Amaranth oil - application, medicinal properties. Amaranth oil in cosmetology

Many folk remedies today are becoming popular again. Science rediscovers the properties of herbs and plants. After all, most of the trace elements are already inherent in them by nature, and therefore the latter do not need to be produced artificially. Today we’ll talk about amaranth oil - a storehouse of nutrients. You will be surprised at the capabilities of this tool.

Historical reference

Among scientists involved in botany, this plant is called Amaranthus panicathus, in European languages ​​- Amaranth. The Spanish conquistadors, seeing him at the Indians, considered it a swan. In Russia, it is more often called a shiritsa.

This culture is more than eight thousand years old! She is known both in Central and Latin America, and in Europe and Asia. We can say that this is one of the oldest crops used by man.

Until today, such species are grown: Amaranthus caudatus, Amaranthus cruentus, Amaranthus hypochondriacus. This culture is considered pseudo-grain and is compared with quinoa and buckwheat.

The Incas made bread from it, while the Aztecs used it as wheat and called uaukilitl. The stems went to livestock feed. He was also part of their religious rituals, for which the Spaniards considered amaranth a plant of the devil. This led to a decline in its popularity.

amaranth oil application

Today in Mesoamerica it is grown mainly for the manufacture of sweets.

In Asia, he is known in the cultures of China, India, Nepal, Pakistan.

But so the ancient peoples used it. Now this raw material is part of a huge number of products. You will find it in the food industry - this is the production of beer, dairy products, flour and confectionery, baby food. Even fresh leaves are consumed in the form of a salad, as they taste like spinach.

amaranth oil healing properties

Medicine, cosmetology and many other areas also use amaranth oil. The price of such prevention is often lower than treatment by specialists. But read on about this later.

Health Application

The most popular oils today are not only in the food industry, but also in the field of improving the appearance and well-being of a person.
In particular, healthy vegetable oils are used in cosmetology.
Why are they so good?

Firstly, they are produced using cold pressing. Thanks to this, all nutrients are retained. Raw materials are seeds, seeds, kernels of nuts.

The value of these substances lies primarily in the fact that all the ingredients are natural. That is, in terms of the impact on the human body, they are ahead of their artificial "colleagues."

Secondly, all vegetable oils in medicine are used without a prescription due to the hypoallergenic properties. In cosmetology, they are suitable for all skin types. Although special benefits, of course, will bring dry, tired and exhausted.

But for people with oily skin, this will also be a salvation. Some extracts have a calming effect on inflammation. Also, such products can, in contrast to masks, be applied to the skin around the eyes, which brings them closer to creams.

Traditional medicine advises the use of vegetable oils both externally and internally. It is believed that, enveloping the damaged organ, the substances of these products gently relieve it of the disease. In addition, they are stunningly suitable for massage, are part of creams and masks, are added to salads and other dishes.

Amaranth oil: properties

Go through all kinds of forums, turn to professionals or grandmothers in the village. All of you will give only positive reviews about the product. Judging by the enthusiasm of people using it, it seems that this is a panacea. But is it really so?

amaranth oil Price

Let's look at this issue, relying only on scientific facts.

Useful components

So, the first ingredient is calcium. Yes, despite the fact that this plant, and not a shell or chalk, it contains more of this trace element even than in natural milk. If your body lacks it, there are problems with teeth, flaking nails and brittle hair, there is already a solution. Amaranth oil will help to cope with this trouble.

The next element is vitamin E. Health, beauty, youth are the epithets that constantly accompany this substance. It is responsible for the tone of the skin and its toned appearance, the opposition to the aggression of the external environment, ecology, solar radiation. With the constant use of vitamin E, the risk of oncology is significantly reduced. This vitamin is still of great benefit to the human body, and in its category the champion in its content is amaranth oil, the healing properties of which are beyond praise.

Phospholipids are substances that help improve metabolism, accelerate metabolism. In addition, they favorably affect all tissues and organs in general. God forbid what a failure - trace elements immediately come to the rescue.
It is important that they affect the amount of glucose in the body. Thus, if sugar is elevated, be sure to consult a doctor, but the addition of amaranth oil to the diet will not be superfluous.

Squalene is a little-known element of a healthy body, but plays one of the most important roles in maintaining healthy skin. He is responsible for her tone, fit. In addition, it has an antibacterial effect, that is, with a sufficient amount of it you will not be overcome by acne and inflammation, and the wounds will heal comfortably.

Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the sufficient intake of squalene in the body, while maintaining health. Amaranth oil will successfully cope with this.

