When will the new bills of 200 and 2000 rubles come out? Design new notes

Man lives with hopes for the best and expectation of a miracle. New Russian banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles - a new decoration for a consumer’s purse.

Before you sigh happily, clutching a masterpiece of Goznak's design idea in your fist, you need to carefully study the design of banknotes, confirm visual and tactile identification signs, remember the number of sheets for delivery from a five-thousandth note.

new bills 200 and 2000 rubles

Cash evolution

The Chairman of the Central Bank Elvira Sahipzadovna Nabiullina brought to the attention of Russian citizens that not only movable and immovable property is subject to planned modernization, but also means of payment for goods and services. To protect against fakes, international practice recommends that once every 5-7 years, changes are made to the design of money, and after 15-20 years, the appearance of money should be altered altogether. The last time the modification was carried out in 2011. And now in circulation, the series has been operating for 22 years. Therefore, new banknotes are introduced.

Travelers' club

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the young Republic began to issue money of its own design. Since the history of the country is unpredictable, and it is impossible to predict who will announce this or that historical person in the morning, the decision on the external attributes of money has matured immediately and for a long time. The banknote decoration was chosen types and landscapes of Russian cities.

A politically competent move solved two problems at once:

  1. He prevented debates and rallies regarding the interpretation of the role and importance of citizens, which served as a model for the design of the front side of money.
  2. He allowed poorly protected layers of Federation citizens to travel around the country “without leaving their wallet”: you look at landscapes and landscapes on a bill, you are filled with impressions, and you don’t have to go anywhere and spend money on a trip.

Among the creative people held a competition. The jury examined six thousand proposals. 76 works depicting the sights of 49 regions were selected for the final stage. We stopped at such cities as Vladivostok and Sevastopol.

200 and 2000 rubles new bills

Design as the fruit of the work of the subconscious

Many copies were broken in a polemic about the reasons that prompted us to stop on the developed Far Eastern region and the contested peninsula.

The jury evaluated the competitive works by adults, and the experts and fans of the Mumiy Troll group were present. The masterpiece of Ilya Lagutenko "Vladivostok 2000" inspired artists and was supported by bankers.

The peninsula is placed on a small 200-ruble cash notice: Crimea - Russian territory.

The authorship of the design of the new bills of 200 and 2000 rubles is anonymous, the press speaks of a "large creative team of creators."

The artist of Goznak, now retired, Yuri Koverdyaev, shared his impressions of the developments. The ex-employee, relying on many years of experience, believes that the money has “lost face” and has become similar to the foreign currency settlement tools.

Maybe men do not need a unique appearance. But women will understand the author. It is not inspiring when you come to work, to the cinema or to the beach, and there are four more “mymras” who came in exactly the same dress or bathing suit. Day down the drain.

new bills 200 and 2000 rubles photo

Justification for the need for release

But if the Chairman of the Central Bank, estimated, by the way, as the Best Chairman of the Central Bank by the end of 2016, chose the design that has now been approved, then we will put up with the taste of others and consider fresh money in more detail.

The release of new bills of 200 and 2000 rubles is planned in three stages:

  1. Product Presentation.
  2. Initial placement in three regions.
  3. Mass emission.

The presentation of Russian cash took place on October 12, 2017. At the event, the reason was not voiced for the simultaneous distribution in circulation in Russia, but only in the capital, in the Crimea and in the Far East: “to counter counterfeiters”. Despite the fact that a massive refund to people's wallets and ATMs will take place in December 2017.

How the masters “draw the top ten in half an hour” have time to turn around, is not known. But in social networks there were ads "selling a new 200-ruble for 300."

It was impossible to make photos of the new bills of 200 and 2000 rubles at the presentation. Viewers were invited to watch and photograph colorful visual aids.

new banknotes of Russia 200 and 2000 rubles

Thick and empty

One of the reasons for the issuance of new bills of 200 and 2000 Russian rubles, the presenters called the convenience of an exchange for the wallet of consumers. An example with a five thousandth bill is given. When purchasing a product worth 100 rubles, a change of 4900 is required. The following options are suggested in current banknotes:

  • 4 to 1 thousand rubles and 9 to 100, total 13 bills;
  • 8 to 500 and again 9 to 100, a total of 17 sheets;
  • 49 times in 100; that is 49 sheets.

