Vitamins for hair growth: rating of the best, composition, instructions for use, reviews

Two hundred years ago, diagnoses such as osteoporosis, scurvy, anemia, and rickets were a sentence. At that time, no one meant that the whole problem was a lack of organic substances (vitamin), and later revealed a healthy number of 13 - that is how many vitamins should enter our body with food.

vitamins for hair growth rating of the best
Below is a complete list of vitamins for hair growth and pharmacy vita complexes.

The Devil's Dozen and Vitamins Myths

It is believed that if you are a vegetarian, there will be no shortage of nutrients and hypovitaminosis, however, only three vitamins live in fruit fruits, herbs and tubers, and we take the other ten with meat, cereals and dairy products. They will not be lacking if you literally live by the refrigerator and chew something all the time! For example, the daily intake of vitamin B1 is a loaf of rye bread.

A user rating of the best vitamins for hair growth 2017 shows that Alerana vitamins, calculated to increase the growth rate, increase the density of strands and stop baldness, are in the leading positions. It was found that when using the drug, salinity decreases, the static effect is removed and a healthy glow appears. Manufacturer - RF, Vertex company.

vitrum beauty instructions for use

It contains:

  • Vitamins - B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B8, B9, B10, B12, D3, N.
  • Minerals - chromium (Cr), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), selenium (Se), silicon (Si).
  • Amino acid - cysteine ​​(cysteine).

Vita-complex "Alerana" works much more effectively paired with shampoos and balms of this series. In addition to improving growth and recovery, it is widely used for baldness, depression, insomnia and for preventive purposes.

Recommendations for use :

Adults need to use Aleran vitamins one capsule twice a day. The usual course duration is three months. Combined use with shampoos and serums of this series is recommended.

Another popular and effective tool, according to trichologists, is the drug Inneov. Its exceptional composition has no hormones and has a beneficial effect on hair restoration, a constant increase in growth and protection from environmental influences. These are rather not vitamins, but a medicinal supplement that works thanks to a balanced formula developed on the basis of concentrated extracts from grapes and tea, as well as phytosterol, zinc and sulfonic acid. Manufacturer - France, Inneov companies with the support of Nestle and l'Oreal.

Complies with radiance
In one capsule:

  • Minerals - Mg, talc, Ca, zinc gluconate.
  • Alcoholic extract from grape seed and tea leaves.

"Inneyov: Thickness of hair", instructions for use of the drug:

It is recommended to take 2 pills after meals, 2 times a day.

Also, trichologists celebrate the Vitasharm complex. This biological product contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, it keeps mucous membranes in a normal state, improves the structure of hair and nails, protects the body from harmful environmental conditions and solar radiation, strengthens blood circulation, helps restore elasticity, flexibility of the skin and prevents aging. Manufacturer - Russia, Veropharm company. The complex contains vitamins - B1, B2, B5, B6, PP, A. Vitasharm hair preparation is recommended to be taken within one month, one tablet, once a day.

Attention! It is believed that vitamins can be stocked up - this is not true, because these elements are excreted from the body in five to six hours.

Some people think that if manufacturers hid all 13 vitamins in one tablet, then it is more useful than others, but there is a certain combination of vitamins, that is, they must be certain groups of B6, B12, C. And if the vitamins are all in one complex, then they are an organism not digestible.

It is believed that vitamin A needs special conditions. There is such a legend that they need to be eaten with something fatty and people begin to overeat fatty foods. But in fact, the intestine already contains enough fat for their absorption.

What vitamins to take for hair growth?

Hair condition, healthy shine, hair elasticity directly depends on the general tone of the body and physical well-being. And the most important hair group is B. It is found in foods such as:

  • meat;
  • liver;
  • kidneys
  • milk;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • green salads.

Vita complexes that can be purchased at the pharmacy contain the necessary balanced amount of minerals and vitamins that will help to cope with a number of unpleasant symptoms and bring your hair and nails into a chic look.

If the curls are pale and dried, then this means that vitamin B1 is not enough.

The hair coat is greasy at the roots and dried at the tips, like straw, is not enough vitamin B2.

There is no intense tone, and the hair is pale, does not shine at all and does not shimmer in the sun - B3 is responsible for pigmentation. Because of this vitamin, premature gray hair may occur, for this reason, the intake of vitamin B3 is important.

Hair falls out - B5 is responsible for strengthening and providing oxygen.

Dandruff and irritation appeared - B6 does not allow the skin to dry out.

For fast growth, elements B and C or folic acid are needed.