Sterol - athletes must have heard about this substance. You can find it as a part of power engineers, diet food. Its advantage is that as an anabolic, it makes it easier to adapt to stress. The bonus is that this applies not only to physical activity. Overcoming psychological difficulties and stresses is also within the scope.

In addition to these micro and macro elements, amaranth also contains a lot of other things. Traditional medicine refers to it in case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, with skin lesions, "female" and "male" problems. But we will talk about this in more detail later.


Amaranth oil is now produced in many countries around the world. The most used are four technologies for its production:

• Extraction.
• Preparation by solvent.
• Supercritical CO2 extraction.
• Spin using cold pressing.

The first three methods are considered not very effective. In addition, they are already working with the fourth type of waste. Thus, based on the quality of the product and the demand for amaranth oil, the price fluctuates markedly.

Cold pressed allows you to get the most natural product. It retains all the beneficial substances that would be destroyed by heat treatment.

This is what the machine used for such seed treatment looks like. The Germans, as usual, meticulously approached the issue. The device takes up little space, does not consume much electricity, and you can’t call it noisy either.

amaranth oil

Amaranth oil at home is difficult to do. However, one extravagant method was found.

It is necessary to take one kilogram of large seeds of the plant and one and a half liters of extra virgin olive oil. Grain is slightly fried, and then grind on a coffee grinder. The resulting flour is mixed with oil in a three-liter jar.

Mix thoroughly, close and place in a cool dark place. Shake for three weeks daily. After that, pour into the smaller bottle through the filter. To do this, you can use gauze or linen. Fold them several times and cover them with a jar instead of a lid. It is kept away from sunlight.

Oilcake can be used as a compress against joint diseases.

Choose the right one

Well, you say, an amazing tool is amaranth oil, its healing properties are incredible. But how to find the best? Indeed, in the market today offers are quite diverse. The geography of manufacturers is from Russia to Egypt and Latin America.

And you will be absolutely right. In color and consistency, it resembles most squeezed from different plants and nuts. Today, thanks to the growing fashion for this product, it is one of the leaders among the fakes.

To begin with, it is better to purchase amaranth oil in a pharmacy or aromatherapy-related store. In other places, you run the risk of buying a fake with an artificially created odor.

The package should bear the inscription: "Amaranthus cruentus" or "Amaranthus oil". All other names do not correspond to a high-quality and natural product.

amaranth oil properties

Read the composition. There should only be amaranth oil, application, manufacturer. And that’s all. No preservatives, hoods, or anything else.

It is very likely you will be told that this plant is from South America, loves a warm climate. But one should not judge the quality of the manufacturing country, because many plants in different states are engaged only in processing. They buy raw materials. So just do not pay attention to this item.

However, the production method will excite us. We select only cold-pressed oils. Extractions and other methods are of little interest, since they significantly reduce the content of nutrients in the final product.

There are also mixtures of different oils. In this case, we carefully understand the instructions. Indications for use, contraindications, etc.

Beware of fakes!

What external signs help convict fraudsters to lie? Let's figure it out.

  • Firstly, the bottle should only be glass. Plastic, metal and other materials are categorically unacceptable.
  • The color of cold pressed oil is only dark. Otherwise, you hold in your hands a diluted counterfeit, in which amaranth can only be in the name.
  • The volume of the bottle is no more than 100 milliliters. Otherwise, it's just making money on gullible consumers. Such liquids are rapidly oxidized. Therefore, using the last drops from a two hundred gram vessel, you pour just colored water.
  • We read the composition. Squalene content is 8 percent per 100 grams, that is, one bottle. Otherwise, it is a fake, as in the grain of this substance - 6-8%.
  • Feel free to also ask for certificates from sellers.
  • Most importantly, remember that amaranth oil retains properties only during cold pressing.

How to use

In any case, it is better to consult a doctor before starting use. Although they write on different sites that this is a regular food product. But specifically your situation with problems in the body only knows your doctor. This is important to remember!

In general, there are several ways to use - for the prevention or improvement of the body.

In the first case, mix it with other vegetable oils using 10-25% amaranth. Use in cooking, season salads, turn on imagination.

The second option is divided into external and internal. We will talk more about them later, but, in general, the rules are as follows.

In the first case, the proportion is the same as for prophylaxis. We drink a tablespoon an hour before or one and a half after a meal.

It is used on the skin in the form of rubbing, dressings and compresses.

