Bobrovsky district of Voronezh region: geolocation, population, economy

Bobrovsky district is one of the historical centers of the Voronezh region. The spontaneous village that arose on the Bityug River gradually turned into a stable provincial town with a developed transport infrastructure and rich culture. Let's try to figure out together with the past and present of the city of Bobrov.

How to get there

Geographically, the Bobrovsky district is located in the very center of the Voronezh region.

You can get from Voronezh by your own car. The road will take about 1.5 hours, and the distance will be approximately 100 kilometers.

Voronezh beavers

Regular bus services run from the capital of Chernozemye, the travel time is already 2-3 hours due to the large number of stops. The price of one ticket is 200 rubles.

You can get even cheaper and faster using the service for finding drivers and fellow travelers. So you can save your time and money, as well as get to the Bobrovsky district in relatively comfortable conditions.

The origin of the city

Nobody knows the exact date of the appearance of the future Bobrovsky district. Historians claim that this place was chosen by the Tatar nomads during the Mongol yoke. It was here that ritual mausoleums and barrows were found, where noble military leaders of the Tatar tribe were buried.

It is also known that at the end of the 17th century a previously unknown settlement was discovered on the Bityug River. Local residents were engaged in beaver fishing and successfully sold the resulting products. All settlements on the territory of modern Bobrovsky district repeated the fate of neighboring Anna. Emperor Peter I, the new city formations were declared illegal, so they were burned, and local residents were recognized illegals and expelled.

burning houses

Palace peasants from different Russian provinces began to be resettled here, and they even built a small fortress with loopholes, which, however, did not prevent the rebels of the Bulavin detachment from plundering the settlement in 1708.

During the Civil War, the Bobrovsky District of the Voronezh Region constantly changed hands, and during the Great Patriotic War, there was a close rear of the Voronezh Front. The city gave a serious rebuff - a partisan detachment was founded, frightening the invaders.

With the advent of peace, the center of the Bobrovsky district began its consistent path to the formation of part of the Russian province.

Interesting Facts

  • In the historical center of the capital of the Bobrovsky district, all streets have strictly straight forms, located parallel and perpendicular to each other. This effect is due to the fact that in the XIX century a dragoon regiment was stationed here.
  • During the Great Patriotic War, the city was bombed. A total of 164 buildings were destroyed.
partisans of the Second World War
  • In the 60s of the XX century, the area was liquidated, and the settlements became part of the Liskinsky province. The result was a complete destruction of infrastructure and lack of roads. The return of the Bobrovsky district administration gave a start to the restoration of the provincial center.
  • The district has 56 settlements. Of these, only one city, all the rest - villages and towns.
  • Postal codes of Bobrovsky district: 397700, 397721, 397701, 397702, 397703.


Bobrovsky district is famous for a large number of memorable and interesting places. These include both provincial museums of military history, memorials of victory and monuments to the leader of the proletariat, and quite entertaining tourist sites. We will talk about them in more detail.

  • Holy Mitrofanovsky church in the village of Khrenovoye. An interesting architectural solution in the construction of an Orthodox shrine is one of those things for which it is worth seeing. Date of construction - 1900s.
  • The Bityug River is the main recreational area of ​​the Bobrovsky district. Here you can stop with tents and go kayaking, spend a romantic evening contemplating silent Central Russian beauty, or you can have a party on the river bank. It is very clean, water lilies grow, ducks swim. One of the last corners of nature that man did not manage to destroy by his intervention.
Russian river
  • Felting workshop. In the Bobrovsky district, you can find a real kingdom of wool, in which they will teach you how to make historical Russian shoes.

This is not a complete list of attractions, for sure you can find something else. But this is a kind of minimum that characterizes the tourist potential of the Bobrovsky district.


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