“Corn” - what kind of word is this?

What kind of callus? This question is asked by a large number of people. You will receive the answer from the submitted article.

what kind of corn

General information about the word "corn"

"How corn hurts!" - in this sentence there are no inconsistent verbs, adjectives or numerals, the spelling of which would be called into question due to ignorance of the gender of the mentioned word. However, such a need often arises when such a nuance plays a crucial role in the correct writing of a letter. For example, the following sentence must necessarily raise the question of what kind of word “corn” is: “Sick corn, kept me awake all night”.

Sort in Russian

“Corn” - what kind of word is this? Before answering the question, it should be noted that in the Russian language there are three kinds. Each of them includes only certain words. Moreover, the correct change in cases, and in some cases spelling, depends on the genus of which an expression refers.

So, we present to your attention all three kinds in more detail.

Neuter gender

The middle gender of nouns is determined by the following endings, which are in the initial form of the word, - -o and -e . In addition, for its clarification very often use a special substitution of pronouns such as "it is mine." For example, a window, a cloud, a field, sky, iron, art and so on.

female or male corn

It should be specially noted that divergent nouns that end in -ma also belong to the middle gender (udder, flame, stirrup, time, tribe, burden, seed, etc.). It should also be noted that among such words there are practically no animated words, that is, their number is extremely small (for example, an animal, creature, child).

Male gender

The word corn: feminine or masculine? It is between these genera that confusion arises in our case. Someone believes that the expression "beloved callus" will be true, while someone always says "sick and very hard callus." In order to dispel all these doubts and come to a common and correct opinion, we will talk about how the masculine gender is determined.

As a rule, such nouns in the initial form have no ending, that is, they have zero. Although this applies only to inanimate objects, which at the end have a consonant letter. We give an example: a table, a chair, a house, a garden, a jug, a filter, a ball, an hour, cream, tone, thunder, wind, a balcony, and so on. However, it should be noted that at the end of the animated masculine words there may also be vowels -a or -i . Let us give an example: uncle, Petya, Seryozha, Sasha, Misha and so on.

In order to avoid confusion in nouns ending in “b”, it is recommended to check the appropriate pronouns “he, mine” for verification. For example, day, stump and so on.

what kind of word is corn

The word corn: what kind of noun? This expression shows that it has a zero ending, but ends in a soft sign. We substitute the pronoun: “he, mine” is a callus. This phrase cuts the ear a little. But to make sure that this expression does not apply to the masculine gender, a female should be considered in detail.

Feminine gender

"Callus" or "callus"? What kind of word this will help us figure out this section of the article.

When determining the feminine of inanimate words (nouns), it should be borne in mind that the endings of such words in the initial form and singular can be the following: -a or -i . We give an example: a will, an apartment, a pen, water, a river, a head, a wall, a war, a profession, a hand, work, a socket, a battery, a colony, and so on. Also, feminine words often have a zero ending. But this is only if “b” is at the end of an expression. For example: trembling, rye, night, speech and so on.

As for the animated nouns, the determining factor here is their belonging to female beings. For example, Masha, Katya, girl, woman, girl, cat and so on. In order not to confuse the masculine and feminine words at the end, it is recommended to substitute the pronouns “she, mine” to them. Let us give a good example: “she, mine” is a callus. In this case, this expression is more consonant than masculine.

What kind of callus? We find out together

From the foregoing, we can safely conclude that the word "corn" refers to the female genus. However, it should be noted that in the Russian language there is no special rule according to which similar expressions (for example, ending with -l ) are attributed to one or another genus. That is why in controversial cases, experts recommend referring to the spelling dictionary. It can also be remembered by the following expressions:

  • "Step on a sore spot";
  • "Step on your favorite callus."

corn what kind of noun
By the way, thanks to the definition of the gender of this word, one can easily find out the declension to which it refers. Thus, “callus” is a noun of an inanimate form, feminine and third declension.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39163/

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