No wallet can withstand such volumes of paper.

But 2 times in two thousand, 4 times in 200 rubles and once in 100 - a total of 7 papers. It’s a big relief to the wallet, the cashiers and the loaders of the bank, transferring cash from the bag to the ATM.

You can, of course, talk:

  • the number of residents of the country earning one and a half minimum wages;
  • the amount of the pension and the cost of living in the country;
  • about the menu of socially protected citizens and the cost of the budget menu.

It is unlikely that with a pension of 12 thousand rubles there are questions about the overcrowding of a purse with banknotes.

new Russian banknotes 200 and 2000 rubles

What do the heroes of the article look like?

Let us return to the appearance of the new Russian notes of 200 and 2000 rubles. The project developers took care of the visually impaired.

  1. The colors chosen are bright, like on a candy wrapper. The dollar does not compete for the richness of color. But the euro is reminded, the similarities are irrefutable.
  2. The numbers denoting the face value are made in large and bold. Even if the buyer does not make out the color and number of numbers, the visually impaired person will determine by touch how many zeros are on the money and what is the first digit.

Finally, justice triumphed - on the money appeared the emblem of the Russian Federation instead of the emblem of the Bank of Russia.

Readers are used to the fact that the number is on the front of the money. On the presented Russian money, the numbers are located on the back side, and twice: on the long side and on the short.

The number of digits in the number increased to nine. On previously issued money in denominations of five to five thousand rubles, the number consisted of seven digits . The number of digits has changed by two characters.

Russian money of the sample of 2017 is made of cotton fiber with the addition of plastic. According to the authors of the project, the composition of the material increases the service life.

release of new bills 200 and 2000 rubles

Hidden images and watermarks

The photo shows new bills of 200 and 2000 rubles with explanations of where and what hidden and watermarks are located.

On the front side of the banknote of 200 rubles a monument to the sunken ships. The composition is located in the hero-city of Sevastopol. The same sculptural composition is used as a watermark. At the bottom right is a QR code. Owners of smartphones can use the code to go to the bank’s website and read information about security signs. The rest should recognize the original by touch.

On the back of the money with a face value of 200 rubles there is a view of Tauric Chersonesos. Under the picture is a repeating text “Tauric Chersonesos”. The background of the horizontal banknote number is decorated with micro images of the flora and fauna of the peninsula.

The front side of the paper at 2000 rubles crosses the bridge to Russky Island in Vladivostok. On the back there is an image of the Vostochny spaceport in the Amur Region.

In addition to security features similar to those mentioned in the description of a two-hundred-ruble note, money in denomination in 2000 contains a special strip on the left side field of the front side. When the sheet is shaken, the inscription of the face value and the ruble symbol is found, and all this against a rainbow background. An optical security element is located in the center of the banknote, which acquires the appearance of a ring when the sheet is rocked.

design of new notes 200 and 2000 rubles

QR code

Similar for Russian rubles has not yet been applied - a QR code is applied on the banknotes introduced in 2017. The quick response code, trademark, optical label are now printed on the ruble. With the help of gadgets, a consumer can quickly scan a banknote and see if it is real or false.

Buyers of super and megastores will be facilitated by cash registers equipped with code readers. People who are not armed with smartphones and other remote access to information technology will have to rely on their own visual and tactile abilities.

Prospects for the Russian currency

The Central Bank assures that the appearance of banknotes will not accelerate inflation. We will share the optimism of bankers. Positive prospects are pleasant.

But in 2018, new cash will circulate for the World Cup in the country. Foreign fans are occupying ATMs not only with the goal of buying the usual big poppy and cola, but also paying for hotel services, but also taking away a couple of banknotes in addition to the Russian doll, vodka and balalaika. Russia is inundated with dollars and euros. What will happen to the course?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39133/

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