Kirovsky mine: description, history, photo

The Kirov mine is one of the ten largest world subsoil mining operations, with a production volume of 11.5 million tons per year. Currently, it is the main asset of Apatit. The company employs over 13 thousand people. The plant is diversified and, in addition to developing a mineral deposit, is engaged in ore dressing and the production of fertilizer concentrates.


In 1920, a group of geologists as part of a search and exploration expedition discovered a large deposit of resources in the southern part of the Khibiny massif. The professor-mineralologist A.E. Fersman, reserves were estimated at 13 billion tons. The story of the discovery of the deposit tells that this treasure was discovered by chance.

A group of specialists purposefully moved to the port of Murmansk, on the way there was a need to stop in the Khibiny to replenish fuel supplies. Alexander Fersman, taking advantage of his free time, decided to explore the surroundings and, reaching the mountains, discovered huge, untouched by man reserves of various minerals.

A detailed examination revealed that apatite is the main value . Mineral is used for the production of fertilizers. This was a huge gift for the country, until this moment the necessary fertilizer was purchased in Morocco.

Kirov mine phone

Beginning of work

The development of the Kirov mine was started before the official opening and was carried out in a primitive way of manual development. Bore pits were made by drilling, the dump of the rock was carried out with shovels, the extracted material was loaded onto horse-drawn carts .

The area, at that time, was not populated at all, all the work was carried out by "special settlers", in other words, prisoners. For a long time they had to live in dugouts, which in the conditions of the North was tantamount to death.

Official opening

In the summer of 1929, a dirt highway was laid; in October, traffic from the mine to the Belaya station was started along it. The first director of the Kirov mine, Vasily Kondrikov, arrived along this road. Date November 13, 1929 is the birthday of the Apatit trust and the official opening of the production association, which later received the name of Kirov.

In a short time, Kondrikov managed to create an urban infrastructure - to build houses, give immigrants apartments and the opportunity for social adaptation. Also, under his leadership, the Severonickel plant was founded, and industrial development of the field began. Until the end of 1929, the output of the mine amounted to 1.5 thousand tons of raw materials.

collapse at the Kirov mine

War time

Since 1937, a system of floor development of deposits with the use of mine blasting was introduced at the Kirov mine. Subfloors were distributed in blocks of 6-8 meters. In an explosive way, on average, it was possible to bring down to 100 thousand tons of rock. By 1939, development productivity reached 2.6 million tons of ore per year.

During the war, the city and the Kirov mine were in close proximity to the front line. Some of the workers were drafted into the army, such were the majority, equipment and some personnel were sent to evacuate to the Urals and Kazakhstan. Work was not interrupted only at the pilot mechanical plant, where they established the production of products necessary for the front.

During this period, up to 1.3 thousand tons of rich ores were mined at the Kirov mine, all raw materials were used for the manufacture of Molotov cocktails. The necessary equipment was installed in the mine workings, production was carried out around the clock. During the two war years, the enterprise was repeatedly bombed, workshops and other production facilities of the plant were damaged.

Kirov mine oao apatite


Restoration work began in 1943, a year later the Kirov mine resumed activity to the required extent - ore began to be mined, the concentrator began to produce concentrate. By the beginning of the 50s, the country needed more phosphate fertilizers.

To increase the gross product at the Apatit plant of the Kirov mine, two new facilities were created - Yuksporsky and Rasvumchorrsky. Meanwhile, phosphorus fertilizer plants were being built. In 1964, an open pit was founded on the Rasvumchorr plateau at an altitude of 1 kilometer, known as the Central Mine. Most of the work was mechanized, excavators, dump trucks, and drilling machines appeared.

Capacity building

In the mid-60s, the ANOF-2 enrichment plant was launched, which became the largest in Europe. Since 1964, the practice of forced collapse and multi-station drilling was everywhere introduced at the Kirov mine, a worker walked 70 meters in one shift, which was one of the highest productivity indicators. In 1979, for great achievements in mining and in connection with the 50th anniversary of its activity, the enterprise was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Kirovsky mine Murmansk

In the second half of the 80s, the Kirov mine gave over 60 million tons of ore to the mountain. Finished goods were shipped from three concentration plants and amounted to 200 million tons of first-class concentrate. In 1989, the Kirov and Yuksporsky mines merged into a single conglomerate.

