Social situation: concept, main characteristics and history of occurrence

What is a social situation? If at least two out of ten people answer the question, it will already be a success. But unfortunately, for the most part, people are far from sociology. We offer to fill knowledge gaps! And to find out not only the concept of a social situation, but also its types.


Social situation

What is invested in this concept? A social situation is a set of provisions, circumstances and conditions. In this case, such a condition is considered that determines the existence of something.

The term is considered one of the most important concepts of social psychology. The situation can be considered in different ways, for example, as something created by a person in the process of interaction with others. It can also be treated as a situation that exists independently of the participants or participant.

As you already understood, experts adhere to different points of view, so it is worth considering each.

Symbolic Interactionism

What is the point? Adherents of this theory consider the "situation" a script that is simply waiting for its actors. They draw attention to the fact that from the side you can only observe the actor’s perception of the social situation, that is, it has consequences for experience and behavior. Followers also believe that almost all definitions of “environment” occur through the process of communication. Experts believe that the participants are in contact with each other in order to maintain a mutual understanding of the circumstances that accompany their interaction. That is, people tend to help each other in the correct identification of their own personality and reduce inconvenience.

To make it clearer, we give a clear example: every person is daily in some kind of “environment”; this is not necessarily a social emergency. Most often it means work or hanging out, in a word, familiar actions. Naturally, a person tries to match the situation with his behavior, while observers may consider this form of behavior to be contrary. You can analyze the behavior of people on a nudist beach. The example does not apply to an emergency social situation, but rather to an ordinary life situation. So, a person who is not a participant in the “situation” will find the exposure clearly sexual, while the participants themselves try to level out any hints of sex.

Thus, the opinion that the situation is what is only in the head takes place. That is, a person refers to what is happening in accordance with his attitude and attitudes.

Independent situation. Features

Man in society

There are quite a few examples of social situations: some speak in favor of the first theory, while others confirm the correctness of the second. What is the second theory? Its supporters believe that the situation exists autonomously and does not depend on the people who are involved in it. It turns out that none of the people creates their own situations of training, training, selling and other things. For this reason, each of the situations has an effect on the behavior of people interacting with each other. Simply put, how people express their feelings, establish physical contact, show emotions, depends on the situation in which the person finds himself.

Some experts argue that everyday situations have a considerable number of features that determine in themselves the thoughts of people, their behavior. If you argue this way, then the subjective nature is not suitable for determining the situation. But in order to study the objective nature, you have to work hard. This is due, first of all, to the fact that it is simply impossible to classify all “situations” , because there are a lot of them. You can give examples of social situations at the scene: at work, at home, on vacation and so on. Of course, you can try to systematize them with a type of relationship, such as: intimate, formal, partner, competitive, but here, not everything is going smoothly. Sooner or later, it may turn out that the situation does not fit into any category. Again, different individuals can not always assess the situation the same way. For example, the same game from an amateur and a professional will cause a different assessment.

Specialists tried to use the third approach - perception characteristics. What does it mean? Situations were divided according to the type of complex-simple, non-inclusion-inclusion, passivity is manifested or activity, an unpleasant situation or pleasant, and so on. But again, it cannot be said that this method helped 100%. Still, it is impossible to classify everything in the world, you need to leave room for something new.

Interaction Factors

When scientists at Oxford University studied types of social situations, they identified several interaction factors that help define the “environment”:

  1. Rules.
  2. Goals.
  3. Roles
  4. The sequence of behavioral acts. An example is the change of roles of the listener and the speaker.
  5. Elementary actions. We are talking about non-verbal and verbal forms of participation in assistance.
  6. The physical environment. Its elements are considered the boundaries of the situation. It can be a street, some kind of enclosed space, square and so on. This also includes the physical qualities of the environment that affect the senses (smells, noise or color), spatial conditions, for example, the distance between someone or something and props (school desks or a blackboard).
  7. Knowledge concepts. What it is? That is, there must be certain categories that provide an understanding of any kind of social situation. This includes knowledge of the rules of the game, designation of figures, narrow terms. If we take the studied term, then in it such concepts are considered ideas about the social structure, about people, about objects that are included in the interaction, and elements of that same interaction.
  8. Speech and language. This applies to certain turns of speech, vocabulary and intonations that are used by participants in the situation.
  9. Skills and difficulties. What does it mean? By this point, experts understand all the obstacles to contact, as well as the skills that help them overcome.

It is important to understand that scientists have brought together the objective and subjective aspects of situations.

Researchers also see goals as the most important. Let's talk in more detail.


Modern society

It was already noted above that goals occupy a key position. This is because they are considered as independent variables. It turns out that other parameters depend on goals.

In addition to them, there are other significant factors, however, they are of less importance. These factors include the emotional atmosphere, the rules, the ability to overcome difficulties on the way. A vivid example is the meeting of friends after many years, communication between the supervisor and the student about the thesis will differ, first of all, with these parameters, and then a different communication style and so on will be added.

