Botox hair: what is it, the principle of action and reviews

Well-groomed, healthy, with beautiful color and shine hair, undoubtedly attract attention. Owners of such a hairstyle can easily emphasize their own style and express their individuality. But nature did not reward everyone with such a gift. According to studies and social surveys, every second person in the world has any problems associated with the health of curls. Most often complain of profuse loss, brittleness, dryness of the scalp. Modern cosmetology and dermatology offers a wide selection of different methods for treating hairline. In particular, beauty clinics began to offer such a procedure as Botox hair. What is it, what is the effect of this manipulation, what are its advantages and disadvantages - about this and not only in our material.

Botox hair: what is it?

What is botox for hair?

Just note that the name of the procedure is exclusively a marketing ploy. It turns out that it has practically nothing to do with “beauty injections”. Botox hair - what is it really? Let's try to figure it out. The fact is that botulinum is the main active ingredient in Botox injections for the skin, while there is no such component in the hair serum . The procedure itself is fundamentally different. But the principle of action of such funds is similar: the essence of the Botox procedure for both skin and hair lies in the targeted supply of useful substances.

Operating principle

If in “injections of youth” useful substances are delivered to their destination due to botulinum molecules, then in botox for hair, this function is performed by such a component as intrasilam. This molecule, penetrating keratin, changes its structure from linear to branched. Due to this ability, the components of the serum freely enter the tissues and remain there for a long period. As a result of changes in the structure of the molecule, strands are straightened, and fluffing and the effect of electrification are eliminated. Hair becomes smooth and shiny.

The composition of Botox includes such components as elastin, valuable amino acids, vitamin complex, hyaluronic acid, vegetable oils. All of these substances contribute to the restoration of damaged hair structure.

Botox for hair: consequences

Indications for the use of Botox

Is such a procedure suitable for everyone? In principle, everyone can do it, regardless of the type of hair. But in some conditions, Botox is recommended by cosmetologists and trichologists, namely:

  • with split ends;
  • fragility;
  • frequent stains and perms ;
  • with dull, weak hair;
  • to eliminate naughty curls and smooth curls.

tokyo hair botox

Botox for hair: consequences of use

We hasten to reassure: unlike “injections of youth”, the procedure for strengthening curls is carried out exclusively by the external method, which means that it is quite safe. Regardless of the brand-manufacturer of Botox, such a tool is not administered subcutaneously. Nevertheless, cases of the development of local allergic reactions have been noted. Typically, this complication occurs with individual intolerance to the constituent components. The complexity of the treatment of this condition lies in the fact that even before the appearance of external symptoms of allergies, substances manage to get deep into the tissues. Therefore, in such situations, a course of treatment is prescribed aimed at eliminating the external manifestations of the disease.

It should also be noted that there have been no clinical trials of the described drug. Therefore, the use of Botox for hair is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

How is the Botox procedure for curls?

Thinking of doing a Botox hair procedure? What is it, how is it carried out, what are the risks? First of all, we emphasize that such a procedure is exclusively cosmetological and not therapeutic at all. The effect of this manipulation can be compared, for example, with hair lamination. The result will be noticeable no longer than two months, after which a second procedure will be required.

How is such a cosmetic manipulation to care for curls carried out? The procedure consists of several stages:

  • Hair is thoroughly washed using a professional shampoo, after which it is slightly dried.
  • Throughout the entire length of the strand, without touching the roots, the first layer of serum is applied using the syringe included in the kit.
  • The hair is treated with a fixing composition and dried according to the instructions.
  • Beautiful, well-groomed, shiny curls are ready!

Depending on the brand of Botox manufacturer, individual changes in the technique of such a procedure are possible. For example, when using the Loreal product, the final step in the manipulation will be drying with hot air. And preparations of other brands need fixing substances in the tissues of the hair with the help of a special balm.

What effect can Botox achieve for hair? The photo below clearly demonstrates the result of using such a tool.

Botox for hair: photo

Botox Manufacturers for Curls

Consider the products of individual brands of the drug:

  • Honma Tokyo Botox for hair is popular in the global cosmetic market. The advantage of this product is the absence of formaldehyde in its composition. In addition, the instructions for the drug indicate that it can be used at home, thereby saving material resources for the procedure in the cosmetology office.
  • The drug of the Hungarian manufacturer Kallos is sold in retail chains only in a set consisting of 6 ampoules. Therefore, such a tool is more convenient to purchase for professional use. The disadvantage of the drug of this company is the presence in the composition of chemical components and a silicone filler.
  • The most popular brand of Botox for hair in the domestic market is a remedy from Loreal. But despite the wide distribution of such a product, consumers note the inconvenience of picking the product - the botox of this brand is implemented in a set of 15 ampoules. Nevertheless, it is this tool that is able to completely straighten naughty curls, while others cannot do such a task.

honma botox for hair


The price of the product depends on the volume and brand of the manufacturer. So, Honma Tokyo (Botox for hair) costs from 1,500 rubles per bottle (50 ml). The drug brand "Loreal" will cost 2000 rubles. One of the cheapest such products is Botox for Callos curls. So, a set of 6 bottles of this drug costs only 300-400 rubles.

Effect and customer reviews

The effect of the described agent becomes noticeable immediately after the first procedure. Therefore, most often consumers are satisfied with the result. In particular, reviews about such a drug as Tokyo Honma hair botox claim that immediately after the session the condition of the curls improves significantly: elasticity, smoothness, healthy shine are noted. In addition, this tool is most conveniently used at home. Consumers indicate that Loreal is best suited for straightening curly strands. And the most economical is Botox for hair brand "Callos".

honma tokyo botox for hair

Are you planning to carry out a cosmetic procedure for Botox hair? What is it and what are the indications for manipulation, we described in this material. Nevertheless, you should first consult with a professional about the appropriateness of such a procedure in each case.


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