The collapse of the USSR led to a drop in productivity and the shutdown of many production sites at the plant. Ore mining decreased by three times, state financing was almost completely stopped, it became almost impossible to sell products, most operations were carried out with the hope of future payments. The situation improved in the late 90s with the advent of a new management at Apatit OJSC (Kirovsky mine).

After the collapse of the country

In order to overcome all the consequences of a large-scale crisis, in 1999 the PhosAgro Association was created, uniting all phosphate fertilizer producers. In 2002, the public organization PhosAgro received the legal status of a closed joint-stock company and is engaged in the operational management of the production and economic activities of the Kirov mine. As well as several other enterprises in Russia and the CIS countries engaged in the production of fertilizers. In 2003, with the participation of scientific institutes, the development concept of PhosAgro CJSC was developed.

Thanks to the implementation of innovative programs, Apatit OJSC (Kirovsky mine) received the opportunity and capacity to commission a new horizon of +172 meters, from which 3 million tons of raw materials are produced per year. In accordance with long-term plans until 2020 and beyond, the level of ore production should be 8.5 million tons annually, which requires investments of up to $ 1 billion. The total capital until 2020 will amount to more than 450 million dollars only in the resource base.

mine Kirov region

Social responsibility

Throughout the history of the development of the Kirov mine (Murmansk region) and the Apatit company, the sphere of interests of the enterprise included concern for the environment and responsibility to employees. The plant is a city-forming business entity for two cities - Apatity and Kirovsk. Infrastructure, social and residential buildings appeared due to the direct participation of the factory.

The mine of the Kirov region is no less important for the entire region. Uninterrupted operation and full utilization of the enterprise’s capacities ensure the activities of the Murmansk Commercial Port and Shipping Company, the October Railway, and also help to fill the budgets of the two cities and the North-West region of Russia as a whole.

Kirovsky mine vacancies


The scope of activity of Apatit OJSC is the development of the Khibiny deposits, the extraction and enrichment of apatite-nepheline ores, the production of a range of fertilizers (concentrates). The company is a world leader in the production of high-grade raw materials and the only company in Russia that produces nepheline concentrate.

The company includes the following deposits:

  • Apatite Circus.
  • Kukisvumchorrskoe.
  • Nyorkpahk.
  • Koashvinskoe.
  • Yuksporskoe.
  • Plateau Rasvumchorr.

Ore dressing is carried out at two factories - ANOF-2 (commissioning in 1963) and ANOF-3 (full launch - 1988).


Collapses at the Kirov mine are a frequent occurrence, the latter was recorded on April 7, 2018. Local residents claim that such an incident impresses only an unprepared person. Those who have lived in Kirovsk or Apatity for at least a few years are not afraid of such things, especially since the bulk of the townspeople are employees of the company.

Khibiny Kirov mine

The Kirovsky mine openings are open in many positions, the enterprise is often in search of laborers, specialists in the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, announcements of the need for auxiliary personnel appear. The main functional force is drifters, underground miners and underground electric vehicles, explosives. Also, a lot of engineering and technical activities are employed at the mine - these vacancies are opened much less often, but if you want to feel the romance of the North, mountains and big achievements, then it is always possible to find the type of activity at the mine.

The company does not experience an acute shortage of personnel, many work in the company as dynasties, but periodically jobs require filling. The phone number of the Kirov mine is known to citizens, even if they are not part of the main staff. The enterprise is a determining factor in the life of the whole region, according to experts, the leadership in the industry and the region will remain with him for many decades to come.

Apatity Kirovsky mine


Kirovsky mine is located in the Murmansk region on the outskirts of the city with the same name.

Today it is the largest apatite deposit, where more than 20 kilometers of mine workings are annually drilled, more than 700 kilometers of wells are cut, the length of the exploited horizons is more than 300 kilometers, the share of the retreat workings account for over 60 kilometers. At the Kirov mine, modern technical equipment has been introduced, research work is being carried out. The history of the development of the largest apatite deposit will continue for a long time, giving the region the opportunity to develop and providing jobs for thousands of people.


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