Due to its rich composition, gooseberry tincture is capable of exerting a choleretic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-sclerotic effect on the human body. The presence of high-quality vodka in its composition does not detract from all these properties, but only strengthens them.

gooseberry tincture

Berry preparation

Before choosing a recipe for tinctures from gooseberries, you need to collect or purchase berries on the market. You should not buy it in the store, since a drink made from frozen fruits will not be very tasty. After the gooseberry is in the kitchen, it should be washed gently in running water. Rubbing with a sponge or brush is strictly not recommended, as the berry may burst. Instead, it is better to simply fill it with water, leaving it for 10-15 minutes. Then gently wash, discarding immediately all sick, rotten and damaged fruits. If there are ponytails, they can be carefully torn off. That's all - the preparation is complete.

gooseberry tincture recipe

What should be vodka?

To prepare tincture of gooseberries at home, in addition to berries, you still need to choose vodka. Whether you buy it in a store or do it yourself - this is not so important. The main thing is that it be really high quality. For example, you can purchase products of the following brands: “Stolichnaya”, “Five Lakes”, Finlandia, “Crystal”. These brands are inexpensive, but you can choose at your discretion.

Try not to use alcohol in the preparation of tincture, which already has additional ingredients. Painted or flavored options are not suitable for this. If you prepare a drink based on them, then the taste of the tincture will turn out completely unpredictable. Moreover, all the benefits that could be obtained from him will be minimized, if not zero.

gooseberry tincture at home recipe

Gooseberry tincture

A simple tincture of gooseberries at home is created from three main ingredients. You can take any berry - green, yellow or, with increased aesthetic demands, red.

It will be required:

  • any good vodka - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 0.45 kg;
  • gooseberries - 0.3 kg.

Practical part

Dip the prepared gooseberries in a three-liter glass jar, immediately sprinkling with sugar. Fill the container to the very top. Pour half of the vodka, cover and cover for 1 month in a dry, dark place. For the entire time 3-4 times, the tincture should be shaken well to completely dissolve the sugar. Then pour the liquid that appears in it from the can into the bottle. Pour vodka into it again, pour in the remaining sugar. Again, let it brew for 1 month. Mix two mixtures (from a can and from a bottle), strain, put in the refrigerator.

gooseberry tincture at home

Tincture of bread and gooseberries

The following recipe for gooseberry tincture at home can be used to add variety. If you are afraid that the drink will not taste good, try to prepare the experimental portion first. After, when you are convinced of its amazing qualities, you will already create it in large quantities.

The following ingredients will be required:

  • gooseberry - 2 kg;
  • good vodka - 2 l;
  • any jam - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • rye bread - 3 slices.

Cooking process:

Lubricate the bread with jam and dry a little in the oven or microwave. Transfer to a glass container. Pour gooseberries there. Pour the whole thing with vodka and remove for infusion for 4 months. At the end of the period, get and strain. Use tincture a little. If you cooked a little, you can not even put it away for storage.

gooseberry tincture at home simple

Raspberry and gooseberry tincture

But this drink turns out to be unusually tasty, strong enough, but not sweet. If you wish, you can not even add sugar to it. It will turn out as it should, and is perfect for fish dishes or meat. Recommended for use by all aesthetes and gourmets!

It will be required:

  • gooseberry - 2 kg;
  • ripe raspberries - 0.4 kg;
  • any vodka - 1.5 l;
  • sugar - as needed.

Cooking Method:

All berries must be carefully sorted, sent to a glass jar or bottle, corked and sent to a dark place (such as a closet or closet) for 3-4 weeks. Shake periodically (at least 1 time per week). Get, open, filter and try. If you want a sweeter, you can add 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and mix. Pass through cheesecloth again and bottle. Give rest 1-2 weeks. After this, the tincture can be consumed.

how to make gooseberry tincture

How to make tincture for medicinal purposes?

The article has already told you how to make gooseberry tincture with vodka for ordinary use. However, it can be prepared without alcohol to get rid of stomach pain, increase the outflow of bile, from sore throats and colds (in combination with honey), gargle, with gum disease, weight loss and increase immunity. It can also help treat tuberculosis, osteochondrosis, and arthritis. Only you need to cook it not from the berries of the plant, but from its leaves.

It will be required:

  • gooseberry leaves - from 0.5 to 1 tbsp. spoons;
  • boiled water - 2 glasses.

Way to create and use:

The first step is to collect the leaves. They must be intact, without stains and traces of damage. Rinse them thoroughly under a tap and place them on a piece of paper or newspaper. Wait until they are dry, grind into powder. Take the right amount of raw material and fill it in a glass jar, pour boiling water. Allow to stand for 5-7 hours. Drink 1/3 cup three times a day.

It is worth noting that this recipe very well helps with various diseases, but before using the tincture for medical purposes, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of its use. Do not forget that self-medication is harmful to health.

how to make gooseberry tincture


Before preparing a tincture of gooseberries, as well as before serving it on the table, you should find out if you or guests have any contraindications to its use. These include:

  • diabetes and peptic ulcer disease;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system or kidneys;
  • pancreatitis and gout;
  • allergy to a berry or other component.

If there is at least one of the diseases, then a drink made from gooseberries on vodka or water should be discarded, since it can aggravate the situation. Also, it is not worth drinking in large quantities. This can lead to frequent urination and, as a result, to dehydration. Be more attentive to your own health!

gooseberry tincture

Harvest in business!

As you can see, gooseberries are suitable not only for making jams, preserves, juices or compote, but also for various tinctures on vodka. Do not be afraid that after cooking drinks will be tasteless. This will not happen! They are refined, unique, able to give a feeling of freshness. Fill the body with various vitamins and, most importantly, remarkably improve mood.

It is easy to prepare tinctures, the main thing is to be patient. But you need to remember that during the transition of beneficial substances from berries to solution, they form unstable compounds that are destroyed by direct sunlight. Therefore, it is necessary to insist and store drinks in dark rooms.

To prevent the product from losing its useful properties, it is strictly forbidden to clean it with a charcoal filter. You need to do this the old fashioned way: insert a funnel in the neck, put gauze folded in 2-3 layers on it, and carefully pour the liquid. It should be stored exclusively in glass bottles or jars. Observance of all these simple rules will allow you to create truly tasty and healing tinctures. Bon Appetit!


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