Pumpkin juice: the benefits and harms of the gifts of the fairy godmother

Autumn is rich in fabulous gifts: for workers it is a fair reward for tireless work. The eye admires the colorful beds, and the nose inhales the smell of bonfires, and this makes it comfortable at home. Apples are scattered beneath an apple tree in the garden: basking in the sun, attracting with mouth-watering sides. But the whole car dealership of the good fairy godmother's carriages, here are the pumpkins - round, long, yellowish and rich orange. These cheerful vegetables are a real storehouse of usefulness for our body.

pumpkin juice good

Miracle vegetable: pulp, seeds and pumpkin juice

The benefits (and harm, of course) of pumpkins did not leave indifferent our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, and now, frightened by the achievements of the pharmaceutical industry, people are resorting to traditional medicine more and more often. An important component for many recipes is pumpkin: pulp, seeds, and pumpkin juice. Their benefits have been proven by generations. Baked pulp, for example, is used to relieve anxiety, and to lose weight, and to eliminate pain in the legs after a busy day, and as a mild laxative. The yellow vegetable contains both potassium and phosphorus, and all the necessary vitamins, which are so lacking in a dull period. Seeds, as everyone knows, fight worms, as well as hypertension, and normalize blood sugar, but there are contraindications to people with digestive problems. Pumpkin juice, of course, is the most delicious product obtained from vegetables.

pumpkin juice benefits and harms

Pumpkin juice: benefits and harms

The best juice is freshly squeezed, forget about tetrapack! It is best to buy a small pumpkin every day, then the juice will be the freshest, especially since the price is very affordable. Do you like pumpkin juice? Benefit and harm do not even dare to compete: the advantages of the former are so enormous. Iron, potassium, calcium, cobalt, copper, a huge amount of vitamins - and all this in half a glass. He will fight against edema, improve heart function, help both vessels and gall bladder, give a light pleasant sleep if you use it before you go to bed. Due to the large amount of vitamin C it will protect during colds. If you have problem skin, rash, acne, acne - eat plenty of pumpkin, sunflower seeds and drink juice. In this case, the juice is useful to apply externally: wipe the skin with it. You can make all kinds of masks by mixing juice with healthy products, the basics for masks, such as oatmeal. Juice is also good for the prostate gland. What is the harm of juice with such a seemingly ideal reputation? Indeed, pumpkin juice also has contraindications. Moreover, one of them, on the other hand, can be considered an advantage. Firstly, the juice has a soft, but at the same time quite effective and directed laxative effect, so people with a weak stomach or intestines are not recommended to use it, or diarrhea will occur. Individual intolerance and allergies are also an argument against drinking. But for people with a tendency to constipation, as well as for losing weight, you can spend fasting days with the help of juice. The course of treatment is mainly small - from 3 to 10 days. Combine the drink with honey, drink small amounts of pumpkin juice. Before use for the purpose of treatment, be sure to consult a doctor.

pumpkin juice contraindications

We learned that pumpkin juice, the benefits and harms of which are the subject of some debate, is at least divinely delicious, it energizes due to its positive color. Drink it in the morning and recharge your batteries!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39130/

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