Features of the "environment"

The characteristics of the social situation that affect human behavior include the following:

  1. Stranger, acquaintance.
  2. Communication-oriented, performance-oriented.
  3. Informal-formal.
  4. Deep embedded or superficial. By the way, intimate inclusion is also referred to as deep.

Based on these very characteristics, certain types of situations are distinguished:

  1. Personal contacts with relatives and close friends.
  2. Official events.
  3. Random rare encounters with friends.
  4. Formal contacts at work and, for example, in stores.
  5. Negotiations and conflict.
  6. Asymmetrical contacts that are associated with social skills. An example is leadership, training, interviewing.
  7. Group discussion.

It is noteworthy that such a classification is not the only one. The social situation in countries may have a different typology. By the way, the work of Eric Berne is considered the most famous classification of species. It is based on the need for structuring time. Bern offers six ways of this structuring, which divides into two borderline cases and four main.

Let's consider in more detail.

Bern classification

Relationship at work

His division is as follows:

  1. Borderline case. Its main feature is isolation. That is, a person does not psychologically give any contact; he is immersed in his own thoughts. Such behavior is perceived as the norm only if it has not become a habit.
  2. Repeated, familiar activities and rituals. A social situation and a difficult life situation are impossible without this. We are talking about actions that are both formal and informal in nature. The first may include business etiquette, and the second - greeting, thanks and more. Rituals are needed in order to maintain communication while not getting closer.
  3. Pastime. We are talking about semi-ritual talk about problems and some kind of life turmoil. Such communication is repetitive, although it can hardly be called predictable. People usually spend time talking at a party, usually strangers, or to pass the clock while waiting for the beginning of something. Pastime is considered socially programmed, because conversations at this time are allowed only on some topics. The purpose of such communication is not only the maintenance of friendly relations, but also the establishment of new acquaintances and even connections.
  4. Cooperative activity. We are talking about those situations where people are in contact at work, because they need to perform their tasks well.
  5. Games. Bern believes that this is the most difficult type of communication. But the fact is that in the game one side is trying to surpass the other and, accordingly, receive a reward. To make it clearer, we give the following scheme: if a person asks for consolation and, having received it, calms down, then he achieved what he wanted. But in a situation when a person was comforted, and he turned it against a comforter, then this is called a game. She is notable for the hidden motivation of the game participants. The scientist believes that all important contacts occur in the form of a game, which makes up most of the communication between people. The main reason for the game is that in life people have very few opportunities for intimacy. For example, in the West, sincerity and frankness are not held in high esteem, because it can be used against a person. Again, a repeated pastime sooner or later bothers. In order not to endanger themselves and get rid of boredom, people begin to play. This is the key social value of games. As a rule, people choose partners and friends from those people who play the same games. If a person begins to play other games, then he is usually expelled from the usual society. Again, games are needed to maintain mental health. When people do not have the opportunity to play, they will fall into despair. This is especially evident in families when one of the spouses has better health, while the second one worsens due to refusal of games. This is explained by the fact that the second spouse with the help of the game maintained his own psychological balance.
  6. The second borderline case is proximity. It is she who becomes the closing way of structuring time. Proximity is considered to be game-free communication, which is based on interest and lack of benefits. True intimacy comes at a time when hidden motives and social patterns cease to be important. Human proximity is the pinnacle of relationships between people, it brings such pleasure that even people with unstable equilibrium no longer need games. The prototype of intimacy can be called an act of intimate or love relationships.

In addition to theories of scientists, there is also such a thing as a social situation of child development. More on this later.

Social development situation

Child development

What is it and why does a separate topic stand out from the question? This concept appeared not so long ago and means the conditions in which a person’s behavioral and psychological development takes place. By the way, this concept is used as a unit of measurement of the dynamics of the development of children. What is the point? Scientists distinguish two components of social development - experience and activity. If the baby’s activity can be observed without much effort, then the experience plan is often not visible even to parents. It has long been proven that children experience one situation differently, even twins. For example, one child will not react to a conflict of parents, and the other will earn a neurosis, because he will worry. Again, with age, a child can react differently to the same situation.

The development situation changes at the beginning of the age period. How should this be understood? Toward the end of that period, neoplasms of the social development situation appear, among which the central one stands out. It is it that has the greatest significance for the formation of another stage.

Such a “situation” poses specific developmental tasks for the baby. He must resolve them, which will be perceived as improvement. Any achievements of the baby lead to a contradiction between the old social situation of the development of the child and the new. In this way, the old ones are being built, new relations with society are being built.

The age dynamics of changes in the social situation of preschool age or any other is determined by the development and adoption of a new position by the baby. A new status of the child and the restructuring of forms of cooperation are being formed. This is caused by the readiness of the environment and the psychological readiness of the baby.

