Highly paid work from the age of 17 - a myth or a reality?

Work from the age of 17 is far from rare in our time. Many students try to save at least some money. Someone simply does not have enough of the amount that their parents give them, but for others, low-income people, this is the only way to feed themselves and raise money for something necessary. So many have to earn money from school. Fortunately, you can officially get settled in Russia from the age of 16. And unofficially - even more so.

work since 17 years

Most common option

Work from 17 years old can be different. And one of the easiest options to get somewhere is, of course, the Internet. Moreover, the World Wide Web is available not only as a method of job search, but also a way to really start getting money. True, in fact, everything is not as simple as it may seem. The fact is that not everyone is given the opportunity to do what they can earn a living on the Internet.

Advertising, distribution of goods, administration, work with mail and answers to letters, website optimization - all this requires abilities and a kind of talent. Many people mistakenly believe that online work is the easiest. Not at all. She is the same as the other. When working online, it is also necessary to work, try, think, make efforts. Here, too, there are both advantages and disadvantages. Perhaps the first can be attributed to the fact that the Internet is allowed to work from the age of 17, from 16, 15, 14 — no one knows what age a person is actually sitting on the other side of the screen. Also, the employee is constantly at home - you can rest, eat at any time. Yes, and you can work at any time of the day. Of the minuses, perhaps, non-fixed wages and informal clearance. But if we consider this option as a way of part-time work for a schoolchild or junior student, then it is unlikely to find the best. They don’t have much time, and it’s unlikely that they will be able to allocate 5-6 hours in a row to work.

work for teens 17 years

Daily payment

Many are also looking for such an option so that money can be received every time after the end of the shift. That is why the question of what kind of work exists since the age of 17 in Moscow with daily payment is very popular. Well, such vacancies, in fact, are full. What is the most popular work from the age of 17 in Moscow with daily pay? Perhaps the distributor of leaflets. A good option for part-time work for a student or student. Stand for two or three hours a day, hand out advertisements, get your legal 300 rubles and leave. Payment is approximately the same - 100 r per hour. Although sometimes it happens more.

You can still get a cleaner. There are a lot of offers. Also dust-free work for students of 17 years. Basically, the principle is this: in the morning you need to come to the office (say) and remove it. Some will cope in an hour, others in two. The fact is that it takes a little time, but they pay money for it.

work from 17 years in Moscow with daily pay

Official employment

There is also work for students of 17 years with official registration. There are also pros and cons here. The first should include the following: obtaining a work book. Plus accumulation of experience. Interest also goes to the “pension counter”. And, of course, the legal 28 days of vacation per year. And the option with deception (in terms of salary) is excluded. Cons - a normalized schedule and the inability to just leave the position. Otherwise, a bad description will be written in the work book. So if you want to earn some money, and not get a job, as they say, “constantly,” you should discard options such as a waiter, dishwasher, maid, etc. Although the options are profitable for a teenager, especially the first one.

Help finding

Some find it difficult to find a job on their own. Well, then you can go to the employment center in your city. There is work for teens 17 years old. The main thing is to apply there. Employees process them fairly quickly and provide vacancies to people who contact them. Of course, it will be faster to find a part-time job in a big city, but in a small one it’s also quite possible. In general, it’s worth looking at the ads - they can be found anywhere, from newspapers to the so-called “first-person lures” - that is, when you walk around the city and see an inscription on the door of a cafe with the following content: “A waiter is required to work , from 17 to 25 years old, girl, payment - 20,000 per month. ” Having seen such an announcement, you should go in and find out the details - what if it suits?

work for students 17 years

How to make money with your own mind?

Work for teenagers 17 years old in some cases lies simply on the surface. But what if you start receiving money by providing your own services? For example, sophomores (a 17-year-old 2-year student is not uncommon, many now finish school very early) can write essays or term papers for money. Summaries, too, for example. Many truants then can not pass the test without a summary and are looking for someone who could write it for a fee. The option, however, is not for the lazy - usually large volumes. In general, there are options, but they also do not suit everyone. Only those who know how to do it. Still, mental labor is more difficult than physical.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39152/

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