A - gives flexibility, elasticity, strengthening and well promotes development and nutrition.

E - can help cope with dullness and increases growth.

C - has a beneficial effect on improving immunity and connective tissue, affects emotions and mood.

Vitamin B12

Beauticians recommend using vitamin B12 in ampoules for hair, which is sold at any pharmacy at a ridiculous price. It is this vitamin that makes the roots stay firmly in place, providing an excellent and quick result, increasing elasticity, luster and general condition. It is available in ampoules for injection and in tablets for oral administration. For a more effective result, you need to prepare simple masks from available products and add it to care products and shampoos.

Alerana Vitamins
Nutritional composition 1:

  • you need to buy vitamin in ampoules B1, B6, B12 in a pharmacy;
  • connect one ampoule with egg yolk;
  • report to the resulting mixture of Art. a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil or burdock;
  • apply over the entire length and wear under a hat for 5-10 minutes;
  • treatment should be carried out twice a week until a result is achieved.

Healing composition 2:

  • Linden and chamomile flowers, as well as nettle leaves, should be boiled with boiling water. Proportion: 1 tablespoon per glass of boiled water.
  • Stand under the lid for 30 minutes.
  • Add one ampoule A, B6, B12 to the resulting mixture.
  • Apply over the entire length and wear under a heat cap for 20–25 minutes.
  • The mixture is washed off with warm water without cleaning agents.
  • This recovery method is used once a week.

Treatment mask 3:

  • to fifty grams of honey add Art. a spoonful of almond oil;
  • and one ampoule of vitamins B6, B12, aloe juice;
  • mix everything well and apply over the entire length of the hair;
  • keep under a thermal cap for 40–45 minutes, then rinse with detergents;
  • use once every 7 days.

Such masks are made within three to four months. And then in treatment it is necessary to take a break for one to two months. The effectiveness of these folk treatment masks has been proven, and according to most women, B12 is in the first place in the ranking of the best vitamins for hair growth.

How to choose a vita complex?

Vita-complexes help to support our body perfectly - they are such pleasant substances that make the skin look great, hair starts to shine, nails grow quickly, immunity increases, appetite appears, good sleep and metabolic processes improve. The vitamin molecule combines with the protein and turns into an organic active substance that works and provides the right vital activity. In addition to vitamins (vitamins), there are also minerals (minerals), which are found in most popular vitamin formulations and are necessary for the proper construction of metabolic processes.

What vitamins do you choose? When we go to the pharmacy and see a large and colorful assortment on the shelves, our eyes begin to run up. And at the same time, you should pay attention to:

  • manufacturer;
  • information about where producers take raw materials (France and Germany are leaders here);
  • what shell (jelly, capsules, tablets, etc.);
  • appearance (if the shell is too bright, then dye is present);
  • smell (often natural products have a specific and not always pleasant smell);
  • quantity (too large a list of vitamins and minerals is not absorbed by the body and simply does not bring any benefit);
  • the composition should not exceed the daily rate, which can be found in a special table.

Before buying, you should carefully study the reviews and see the rating of the best vitamins for hair growth, according to buyers and doctors. In addition, before going to the pharmacy, you need to decide: what are vitamins for and what is the purpose of their use. And most importantly, whatever this goal (raising vitality, improving hair growth, strengthening immunity, relieving stress, etc.), a consultation with a therapist is necessary. And the course will be even more effective if you pass special tests and determine which vitamin is specifically deficient in the body.

Why do I need a doctor's consultation?

British scientists believe that vitamin B, on the contrary, can cause poor health. In our country, officially, these compounds are not a medicine, and today doctors just say the opposite and advise them to be more careful. First of all, this is a synthetically produced drug, and therefore it is better to coordinate its administration with a therapist. And then, there are many other ways to improve health that do not require medical intervention, for example, if you quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption and start eating right, the need for vitamins may disappear altogether.

At the reception, the therapist will say that drinking vitamins every day is simply pointless. It is necessary to take them dosed and at certain periods when the body needs it. In addition, usually treatment is more effective if external preparations are used to improve hair. But not always, since a lot depends on the general condition of the whole organism, including appearance, therefore, consultation and tests are necessary before starting the course.

Based on the findings of experts, a rating of the best vitamins for hair growth was compiled:

  • vitamin B12 in ampoules;
  • Inneov;
  • Alerana;
  • Perfectil
  • "Vitasharm";
  • Pantovigar;
  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Complivit.

When to help the body with vitamins?