Each age stage is characterized by the direction of the choice of some form of leading activity that allows more fully realized in the child’s social situation. For example, preschoolers usually choose story-based feature films, younger schoolchildren choose educational films, but which focus on modeling, teenagers prefer forms of personal self-determination, older schoolchildren prefer maturity and professional definition. It is noteworthy that forms of activity should not be strictly tied to age. If, as a child, the child is involved in some kind of activity, then with the process of development and formation of personality, the formula is turned over. That is, the baby ceases to be involved in activities, and begins to choose the activity with which he develops. As a rule, the choice is made based on what place the child takes in social relations. Because of this, all psychologists are urging parents to help the baby find him.

This explains the social situation of the development of preschool, school and other age of the child.

Three levels of communication

This is another classification of social situations. Three levels appear depending on how much a person is involved in the transformation of relationships. So, the levels are distinguished:

  1. Business.
  2. Social role.
  3. Intimate and personal.

The business level is characterized by the fact that people are united by joint activities and interests. The principle of business relationships is the search for means of increasing work efficiency, rationality. It is important to understand that partners at this level are evaluated for their performance and functional qualities. Communication at a business level does not imply psychological rapprochement.

We examined the concept of the social situation at the very beginning of the article. And now, with a clear conscience, let's move on to a further analysis of the levels. The socio-role level is obvious in situational necessity. For example, people communicate in transport, on the street, in public places, in official institutions. For communication at this level to go well, you need to know the requirements and norms of the social environment. Moreover, communication is anonymous and it does not matter whether it occurs between strangers, acquaintances or close people.

The intimate-personal level implies psychological intimacy in a special form. In this case, the participants strive to satisfy their needs for understanding, empathy, sympathy. The principle of this level is trust, empathy.

It is important to understand that for each level of communication different behavior will be characteristic. For example, the social situation in society will be very different from that arising from business communication. And so in everything.

Situation definition

Intimate relationship

This moment can be called the most important, because in this way a person is guided in a social environment. The definition of "environment" is considered the most important structural element of interpersonal interaction. Socio-psychological situations of any level involve the interaction of people who are different from each other in advance, but at the same time they depend, because it will not work individually to realize intentions. According to this reason, between people there is a psychological tension of different strengths. During communication, critical moments arise that are determined by the choice of the goal of interaction, turning communication into a negotiable subject. As a result of such negotiations, a peculiar working agreement is formed. It turns out that all of the above types grow out of the ability to identify typical social situations that arise during the interaction of people. In other words, such a “scenario” has a scenario that is known to members of a particular group. In order for interpersonal communication to be successful, it is important for people to distinguish typical, social or standard situations and design them using actions. That as far as a person understands the relevance of his behavior, speaks of his social competence.

Interpersonal space

When the type is defined, for example, this is the social situation of families, the participants of the latter begin to build their own positions that allow them to achieve goals in specific circumstances. Communication will only succeed if participants create a common reality.

So, what is meant by interpersonal space? It involves:

  1. A clear definition of the temporal and spatial boundaries of the interaction situation. Outside of this situation, the position is considered inappropriate.
  2. The choice of position in relation to another person, a test of strength.
  3. Registration of a occupied position through non-verbal and verbal means of communication.

Usually horizontal and vertical characteristics are distinguished in interpersonal space. The vertical characteristic is expressed in ideas about the mutual arrangement of partners, that is, an extension to the partner from any side.

The horizontal component is expressed in the use of interpersonal barriers that stand in the way of rapprochement between people. It can be like objects such as a table, chair or any kind of gestures. A vivid example of an obstacle is considered to be crossed arms, a foot-to-foot pose, transfer of a conversation to other topics, and more. An obstacle can also be a closed type of personality in one of the interlocutors.

We can say that the space that is created during interpersonal interaction is a determining factor in whether it will be possible to establish contact.


Outdoor communication

We have analyzed many socio-psychological situations that can occur on the path of life. We hope that now the topic will become much clearer for you. First of all, it is worth saying that it is impossible to separate all situations by type, because there are a lot of them. But it’s quite realistic to know the basics of psychology and, thanks to this, to understand how to act correctly in a given situation.

Society will always be, and there is no getting away from it, and therefore each person must learn to interact with other people. You can act intuitively and by the method of errors and trials to find your own model of behavior, or you can stock up on theoretical knowledge. In any case, it is always worth remembering the relevance in a particular situation. If a person behaves differently from what is customary in a particular group, then he is unlikely to manage to linger among these people.

Of course, individuality must be present and it is not necessary to become a gray mass, but the boundaries of what is permitted must also be. Remember, man is a friend to man, which means we must be able to agree among ourselves. That's what we are given speech in contrast to animals. For this, man is endowed with empathy. All in your hands.


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