The main stages of sales

Each seller seeks to increase their sales. This process is a real art, the knowledge of the basic rules of which must certainly lead to success. The main stages of sales, which are the same for transactions of large companies, and for small retail sales of goods, consist of six consecutive steps:

1. Establishing contact.

2. Identification of needs.

3. Presentation of your product.

4. Work with existing objections.

5. Making a sale.

6. Exit from contact relationships.

Success in the sale of goods can only be achieved by a seller who draws up a thorough plan of his work and stubbornly goes towards his goals, showing self-discipline.

The sales steps must follow one after another. It is impossible to determine the needs of the client without establishing contact, and it is also impossible to sell the goods without responding to the buyer’s objections. The success of each subsequent sales step directly depends on the success of the previous one.

The very first step on the path to product sales is the establishment of contact relationships. This step is crucial for the entire sales process. This stage involves personal communication, that is, a meeting that must be carefully planned. This will allow you to properly organize your day and take care of the time of the potential buyer.

The agreement on the meeting should be implemented a few days before the meeting. In this case, a specific date and time period must be assigned. Arrangement can be reached through a business letter or telephone call.

The sales technique, the stages of which begin with the establishment of contact relationships, is based on the creation of a trusting atmosphere conducive to the “disclosure” of the client. Professional managers collect information about a potential buyer in advance in order to know how to “tune in” to it.

An effective means of attracting a client is to create a trusting atmosphere. This will allow you to go on to determine his needs, taking the second step in the sales stages. An important point that determines the success of the seller at this stage of the sale of goods is his ability to listen to the interlocutor, finding out about him as much as possible.

The client should feel his own importance, formulate desires and needs, as well as objections. The seller must determine the most important areas for the buyer (comfort or safety, image or profit). Knowing the motive for the purchase of goods will allow you to competently conduct its presentation.

When the sales stages reach their third level, it is necessary to demonstrate the possibility of their products taking into account those customer values ​​that were determined during the second step. In this case, it is necessary to arouse interest in your product and arouse the desire to own it. After that, make the client incentive to act, letting him know that the presentation was held so that the products were purchased by him.

Objections likely to arise. This means that the sales stages have reached their fourth level. It should be remembered that objections are not an excuse. Most likely, it is an interest that requires confidence to acquire products, and, therefore, additional information.

As soon as the client receives answers to their questions, it is necessary to proceed to the next stage - making sales. This step is the achievement of the goal for which all the work was done. To set the point when the buyer agrees to purchase the goods and part with a certain amount of money, each seller uses his own tricks. This may be a link to a reputable partner company, the growth of inflationary processes, and so on. Encouraging the transaction can be leading questions about the form of payment or ways of exporting goods.

Stages of sales end with the exit from contact relationships. This step cannot be neglected. After completion of the implementation process, you must leave a pleasant impression about yourself. This will help not to miss the chance of further cooperation.


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