How much do stewardesses get at Aeroflot?

Surely every person who hears the word "stewardess", there are extremely favorable associations. Still, a beautiful, elegant, polite girl, dressed in a strict suit of azure shade with a red tie, cannot but evoke positive emotions, especially among the stronger sex.

The flight attendant will always meet us near the airliner and will make every effort to ensure that the flight to the destination for passengers is comfortable: offer to drink a cup of coffee or read a magazine. And, of course, she always leads us when the landing is announced. Well, which of the girls did not dream of such a profession, wondering at the same time how much the flight attendants get?

In fairness, it should be said that several decades ago the flight attendant was obliged not only to serve people during the flight, but also to carry out some organizational and technical measures necessary for normal air traffic (refueling the aircraft, supervision of its transportation to the hangar, etc.). All this, of course, required the girls to be extremely focused and focused.

How much stewardesses get

Those who are interested in: “How much do stewardesses get today?”, They should understand that in the past and in the present, representatives of this profession deserve high wages for their hard work.

Work advantages

As already emphasized, the stewardess is a standard of elegance and style. She is always distinguished by an impeccable appearance. If you want to master this profession, then taking care of yourself will become not so much a daily habit for you, but a “honorable" duty. You can travel a lot, make new friends among your team, have benefits and receive positive feedback about your work from passengers. Of course, all of the above advantages put the question of how much stewardesses get into the background. In addition, you can enjoy discounts in hotels all over the world and make acquaintance with a huge number of people. In general, you will find a bright and eventful life full of positive emotions.


However, the flight attendant also has disadvantages. It is likely that if you find out about them, the question of how much stewardesses get will no longer seem so secondary to you.

How many stewardesses in Russia get

First of all, you should remember that the people of the profession in question are forced to spend a huge amount of time in the air, including at night. Naturally, this fact often adversely affects the state of health, therefore, double efforts should be made to look perfect (visit a cosmetologist, do massages, allocate the right amount of time to sleep).

Another significant drawback in the work of the stewardess is communication with inadequate passengers, who are often rowdy on the plane without calculating the dose of alcohol. In such cases, you should show maximum calm and composure, try to listen to and even sympathize with the rude - so you can "cool" his ardor.


So, back to the question of how much stewardesses get in Russia.

Girls who recently got a job like this can’t, of course, expect a big salary - they are paid about 10-15 thousand rubles.

How much do stewardesses receive in Aeroflot

Gradually, with the increase in the number of hours spent in the air, the remuneration for labor increases, and after about a couple of years the salary can reach up to 30,000 rubles or even more.


And, of course, a huge number of young ladies are dreaming of a labor contract with OJSC Aeroflot, which is the largest air carrier in the Russian transport services market. At the same time, the company regularly searches for applicants for the position of flight attendant, with or without work experience. Naturally, many girls who dream of flying can’t help but worry about how much flight attendants receive at Aeroflot. It should be noted that the level of wages in the above company is affected by the level of qualification of the employee. If the flight attendant has complied with the sanitary norm (80 flight hours), then she has the right to rely on wages in the range from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles. To get a job at Aeroflot, you must have a residence permit in the capital or in the suburbs, and the candidate must be of a certain age, height and wear clothes of “specific” sizes.

How much does a stewardess get in Belarus

Many Russians are also interested in the question of how much the stewardess receives in Belarus. In the neighboring republic, her work is estimated at about 20,000 rubles. Moreover, the retirement age for women there is defined at 45 years.

No less interesting is the question of how much flight attendants in Kazakhstan receive. The average salary of flight attendants in this republic is from 25,000 to 30,000 rubles. At the same time, the amount of pension from Kazakh flight attendants leaves much to be desired (4000 - 5000 rubles).

How to become a flight attendant

Of course, high demands are placed on candidates for the position of steward or stewardess. Firstly, this is an age qualification: if you are already over 30 years old, then, alas, you will not be taken aboard as a guide. Secondly, the growth of candidacy for stewardesses should not be lower than 165 and above 175 centimeters. Naturally, representatives of the above profession should not have any health problems, because flying is not just an hour or two ways. Here it is necessary to take into account several factors influencing the human body, such as: time zones, atmospheric pressure, a sharp change in climatic conditions, etc.

How many flight attendants in Kazakhstan get

Naturally, you should be fluent in English in order to provide timely assistance to foreigners on board the aircraft, if any.

In addition, reputable air carriers are looking for personnel with higher education, although there are simply no special educational institutions that graduate specialists with a flight attendant diploma. Remember that a flight attendant is a waiter, a psychologist, a crew assistant, and a cleaner all rolled into one.


If you meet all of the above requirements, then you can go for an interview with your employer. At the next stage, you will have to go through a competitive selection and demonstrate your best qualities: sociability, stress tolerance, the ability to make decisions quickly and so on. If after that you will be included in the “white list”, then you will be sent to a medical board, and then you will be assigned to study at one of the schools formed on the basis of the largest airlines.


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