All 13 vitamins are very wayward and are afraid of intense lighting and long-term storage in the cold. And if the body does not receive even one of them, then ailments and various diseases will arise. Therefore, synthetic vitamins were invented, but with them, too, not everything is simple. For example, vitamin A, its required daily rate is 500 units, and in a pharmacy you can buy a complex where 1500, that is, it exceeds the norm by 3 times, which leads to serious heart diseases. Uncontrolled vitaminization is dangerous, and most often the consequences are allergies from overdose, cyst formation and bloating, there are consequences and worse. But no matter what they say about vitamins, it is absolutely proved that helping the body with the help of Vita complexes is necessary in courses, namely: in spring and autumn, and only after consulting a doctor.

Vitrum Beauty

An ideal method for restoring hair that has deteriorated from frequent dyes, curls, frequent styling with hot devices, and exposure to varnish. A rare combination provides each hair and scalp with an absolute enrichment with minerals, vitamins, and valuable components that support the health of the hair. The special composition of the active element will return them shine, volume and impeccable appearance. The manufacturer - USA, the company "Unipharm". The special complex includes:

  • Vitamins - B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B8, B9, B10, B12, cholecalciferol, E, C, H, nicotinic acid, retinol.
  • Minerals - magnesium (Mg), iodine (I), iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), boron (B), manganese (Mn), selenium (Se), zinc (Zn), phosphorus.
  • Amino acids and enzymes - arginine, lysine, polypeptide (papain), cystine, methionine.
  • Concentrated extract from turmeric, aloe, kelp, rosemary, cinnamon, grapes (seed), horsetail, olives (leaf), mint, nettle, tea, lavender flowers, anise, ginger, lemon.

what vitamins to take for hair growth
Instructions for use "Vitrum Beauty":

Adults should take one tablet once a day, after meals. The tool is recommended for:

  • violation of hair texture;
  • increased fragility of nails;
  • during recovery processes in the body;
  • with a lack of vitamins;
  • after physical overload;
  • to restore nervous impotence;
  • to replenish the supply of mineral substances;
  • correction of the effects of unbalanced nutrition;
  • rehabilitation after chemotherapy.

Consumption is not recommended for personal intolerance of the fundamental components.

Instructions for use "Vitrum Beauty" during pregnancy and during feeding:

This composition includes potent combinations of vitamins and trace elements that can adversely affect a fragile body, and for this reason its use is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Instructions for use "Complivit Shine"

It is established that during the action in the body of the ingredients that are included in its formula, the work of metabolic processes is reconstructed, which entails the active restoration of the skin and hair. The products not only nourish, but also strengthen the diseased bulbs and nail plates, providing assistance for their quick recovery and growth. Manufacturer - Russian Federation, Pharmstandard-UfaVITA Society. As part of the vita complex:

  • Vitamins - B1, B2, B6, B7, B12, A, E, C, nicotinamide, folic and lipoic acids.
  • Concentrated alcoholic extract from sheets of green tea.
  • Minerals - calcium, magnesium, iron, silicon, zinc, copper, selenium, cobalt.

vitamins for hair growth list

Instructions for use "Complivit Radiance":

Adults should take one capsule once a day after meals. The dose can be increased only according to the advice of the therapist.


It has an effect on the thickening of the strands, enhances the gloss and saturation of the hair tone, warns and delays the process of hair loss. It contains a precisely selected composition, due to which growth is increased, and in addition, a strong texture of curls and nail plates is created. Manufacturer - Germany, the Merz Pharma Society.

inney hair density instructions for use

The complex includes:

  • Vitamins - B10, B1, H1, B5.
  • Minerals - calcium, magnesium, silicon.
  • The fibrillar protein is keratin.
  • Amino acids and enzymes - cysteine.

Reviews about "Pantovigar" for hair growth are always positive, and in most cases the result is visible after the first month of its use. Vitamins are advised to take one capsule at the time of a meal, 3 times a day.


Significantly reduces the fragility of nails, reconstructs violations of hair texture, delays alopecia, contributes to a more effective treatment of dermatological diseases and eliminates dry skin. The manufacturer - United Kingdom, the company "Vitabiotics".

vitasharm for hair
The complex includes:

  • Vitamins - B7, B1, B2, B6, B12, B9, D3, E, C, H, PP.
  • Minerals - calcium, magnesium, iron, silicon, zinc, copper, selenium, cobalt, chromium, manganese, iodine.
  • Amino acids are cysteine.
  • Extract - extract from burdock.

Vitamins for hair "Perfect" (instructions for use and dose):

The drug is taken once a day after a meal and plenty of water. It is important not to break the capsule and swallow whole.


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