How to become happy and loved? You just need to learn this!

Every woman dreams deep down about great, real love. Even if at first glance it seems that her priorities are career, money, fame, recognition and honor, the tale of a prince on a white horse does not leave her even on her deathbed. But after all, fate destroys us so unfairly at times, giving someone from birth everything that is necessary for the realization of this dream, and someone leaving behind the ship of happiness. More than once I heard from women of different ages: “Lyuska is over there — legs from the ears, a face, a figure, money and a shaft, and there is something in my head, even though she is wearing blonde, men around her like flies are curling, and I am. ... For three years I can’t get rid of cellulite, I work as a conductor, I barely have enough for my panties ... Who needs me, except for the bus driver Vaska? Dear ladies, I dedicate this article to you, I will tell you how to become happy and loved.

First of all, I want to console you. To learn how to become happy and loved, you just need to think a little. You do not need to have a Hollywood appearance and a tight wallet to achieve female happiness. But the presence of the head and developed thought processes is imperative! For several centuries in a row, Japan has been studying the science of “the awakening of love." In European countries it was interpreted as a banal "pick-up", the art of "removal". But in fact, Japanese science helps to instill in the soul of a man just a feeling, not lust, it gives knowledge on how to grow and keep love, and not how to spend a stormy night. Therefore, those who want to know how to become happy and loved, turn on your head and remember.

The very first step that you should take is to establish contact with the desired object. Depending on the nature of the person, the contact may be different. If the man is an extrovert, from the breed of “talkers”, your trump card is verbal and visual contact. Remember the usual turns that he uses, his intonation, gestures and use them in a conversation with him. Without realizing it, he will let you into your personal space as something familiar . If, on the contrary, he is silent, thoughtful, loves solitude, then the best way is to use deep tactile contact. To win such a man is much more difficult, he is careful and, of his own free will, will not let anyone closer to himself than he wants. Deep tactile contact is a connection of sensations. You should not take words literally and rather run "paw" the poor man from all sides. Touch should be unobtrusive, comfortable, and it is best to start communication with a touch of a glance. Your eyes should enable a person to read in them that he is the best, only and real. Loudly say this is not necessary !!!! And remember, only what you want to tell him, no more, should be reflected in the eyes.

The next stage. The connection of the subconscious is established, we establish the connection of consciousness. The less catchy you look, the better. You should not demonstrate your sexuality - give the man the opportunity to first see a person in you, otherwise he will make a stand on long legs, and you will lose. Your task is to become a friend. Not a friend, but a friend. You must earn respect, a little trust, find common interests with the person. Remember, we prefer to communicate with those to whom we can give something new. Let them teach you something, do not hesitate to ask stupid questions - it touches men. But do not overdo it! You must not seem like a brainless creature! Something interesting must be found in your head for him, and in your heart there is an abyss of understanding, devotion and high moral principles.

The third step is very important. It is here that the Japanese reveal the science of how to become loved and desired. It's time to show your femininity and attractiveness. But! In no case do it explicitly! Show a small piece of a naked body that attracts the eye, and then, as if by accident. Let accidentally move the strap from the sarafan, exposing a beautiful shoulder, let the button on the blouse inadvertently unfasten, but only one that reveals the secret, but does not expose it. Do not forget to blush with embarrassment and immediately make it clear that you should not count on close relations with you. The best way to get a man to do what you want is to put in front of him a barrier that is difficult to overcome. And when he overcomes it, then he will value his trophy much more than that which itself fell into his hands.

Well, then it all depends on you, ladies. The main thing that should always be with you is the brains. You must objectively evaluate the one you want to conquer. To study it as an abstract in algebra, to observe minor details - gait, gestures, facial expressions, breathing rhythm - everything matters. If a person is simple as a person, try his personality on yourself, try to think, feel and do as he does. Then you will at least 15% percent get closer to the contents of his head, and these percentages will ensure you victory. Forget about all the emotions for this period, act only with the mind. And remember the main rule - we love those who love us. At the moment when you are engaged in some kind of man, you must force yourself to love him and sincerely respect him. Otherwise, your falsity will be obvious, and it’s not worth it to take up the game.

Here it is, Japanese science. And it works at 100%. But, I honestly admit to you, I use it only when it is profitable for me. But I don’t interfere in her heart affairs. Because she teaches how to become loved. But how to become happy - no. It is impossible to get happiness from the love that, like origami, gathered his hands. You can only get satisfaction from a job well done and put on the cabinet, as another exhibit. And you can only teach how to become happy and loved who you truly, with your heart and not your head, truly love you. And if someone asks me if I am personally happy, I will answer without hesitation: “Yes, absolutely. Because I have the best teacher! ”


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