Types of shampoos. How to choose a shampoo. Shampoo Rating

No modern woman can do without such a necessary hair care product like shampoo. It was invented more than a hundred years ago and initially had the appearance of a powder. Over time, the range of shampoos increased, new formulas and various aromas appeared. The types of shampoos that exist today are quite diverse, so it is sometimes difficult to make a choice. In order for the purchase to be successful, you need to know some points that will help you not to make a mistake and purchase a product specifically for your hair type.

Shampoo, price

What is shampoo intended for and how does it work

The main objective of this tool is to remove dirt from the surface of the hair. And this is done with the help of surface-active substances (surfactants), which are the main components of shampoo and are able to dissolve water- and fat-soluble contaminants.

In addition to surfactants, all types of hair shampoos contain other components, such as extracts of medicinal plants, proteins, preservatives, silicones, dyes and other additives. Do not flatter yourself by reading on the label information about the presence of natural ingredients in the shampoo. Even if they are present there, in very small quantities, and their impact is negligible. But you shouldn’t be upset either, because the quality of the shampoo does not depend on the presence or absence of natural ingredients, but on the quality of the washing composition and other synthetic substances.

Types of Shampoos

Pay attention to the price if you want to buy high-quality shampoo. The price of a good product cannot be low. More expensive shampoos contain components that soften the effect of aggressive substances, which means that the possible negative effect of such a product on hair is minimized.

What are shampoos

An improperly chosen remedy will not bring benefits, and can even harm. First of all, you need to determine the type of your hair, as well as their condition. There are such types of shampoos for hair: funds for the care of oily, dry, normal, thin, damaged and weakened hair.

Shampoo for oily hair

Shampoo for damaged hair

If your hair has an unkempt look the day after washing, you need to choose soft and gentle means to avoid irritation of excessively active sebaceous glands. It is not advisable to constantly use shampoo for oily hair. Customer reviews show that regular use of such a product can provoke overdrying and peeling of the scalp. Therefore, periodically you need to use a neutral remedy.

Dry hair shampoo

Such hair is devoid of shine, it is dull, brittle and split, so it needs constant hydration. Tools for the care of this type of hair contain many moisturizing ingredients and saturate the hair with moisture.

Shampoo for normal hair

Shampoo for oily hair. Reviews [

Such a shampoo does not contain any additional components, except for those that are designed for gentle cleansing. Normal hair has a healthy appearance and shine, easy to style and comb, keep fresh for several days. Shampoos for normal hair should contain detergents that preserve and support the natural lubrication of the hair, various herbal supplements and vitamins.

If you have mixed hair, do not rush to buy a product marked "For mixed type", this is just a good marketing move. Such a shampoo is unlikely to benefit your hair, it is best to use a tool for normal hair and an additional balm. Dry tips must be moistened with special masks.

For thin, damaged or weakened hair, special products exist. Shampoos for fine hair contain placenta, keratin, plant extracts and silk proteins. These components prevent hair from sticking together and strengthen their roots.

Shampoo for damaged hair gently cleanses and restores the hair structure, restores its strength.

Depending on the purpose, there are such types of shampoos:

Therapeutic. With the help of such funds, you can get rid of dandruff, eczema, fungus, itching, and prevent hair loss. Often you can not use such shampoos, as they deeply penetrate the scalp.

The use of shampoos

Hue. Such a shampoo contains coloring pigments, thanks to which you can paint over gray hair or emphasize the natural color of the hair. The composition of these products does not include ammonia and oxidizing agents, so they do not damage the hair structure.

Shampoos directed action. These tools are mainly used by professionals to give hair certain properties. Shampoos are especially popular for increasing the volume or accelerating hair growth.

For dyed hair. Such shampoos are designed to preserve the brightness of hair color. Compared to other products, their detergent content is reduced. Special components create a microfilm on the hair, so dyes do not wash out so quickly.

Homemade hair washing products

If synthetic types of shampoos do not suit you, try to prepare a natural means for washing hair, which has many advantages and does not contain harmful chemicals. Homemade shampoos based on natural soap are prepared.

Homemade Shampoos

You need to take 180-200 ml of water, a teaspoon of cosmetic oil (almond - for oily hair, jojoba oil - for dry hair, grape seed oil for any type of hair), 50 g of soap (you can take olive, castor, coconut, palm or glycerin). For flavor, add 25-35 drops of your favorite essential oil, 1-2 tbsp. l decoction of nettle, chamomile, calendula or burdock roots. Store homemade shampoos in the refrigerator for no more than seven days.

Shampoo Rating

As for brands of shampoos, a popularity rating was compiled based on a survey of women aged 25-35 years. Based on this, we can distinguish five brands that are in greatest demand.


Shampoos of this brand are in demand among women of average income, as the price-quality ratio is optimal in them. With regular use, the condition of the hair improves. A positive result can be seen while using the air conditioner and masks of this brand.


The popularity of hair washing products of this brand is explained by their easy availability and rich assortment at an affordable price.


The regular use of shampoos of this brand improves the appearance of the hair, makes it shiny and silky. In addition, hair is easier to comb and style.


The assortment of these shampoos is quite diverse. The tool is great at washing hair and scalp. Well-proven products for dark and red hair of this brand. True, shampoo for oily hair is not very popular. Customer reviews say that Timotei is too dry oily hair.


Vichy Shampoo is popular for its healing effect. After several weeks of using the product, the loss of hair stops, the structure of the hair improves, they become shiny and silky. True, such a shampoo is not cheap.

Important little things

1. When buying a shampoo, pay attention to its composition. The amount of ingredients must be at least 10. Shelf life is also important. The best option is 6-12 months.

Types of Hair Shampoos

2. A good product should not have a bright color and rich aroma, this indicates an excess of flavorings and colors in it.

3. To relax your hair from synthetic products, from time to time use homemade shampoos and masks.

4. If the cause of hair loss and the presence of dandruff is inside the body, then even special types of shampoos will not help get rid of this problem. Such funds can only be used as an addition to the main treatment.

5. To understand whether the shampoo is suitable for you or not, it is enough to use it twice. If, using the product for a month, you notice that the hair is well washed, shiny, easy to comb, and there is no irritation on the scalp, then we can conclude that this shampoo is suitable for you. For reasons of economy, you should not use a remedy that did not suit you - it will take a long time to heal the consequences.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3920/

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