Letters do not come to Yandex mail - what should I do?

From time to time, users complain that they do not receive letters to Yandex mail. Why can this happen? How to deal with this problem? Is everything really as dangerous as it seems at first glance? To answer all this remains to be. In fact, there can be many problems. But panic is clearly not worth it. Most situations are resolved without much difficulty.

Network failure

Why do not letters come to Yandex mail? The whole thing may lie in the most common system failure of this service. It does not depend on the user. Occurs due to overload of the main server or during an upgrade.

letters do not come to Yandex mail

If the network fails, some users may receive letters, but some may not. There are also problems sending messages. Do not be scared. Just wait a bit. As soon as network crashes and malfunctions are fixed, mail will begin to work at full capacity.


But this is not the most common problem. Do not receive letters to Yandex mail? Most often, in reality, messages reach the user's mailbox. All letters are simply placed not in the Inbox, but in the Spam folder.

If a message is expected to be received, but it does not arrive for a long time, it is recommended to check the specified folder. Most likely, there will be a lost letter. Itโ€™s quite common with email settings and filters.

So it is advisable to check the Spam folder in advance. As practice shows, half of users stop complaining about the problem. But these are not all options for the development of events. There is one more reason why letters to Yandex mail do not come.

letters do not come to Yandex mail with gmail


It is likely that messages from certain domains or addresses will not reach the recipient. Moreover, it is not necessary to have mail on Yandex, the problem can happen with any hosting. The reason lies in the automatic settings of the service, which include blocking certain letters.

In this case, it is recommended to write to Yandex technical support. Although many users are advised to just get mail on another hosting. Removing the lock is not easy. But you can try to resolve the situation on your own. Do not receive letters to Yandex mail with GMail? Just try to work a little with the filters. It may be possible to remove the lock without much difficulty.

Work with filters

If letters from a user are placed in the Spam folder or do not come to the user, it is recommended that you enable security filter settings in Yandex. How to do it?

It is enough to follow the instructions:

  1. Pass authorization in the mail. Next go to "Settings".
  2. Select "Mail Processing Rules" in the menu that appears.
  3. Go to the "White List" section and type in the appropriate sender address in the corresponding window.
  4. Click on "Add."

From now on, contacts from the White List will not be placed in the Spam folder. And they will not be recognized as forbidden. It is clear what to do if letters to Yandex mail do not arrive.

why letters do not come to Yandex mail


But that is not all. Sometimes the reason that letters do not come to a particular mail is a banal data overflow. Each service has its own limit of incoming and outgoing documents. It is likely that he is exhausted.

Simply clear the mail from the accumulated letters. After that, you wonโ€™t have to wonder why the letters to Yandex mail do not come.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39147/

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