Error code ERR_CONNECTION_RESET (connection reset) 101: how to fix the failure with the simplest methods

In everyday work with Internet resources, quite often you can encounter a situation where, instead of the expected access to the page, the browser displays a message that the connection has been disconnected. The error ERR_CONNECTION_RESET (connection dropped) is indicated as the reason. Why it arises and how to deal with it, now it will be shown using several basic techniques.

Error code ERR_CONNECTION_RESET (connection reset) 101: what does this mean?

If you understand the nature of the failure itself, it can occur in several cases. For example, pages on the Internet can be blocked by the system’s security features due to their unreliability (the likely content of threats).

error code err connection reset connection reset

In some cases, the 101st error code ERR_CONNECTION_RESET (the connection is dropped) may indicate incorrect settings for the web browser (in most cases, this refers to the proxy server settings). There are frequent cases when malfunctions are observed in the network itself, because of which access to the Internet becomes simply impossible.

ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error: how to fix the hosts file?

The first thing to do is look at the hosts file. In it blocking settings can be registered. You can find this object in the main directory of the system if you go in it first to the System32 folder, and then to the etc. directory.

In most cases, the hosts file is hidden, so to see it, in the view menu you need to set the appropriate display options for hidden objects (files and folders).

Open the file just like that also does not work. Here you need to use the right-click menu command, "Open with ...", and use the standard Notepad or any other editor of this type as the editor.

err connection reset error how to fix

Now look at the contents. Everything that is below the line with the local host address and the next line with the unit, after which localhost is written again, you need to delete (this is the lock record), and then just save the changes.

Web Browser and Network Settings

Another 101st error code ERR_CONNECTION_RESET (connection reset) may appear for the sole reason that the browser has the wrong settings. As an example, consider the popular Google Chrome browser.

err connection reset error

We assume that an error ERR_CONNECTION_RESET popped up when an user tried to visit a site. How to fix it in the settings? Simple enough. To do this, go to the parameters by pressing the button with three dots or with a wrench located in the upper right. Scrolling down the window a bit, go to the display of additional settings, and then find the "Network" section. There is a line for changing proxy server settings, which you need to activate.

In the new window, the browser properties are selected, and then in the settings of the parameters of the local network they are automatically detected. In this case, if the provider does not provide for the use of a proxy, the corresponding scenarios need not be used.

By the way, the same applies to the settings of Internet Explorer or any other browser. In general, disabling proxy settings is a general rule for all Internet access programs.

error err connection reset connection reset

As for the connection parameters used to configure local networks and their protocols, you should usually set automatic reception of addresses (IP, DNS, etc.), unless otherwise specified by the provider. In this case, the problem may consist only in the incorrect data entry, so you just need to check them for compliance with those that were provided when creating the connection. In addition, a “bird” is usually additionally placed next to the line that disables the use of proxies for local addresses.

Firewall and antivirus exception lists

Quite often, Internet resources are blocked by a security system. The error code ERR_CONNECTION_RESET (connection dropped) indicates just that.

error code err connection reset connection reset

The solution here is the simplest: the browser itself used for Internet surfing in the firewall needs to be added to the list of exceptions by creating a new rule. In the anti-virus package, the blocked resource should be marked as reliable (provided that it is indeed one).

Troubleshooting network issues through the command line

Finally, the ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error, indicating a reset of the current connection, can only be associated with problems in the local network itself. To fix the failure, you can, of course, use different “fixers” programs (from the English fix - “fix”, “fix”). However, in the most general case, you can do much easier.

err connection reset error how to fix

First, the command line is called (cmd in the "Run" menu). The ipconfig / all command is written in the console that appears, followed by pressing the enter key. The use of this tool allows you to not only scan the network for problems, but also automatically eliminate the detected failures.

Optimization with third-party programs

In some cases, you can fix this problem using specialized software. For example, the Advanced System Care software package has its own module for optimizing your Internet connection.

err connection reset error

It allows not only increasing the speed of access to the Network, but basically it can identify existing or potential failures when trying to open resources. Naturally, user participation in this process is not required. However, you need to understand that this is a backup rather than the main method of eliminating this type of error. And with this module you need to work extremely carefully. There are cases when the automated correction did not lead to the desired result, but to the completely opposite effect.


The very problem of the appearance of the above failure is not particularly critical, however, to solve it, it is desirable to initially determine the cause. But, if you approach the issue from a practical point of view, you can perform all the actions in the sequence that was presented in this material.

It remains to be added that the possible causes of failures associated with the entry of viruses into the system were not considered here. Some of them are also capable of causing blocking of web pages. However, they do not always modify the hosts file or create their own entries in it. The impact may manifest itself in a different way. But, I think, any serious user does not need to remind about anti-virus security issues. They should be a priority anyway.


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