One of the leaders in the Russian market is Amaranth Asset. The oil of this manufacturer is of high quality.

health amaranth oil

Let's look at the instructions for the tool. What are his contraindications?
Mostly they write that there are none, but you should be careful when taking those who have:

• Diseases of the pancreas and gallstones.
• Chronic pancreatitis, duodenal ulcer.
• Tendency to gastrointestinal tract disorders.

Thus, everything is organized according to standard rules. Persons with such diseases are not recommended, and often fatty, fried, spicy and other joys of life are prohibited. Everyone else, those who have kept the food system healthy, can use this oil.

Benefits in various diseases

If you set a goal and understand the properties of all the ingredients, you will be simply amazed. A huge amount of useful acids, such as oleic, linoleic and many others, vitamins A, B, E, D, sterols. Squalene is generally a separate issue. Its main task is oxygen delivery. That is, our activity and youth directly depend on this substance. Its second source, by the way, is shark liver, so, for obvious reasons, amaranth oil is much more beneficial, the use of which is much simpler and more convenient.

Diseases of a person are often associated with deficiencies in the body of certain micro and macro elements. As you can see from the previous paragraph, this plant is just a natural repository of everything you need.

Initially, only traditional healers used this tool. However, today, thanks to research, traditional medicine is inclined to see amaranth oil in its ranks, the healing properties of which, of course, have been confirmed.

It brings benefits in a wide variety of situations. Let's list some of them.

• Lowers a substance such as cholesterol.
• Accelerates metabolism. If you have been told that your metabolism is low, oil may very well help.
• Is there a malfunction in the hormonal system? Here, too, can not do without this tool. It will contribute to normalization.
• Is the body clogged? Are slag and toxins, heavy salts and radionuclides diagnosed? Well, and with that it can help.
• Thanks to squalene, many mucous surfaces can recover. It is involved in the healing of the gastrointestinal tract, restores the epithelium, improves the functioning of many organs.
• And this is not all that amaranth oil is famous for. Its use together with traditional medicines only potentiates their effect.
• The last thing I would like to say about him: the product has amazing regenerating, tonic and restorative effects.

So whether or not to include it in your diet is up to you. But for prevention today, many use it.

Amaranth oil in cosmetology

What usually harms our skin the most? Specialists respond almost unanimously - free radicals. These are active oxygen molecules that actually produce the “rust” effect in our body. How to deal with them?

Antioxidants have long been recognized as the best remedy against such pests. They neutralize and remove this garbage. In particular, vitamin E refers to them. It is its active form that contains amaranth oil. The use of tocotrienol leads to the activation of skin cells, as well as to rejuvenate and restore tone.

Age pigmentation, namely the fight against it, is also included in the scope of the tool. The appearance of the décolleté, face and neck will change significantly as soon as you add this drug to their care.

amaranth oil in cosmetology

The beauty of the oil lies in the fact that it actively moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Therefore, dryness, peeling, rough skin and other imperfections can be corrected with the daily use of the product. An important fact is that the healing effects can be compared with the action of the best pharmaceutical products.

How to apply it? Very simple! Clean the necessary area of ​​the skin, apply the product on it and wait 15-20 minutes. After that, just gently wipe with a cosmetic towel. You may not believe it, but there will be no greasy shine.

Hands and feet, and especially heels, will be grateful if you soften them with a cream with the addition of this component. Recovery of these zones is possible with different drugs. But a particularly stunning effect is observed after amaranth oil has been applied. The price of such a procedure is often cheaper than visiting a specialist, especially if the latter is performed for preventive purposes.

In addition, the oil is great for massage and protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

Price and reviews

Above, we examined the features of production, composition, application and scope. Only the question of its value remains open.

It ranges from 50 to 250 hryvnias per 100 milliliters in Ukraine, and from 300 to 1,500 rubles in Russia. The difference is in the manufacturer, country of delivery and type of processing, as well as the "guaranteed purity" of the product.

It seems everyone has sorted out about amaranth oil. Reviews of people about him are only the most positive. Mostly they write about its use for burns, improving the condition of problem skin. True, several references to the restoration of the cycle have been discovered.

In addition, many add it to food, dress them with salads. There is a benefit, the product is not very expensive, especially if used in a mixture with others.

Typically, on the forums, housewives say that at first they looked at him with apprehension, and then tried it. Here are just a description of the taste varies significantly from opinion to opinion. The following options are present: nutty (sometimes they write - with the taste of walnut), just bitter, unexpressed.

It is also advised to verify the purchase. The bottle must be put on the shelf in the refrigerator with a temperature of +3 to +5 Celsius. After some time, a precipitate will appear, the oil will cloud. This only happens in cold-pressed oils.

I wish you health and success in your search for natural products!


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