Ancient samovars: review, description, cost

For a century and a half, samovars have been an integral part of Russian life. They are a device for boiling water and making tea. Initially, the water in them was heated by an internal firebox, which was a high tube filled with charcoal. A little later appeared kerosene, electric and other types of samovars. Currently, they are almost everywhere crowded out by teapots.

ancient Tula samovars

Ancient samovars: a bit of history

Today, these antique devices with exquisite decoration are popular among collectors and simply true connoisseurs.

As you know, the tradition of tea drinking came to Russia from the East, where special dishes were used to prepare tea drinks. But the samovar in the form of a familiar device for all of us was invented by Russian masters.

It is difficult to name the exact date of the appearance of such products, but the 19th century is considered the peak of their popularity. At this time, many factories around the country producing such products were opened. But among them the masters of Tula were especially famous. Such manufacturers as the Lisitsins, Kapyrzins, Lomovs, Shemarins, Gorniny, Vorontsovs, Batashevs, Teilas and many others were known both in Russia and in Europe.

samovars vintage prices

The first manufacturers of samovars in Tula were the Lisitsins brothers, who in the late 18th century opened a samovar institution. Their products were famous for their exquisite forms. Also well-known are the ancient Tula samovars of the Lomovs, who at that time produced about 1000 products a year.

As a rule, the whole family was engaged in the production of products, and their experience and tools were inherited. That is why on one product there could be several brands of masters. Tula samovars were made not only directly in Tula itself, but also in its environs, but this did not stop calling all samovars from these places Tula.

For the manufacture of copper was originally used (more precisely, an alloy of copper with zinc). But since it was decided to polish these products to a shine, the copper samovar very quickly failed. After some time, the masters began to use brass and cupronickel.

Next, we will consider what old samovars are and their cost.

vintage samovars

Types of structures

According to the method of heating water, ancient samovars are divided into:

  • Fire (coal, wood), with which actually began the history of samovar business. To heat water, you can use almost any wood-based combustible materials (coal, wood, cones, etc.).
  • Electric. Water is heated using a heating element. The main advantage is the absence of smoke and soot.
  • Combined, combining in themselves two types of water heating - from electricity and from the heat of burning fuel.

At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, new types of samovars began to be produced: kerosene, Parichko products, and Chernikov’s copper appliances with a side pipe.

Also, ancient samovars vary in shape. The banks are considered to be the cheapest, then, as the price increases, a glass, a ball, and then a vase, an egg.

old samovars on wood

Samovar volume

These devices vary in volume.

The most popular old samovars are coal from 3 to 7 liters. Products less than 3 liters are usually more expensive than their large counterparts, since they are more difficult to manufacture and are less common.

Electric samovars are from 1.5 to 3 liters. Large sizes are quite rare.

old samovars and their cost

Material for manufacturing

Samovars are made from different materials. The most common are brass products, as well as copper, cupronickel and tompac.

Copper samovars were considered festive, so they are the most expensive. Now mainly brass products with a copper coating are sold, but you can also find an old copper samovar. Gold brass devices are most often found on sale (they look very elegant, but need careful maintenance of their surface) and nickel-plated brass devices (have a silver color, look beautiful too, but do not require special care).

Painted brass samovars are also widespread.

Heat samovars

From the point of view of antique value, coal samovars, where coal is the main fuel, have the greatest appeal. Since in those days coal was far from affordable for everyone, firewood was often used for the firebox, which was laid in the inner pipe.

Among antique dealers, old wood-burning samovars are no less in demand. Visually, they differ little from coal analogues. But true connoisseurs of antiquity distinguish them instantly.

Of great value are genuine products of the 17th - early 19th centuries, each of which is unique in its own way and is a work of art. The standard of the highest quality of the old samovar is considered the mark of the master.

Advantages and disadvantages of wood samovars

These are real old samovars, which means that you can touch the real Russian tradition of tea drinking, which has been almost two hundred years old. Plus frying products - heated water cools down more slowly.

Among the shortcomings can be identified:

1) Heat samovars are old (the prices are very different) you need to heat them when they are completely filled with water. If this rule is not respected, they may become unsoldered. Therefore, if necessary, in a cooled device to warm up the water, it is necessary to add fluid, and only then reheat. However, it is not easy to melt an extinguished samovar, therefore, most likely, you will not have to add it, but drain the water, remove the old fuel, pour water and again melt it.

2) It is possible to melt coal samovars only in open rooms, or to insert a pipe into a special hood.

3) Heat samovars are much more expensive than similar electric ones.

Electric samovars

These products replaced the heat analogues in the era of developed socialism. By their design they are arranged much simpler and do not have the traditional sophistication of forms and elements. That is why electric samovars have the least collectible value.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric samovars

It is more convenient to heat up electrical options, and with any volume of water (if only it would be covered with a heating element). They can be used indoors. Most electric samovar have a thermal switch.

The main disadvantage of an electric samovar is that it is not a samovar, but rather an electric kettle of a non-standard shape. Here you can not smell the cones or apple twigs. After heating, it cools faster than the heat, because there are no coals slowly cooling inside. It can not be used outdoors, since there is no electricity.

Combined vintage samovars

Since progress does not stand still, the purchase of a combined samovar will be a very successful acquisition, combining the advantages of heat and electric counterparts. You can melt such a device with firewood, and when the water cools down, heat it with electricity. It can be used both outdoors and indoors.

The only minus of the combined samovars is their cost, which is higher than the wood and electric versions of a similar volume and shape.

how much is an old samovar

How much is an old samovar?

Those who want to have an old samovar in their house without any problems can buy it on the antique market, which very successfully supplies everyone with such products that differ in appearance, quality, artistic merit, production time, volume and price. For ordinary buyers, unlike collectors, it is quite difficult to understand all the intricacies, although sometimes even collectors do not know how to evaluate a particular product. Indeed, for example, only one Tula factory of V.S. Batashev produced more than 50 shapes and sizes of various samovars, and if you take into account other manufacturers, it is not so easy to determine the price of this popular product.

As we have said, the cost of old samovars can be very different, which depends on many factors. And first of all, it is the age of the product that matters (the older it is, the more valuable). For example, a device that was released in tsarist times is valued several times more expensive than Soviet counterparts.

Equally important is the uniqueness of a samovar. Exclusive things, handicrafts have always been appreciated quite high, and if the age of the product is also solid, then it is, without a doubt, antiques. The same can be said about the form.

Another criterion that affects the price of a samovar is the popularity of the manufacturer, the presence of the manufacturer’s stamp or the manufacturer’s brand. So, for example, an old samovar with medals is much more expensive. In addition, the preservation and artistic value of decorative elements is important.

antique copper samovar

All samovars can be divided into 3 categories:

  1. Samovars are old (the prices for them are very different). They are made, as a rule, at the highest artistic level and are made of expensive material. Such specimens rarely come to the antique market, and the seller usually determines the price here. The buyer can either purchase for this price, or search at a different price. The cost of such goods reaches several tens of thousands of dollars.
  2. This category includes products that have a good artistic design, an irregular shape, and are coated with silver. There are many more such samovars on the market, so the seller and the buyer can agree on a price. The price range ranges from 10 thousand dollars.
  3. This category includes mass-produced products, ordinary and purely functional. The price of such a product is usually offered by the buyer. Such samovars can cost about $ 500.


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