"AliExpress": similar sites in Russian. "AliExpress": an analogue in Russia

Today, there are so-called giant stores, which are almost monopolists in their field. These are the largest centers of trade, where they sell thousands, hundreds of thousands of units of goods. And such, without any doubt, the store "AliExpress" refers to those.

"AliExpress" analog

An analogue - is it there?

Platforms that would offer customers a huge selection of products (mainly electronics) made in China are not difficult to find. There are a lot of those today, all of them are engaged in shipping goods around the world, intermediation between a factory in some province of Guangzhou and an end customer located in Russia, for example.

What is also characteristic is the growing popularity of such resources. Each of these portals collects a huge number of buyers. Thousands of people are ready to register for them and place orders. This “increased demand” for such products is achieved due to a very wide assortment and low prices, which no analogue can offer.

"AliExpress" in Russia also has a huge number of fans. In general, this platform is extremely popular all over the world.

analog aliexpress in Russia

Order Scheme

Buying on the Internet is very simple. Making an order in Chinese shops is even easier. It is enough to enter your address, decide on the name and a complete set of goods, specify payment details, and your parcel will be delivered directly in 3-4 weeks (depending on the delivery method and the region where you live). Perhaps the mandatory waiting period is the only minus of the Chinese sites. This makes it possible to save on transportation (such stores often mark “free delivery” in the settings), but lose a lot of time to get.

What would happen if we could find some solution on how to speed up the process without raising the price of delivery services. And users, if they analyze a number of search queries, consider it possible to find an analogue instead of "AliExpress". Obviously, this should be a store that is closer or, at least, makes delivery faster and cheaper ways. Is there such a service?

analog "AliExpress" in Russian

The largest stores

There are simply no services that could become a replacement for the AliExpress platform. At the moment, given the position in the market of the giant “Ali” itself, it is not worth counting on the fact that it can be crowded out. This is too large a platform by the standards of any country in the world. Millions of goods and an ever-growing number of customers confirm this.

So does "AliExpress" have an analogue? From the point of view of a standard, familiar purchase (for example, if we want to purchase an inexpensive action camera), there are a lot of similar resources. Finding them is very easy - many are very popular and in demand. Here are the three: DealExtreme, TinyDeal, GearBest. These resources, like Ali, sell various products made in China that can be ordered anywhere in the world. Their prices may be similar, but there is one big difference in the model of work of these services and Ali.

AliExpress analog sites

How is "AliExpress" and others

All of the above stores are actually simple online shops. Their administration finds suppliers, draws up some agreements with them and sells the goods on its behalf. For example, the Russian Eldorado and Technosila are arranged in the same way, only we are talking about Chinese products that are most in demand in Russia, Europe and the West (accessories, electronics, household goods, etc.).

But in this article we are studying a slightly different model, according to which "AliExpress" works. An analogue is much more difficult to find (especially in terms of product volume). This resource is the platform where the buyer and seller meet. The first is in the search for a product that interests him, and the second puts all the trading positions that he has on display. Thus, one can see, for example, one and the same product exhibited at different prices on behalf of different plants and factories. Therefore, on AliExpress you can independently choose what interests you.

If the analogue of DX can be called “Connected” (roughly speaking), then does our “giant” have an analogue? "AliExpress" in Russia is somewhat similar to the Avito board or Tiu resource. At the latter, by the way, also users are engaged in the search for goods exhibited by sellers-companies.

Product specifics

As you can see, the level of promotion AliExpress has not yet been beaten by any Russian store. Even the quality of goods, as a rule, on the Chinese resource will be higher, and the price will remain more affordable than in the case of the Russian version. Do you need such an analogue?

Russian analogue "AliExpress"

Moreover, all accessories and electronics are manufactured in China. This means that the Russian counterpart of "AliExpress" would sell what arrived from the Middle Kingdom earlier. Then, one wonders, what is the point of looking for analogues in our country? It’s easier to buy directly ...

We can say that this is the specificity of the goods sold on the AliExpress resource. You can create an analogue of such a store in Moscow, but here you still have to deliver products for it from there, which automatically increases the cost of such things. And that means there is no point in this.

The language barrier

Of course, certain difficulties in working with AliExpress are experienced by those people who do not speak English. It is on it that the descriptions in the basic version of the resource are present. However, there should not be any difficulties with this - the Chinese site also has a "Russian" counterpart. "Aliexpress" has different language versions.

Ad headings can be automatically translated using Google Translate. At first glance, this may seem like a set of unrelated words, but in fact, after a certain period of time (during which various products will be ordered), you will become accustomed to and will begin to understand well what the seller wanted to say.

Russian analogue "AliExpress"

Descriptions of lots submitted in English can also be translated into Google Translate (individually). Thus, everything is provided for, and you simply will not need to look for an online store, an analog of "AliExpress".

Delivery acceleration

The second, in addition to linguistic, is the question of how you can get your goods faster. And there are several ways to do this. Firstly, you can order not free shipping via AirMail, but more expensive, but faster sending of the lot via DHL, EMS or TNT. All these and many other ways will be available in the menu on the product page. The price of transportation will start from 30-40 dollars (depending on the volume of goods). Then you will receive your package in a couple of days.

There is also information for those who are interested in similar sites-counterparts. "AliExpress" is a place where resellers often shop. They can buy a thing more expensive, but without the need to wait for delivery. Thus, you will win, as the goods can be received almost on the same day. Then you just need to look for shops that sell what interests you. And do not think about Chinese AliExpress.

"AliExpress" analogue in Moscow


Thus, to begin with, the analogue of the Ali platform does not exist in principle. This is the only site of its kind worldwide. No matter how hard you try, it’s not so easy to find a similar analogue in Russia. "AliExpress" is (in its way) a unique platform.

But you can solve the problems associated with the remoteness of the base in a different way. For example, use automatic translation of site pages. If you wish, you can simultaneously open the Google translator and see all the words indicated by the seller. So there is no need to look for an analogue. "AliExpress" in Russian can fully justify your requests.

Finally, another important point is the speed of delivery. You can overcome it - order through intermediary firms in Russia, which may already have stocks of goods to solve such problems. If you order something not too specific, then this method may work. Finally, you can always overpay more, but ordering goods through a delivery service, which will take much less time.

Are you still hoping to find an analogue? "AliExpress" is too unique and individual platform, therefore, for it, really competitive resource, alas, does not exist yet. The company is too strong a monopolist.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39132/

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