The harm and health benefits of cognac. How many degrees in cognac?

Paracelsus argued that the medicine and the poison differ from each other only in dose. Ancient healers agreed with him, the same point of view is supported by modern scientists. Such a common drink as cognac is no exception. It is believed that moderate doses of this alcoholic drink bring the body only benefits. Is this really so, and is not the notorious benefit of cognac justifying excuse of fans of the drink?

the benefits of cognac

Cognac benefits

Once upon a time, the word “cognac” was used exclusively to refer to a drink made in one of the French provinces. Today it is made in many countries of the world. Some manufacturers strictly follow the original recipe of French masters, and their products are quite competitive, so it costs quite a lot. Trying to understand what is the use of cognac, it makes sense to talk about such alcohol, which has a decent quality. Cheap alcohol made from low-quality raw materials using simplified technology can hardly be attributed to useful products even conditionally.

how many degrees in cognac

Good brandy is made from white grape varieties, distilling fermented wort through a distiller. Then the drink settles for a long time in oak barrels, ripening and saturated with aromas. Distillation allows you to clean the product from fusel oils and impurities, which is a clear advantage of this drink. Traditions related to drinking culture are also important. Cognac is not customary to consume in "horse doses", I drink it slowly, stretching pleasure. But even the highest quality alcohol in large quantities brings the body extremely harm.

Cognac for immunity

Doctors say that a small dose of cognac helps strengthen the body's ability to cope with infections and colds. In this case, this is not a small bottle, but a portion of 30-35 ml. If you feel that you may get hurt, a glass of this drink before bed will help to cope with the disease. The aroma of cognac has a calming effect on the body, a small amount will help to fall asleep faster and deeper, and a strong adult can already be enough to defeat the impending ailment at the initial stage.

You can add some alcohol to herbal or ginger tea, or just drink undiluted cognac. The benefits and harms of this remedy are determined not only by the dose, but also by your tactics. It is better to use this unusual tool in a warm room, just before bedtime. In no case should you conduct such experiments in the cold. A bath or a sauna is also not suitable for this.

cognac benefit and harm

Those who cough

Many artists believe that a small glass of cognac, taken immediately before the performance, will support the vocal cords and will allow you to work out even a long concert. The dose should be quite modest - a tablespoon will be quite enough. The use of cognac for the vocal cords has been tested empirically.

Aromatic soft alcohol also helps those who suffer from colds, accompanied by a cough. Remember: it is impossible to cure a cough with brandy, a drink can only alleviate suffering. Here there can be no question of a pair of glasses. It is better to take a slow sip, allowing the drink to slowly spread over the larynx. The warming effect caused by local irritating effect (which, however, any strong alcohol has) is felt instantly. This method cannot be called a worthy alternative to traditional medicine - it is applicable only when there are no other options. Wrap your neck, it is impossible to freeze a sore throat after a couple of sips of cognac.

Alcohol and resuscitation

Unusual use of this drink was also found by representatives of official medicine. Resuscitators know how brandy can help a patient. The benefits and harms of this drink are well known to doctors, but there are times when it can ease the suffering of a recovering patient.

Is it possible to drink cognac under pressure

We are talking about those who have sore throats after endotracheal anesthesia. A pair of small sips causes an increase in blood supply to the throat, due to which minor mechanical damage from the tube heals faster. As in other cases, the dose should be minimal, because after surgical interventions, a course of antibiotics is often prescribed, which are incompatible with alcohol.

Warming up action: myths and reality

How many degrees in cognac? It depends on the variety, but the strength of the vast majority of drinks ranges from 40 degrees. There are legends about the warming effect of strong alcohol . Someone had heard of hunters freezing in the winter, survivors, thanks to a flask of alcohol. Someone had a chance to personally “heal” during winter festivities. Well, the glory of “fighting 100 grams” is still alive today.

In fact, any alcohol only gives the illusion of warmth. It has an irritating effect on the walls of the digestive tract, due to which blood rushes to the esophagus and stomach. But such experiments are dangerous. A drunk person can fall asleep and freeze to death. The use of rubbing frostbitten limbs with alcohol is also nothing more than a myth.

Pressure problems

Is it possible to drink cognac under pressure? This question is even interesting for scientists who have precisely established that the drink affects the level of AT, but the mechanism has not been studied so far. A small dose (up to 50 ml) lowers the pressure. But if you increase the dose a little, the opposite process occurs. This drink is not a cure. But if you find yourself in a situation where a problem has arisen, there are no medicines at hand, and there is just cognac - you can help someone cope with the disease. Do not forget: cognac does not cure, but only helps to stop an attack.

Strict taboo

There are situations in which brandy is strictly contraindicated. The benefits and harms for women during pregnancy and lactation should not even raise questions. Any alcohol will harm a future or nursing mother much more than it will help. Situations in which you should drink cognac simply do not exist.

brandy benefit and harm for women

Alcohol is also contraindicated for those who are undergoing antibiotic treatment. Do not experiment with people who have liver problems, especially during exacerbations of chronic diseases. Of course, you can’t try to treat children with brandy.

Cognac cocktails

Cognac-based drinks also have features . For example, in the post-Soviet space, for some reason, it is fashionable to mix it with Cola. Carbonated drinks themselves are very harmful, and when combined with alcohol, their negative impact is only growing. And the ethical side of the question is doubtful. In secular society, such a habit is considered bad manners. If you know how many degrees there are in cognac, and you think this drink is too strong, dilute it with soda or add more ice to the glass.

Cognac Medicines

Health benefits of cognac does not cause you doubt? You can make it even more healthy and tasty. Put chokeberry, chopped lemons, ginger, blueberries or other healthy plants in a bottle and pour cognac. Leave in a dark place for 40-45 days, and then strain.

health benefits of cognac

You can use any ingredients that are considered useful, but not medicinal. For example, tincture of hawthorn should be used strictly according to indications, it is impossible to drink it for pleasure.

Outdoor application

In a conversation about the benefits of strong alcohol, one cannot but mention the antiseptic effect. Abrasions, shallow cuts, wounds can be completely treated with a piece of cloth dipped in cognac. Of course, we are talking about those cases when there is no first-aid kit at hand. The benefits of brandy for some skin problems are widely known. It dries the rash, helps to cope with increased oily skin. Often, warming compresses are prepared on the basis of cognac .


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