How to learn Armenian: tips and tricks

The Armenian language is one of the oldest in the world. It is distinguished by its beauty and originality of sound. More than 6 million people speak Armenian. Language lives and develops under the influence of modern culture. If you decide to learn the Armenian language from scratch, you need to follow the advice given in the article.

Why learn Armenian?

First of all, before starting training, it is necessary to answer the question - why do you want to learn how to speak and write in Armenian. Having motivation is the key to success. Someone dreams of a long trip to Armenia, for someone, knowledge of the language is necessary to get the desired work. In any case, the goal should be clearly stated. Once you understand that you really need to know the language, you should find the answer to the question of how to learn the Armenian language yourself.

Beautiful Armenia

Where to begin

First of all, you need to choose the time that you will devote to training. How to learn Armenian at home? Systematicity required. It is better to spend 40 minutes per lesson daily than to sit on books for 4 hours in one day, which will not bring any benefit, but, on the contrary, will ward off the desire to study.

Learning Armenian

What you need for training

In order to learn the Armenian language from scratch on your own, you must have a self-study guide, dictionaries, art books, as well as audio and video material recorded by native speakers. Textbooks should contain a large number of exercises aimed at developing basic skills: reading, writing and speaking.

Books for learning a language

Start learning a language

How to learn the Armenian language and where to start learning? First of all, you need to learn the alphabet. The Armenian language has its own unique script, which arose about 400 BC. After mastering the alphabet, it is necessary to master the general principles of pronunciation of letter combinations. Then you should proceed to the construction of phrases and sentences, as well as the study of auxiliary verbs.

Further, with the accumulation of knowledge, one should begin to study the past and future tenses, understand the construction of various types of sentences, devote time to cases and declensions of words, degrees of comparison of adjectives.

From light material, it is necessary to smoothly move to a more complex one. The assimilation of information of a higher level of language proficiency is impossible without a strong foundation.

Language learning tips

The answer to the question of how to learn the Armenian language is that it is necessary to develop all aspects of language proficiency at the same time. You can not completely immerse yourself in one thing. Every day you need to pay attention to writing, reading and speaking.

In order to learn how to write correctly, you need to study grammar, memorize various language constructions, practice building sentences, as well as translating texts from Russian into Armenian.

Speaking phrases out loud is very important. If you perform the exercises and read books to yourself, then the result from learning a language will appear much later than those who speak everything. This method is very effective and quickly bears fruit.

It helps to learn the language of watching movies with subtitles. It’s best to start with a movie you already know. Thanks to this pastime, you can learn to perceive Armenian speech well.

The best way to learn the Armenian language is to maximize immersion in the language environment. The ideal option is to live some time in the country of the language, to fully experience the culture and lifestyle of the locals. If there is no opportunity to live in beautiful Armenia, looking for a pen pal is a good advice.

Immersion in the language environment

The best motivation is the result that you can see, so after several months of classes, when your arsenal of knowledge will have a good vocabulary and the basics of grammar, you can proceed to reading books in the language you are studying. The dictionary is recommended to use as little as possible. One should learn to understand the general meaning of a sentence, even if some word is not known in it.

How to find time to learn the Armenian language

The problem of the majority is an acute lack of time for additional classes and learning something new. In order to turn the process of learning the Armenian language into a fascinating activity that does not take up time that you can spend relaxing with family or friends, you should use the following tips:

  • Spend time on the road to work listening to audio material. You can listen to dialogues from different areas of life, Armenian music, audio books. This will allow you to quickly begin to perceive Armenian speech by ear and will give good learning results.
  • To memorize new words, you can use special programs to learn the language on your smartphone. Instead of spending time on social networks watching photos, you can do useful work and by the end of the day replenish your vocabulary with 10-15 new words.
  • In order to quickly learn the names of objects in your home, you can stick on various things stickers with their name in Armenian. Without noticing it, you will soon know the words denoting furniture, clothing, food.
Listening to audio material

Now you know how to learn the Armenian language. You must follow the tips presented in this article. With the help of them you can very quickly achieve the desired goal and get the required level of language proficiency.


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