Fetisov Gleb Gennadievich. Biography. Entrepreneur Achievements

Gleb Fetisov is one of the most prominent entrepreneurs in Russia. He is not only a successful businessman, but also a significant person in politics and in the academic environment of our country. This man managed to achieve heights in all of these areas thanks to his exceptional hard work and strong life principles.

Fetisov Gleb Gennadievich

The path to success of Gleb Fetisov was swift - for long periods he did not stay at most posts for more than a year, each time holding an increasingly prestigious and high position.

Person Facts

Fetisov Gleb Gennadievich - Russian businessman, politician, researcher. Born in 1966 in the city of Elektrostal. He is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (in the department of social sciences). He is a member of the Academy Coordinating Council for Forecasting. He heads the Council dealing with the study of productive forces at the Academy and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. He is a member of academic councils at various levels at Moscow State University. Included in the board of trustees of various scientific institutions.

Gleb Fetisov biography

He is a member of the Public Chamber of Russia. Co-owner of Altimo. Owner and head of the board of directors of My Bank. Gleb Fetisov deals with issues related to VTB minority shareholders representing their interests in the structures of this financial institution. He is vice president of the Kondratiev Foundation. Many Russian entrepreneurs are excellent family people. Gleb Fetisov is no exception. The businessman’s wife, Tatyana, two sons and a daughter, according to the entrepreneur, are the most important achievements in his life. The eldest son of Gleb Fetisov is studying for an economist, the youngest is a very small one, his daughter is in school.

Business and Power

Gleb Fetisov, whose biography contains an incredible amount of interesting facts, began his ascent to the highest echelons of management and state power as a senior research fellow at the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1990. Soon, a talented scientist joined the consultancy at Concern Alpha, where he worked until 1993. In the same year, he became Deputy Chairman of the Board of Investbank (he was in charge of issues related to credit operations). In 1994, he headed the Crossinvest Bank.

Gleb Fetisov photo

In 1995, Fetisov took the position of financial director of Alfa-Eco (in 1999, he became president of the group of companies of the same name). In 1996-1998 he was the arbitration manager of an alumina refinery in the city of Achinsk. In 2001, Gleb Fetisov became a member of the Board of Directors of VimpelCom. Achieving significant success in business encouraged the manager to work in a new field. Power is where Fetisov rushed. Gleb Gennadievich in 2001 became a member of the Federation Council, where he worked until 2009. Soon he entered the headquarters of the United Russia party, and then the Public Chamber.

The Thorny Path of Science

Fetisov Gleb Gennadievich - not only a successful entrepreneur, but also a scientist with a name. He took the first steps to success in science at school, finishing it with a medal. He was fond of chess and behaved on a chessboard so noble that he earned the nickname Honest. Fetisov studied at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, then at the graduate school of the Finance Academy, then - at the graduate school of Moscow State University and the doctoral program of the Academy. In the late 90s he studied in the USA. He worked as head of the department at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, in 2007 became a professor.

Finance and wealth

Gleb Fetisov owns a stake in Altimo, My Decker Capital (investment in China). Member of the Forbes rating. He took 46th place in 2006 with a capital of $ 700 million, 35th in 2008 ($ 3.7 billion). In a crisis, the businessman’s condition was badly damaged. Forbes magazine assigned the entrepreneur 42nd place in the ranking of the richest people in Russia with a capital of $ 1.6 billion. Different approaches to assessing Fetisov’s condition were also used by other business publications (for example, Finance magazine).

Life principles

Gleb Fetisov - a respected carrier of effective life principles in the business community . In one of his speeches, he spoke out that success does not tend to be random. Fetisov believes that only a person who is not sorry for the strength to take off can take off.

Gleb Fetisov wife

Entrepreneur - for optimism. He is sure - even if it seems that there is absolutely no clearance ahead, you must not give up. Fetisov always preferred to think about success, that he would definitely be achieved. You need to work hard and, importantly, be prepared for change. Gleb Fetisov is optimistic about the future of the country - in one of his speeches he spoke out that now is the time of new opportunities that exist both in politics and in the economy. Young people have a chance to make an excellent career.

Business philosophy

Gleb Fetisov, whose photo is present on the pages of major business publications, adheres to a number of principles in business as well. Firstly, the businessman believes, one should not be afraid of mistakes. It is much worse, he believes, not to do something and then regret it. The main thing is to act actively. Secondly, the entrepreneur is sure that a person should properly manage his time. When it comes to business, the main thing is to put the right emphasis in the presence of other factors requiring the personal participation of the entrepreneur. For example, the need to devote time to family and friends. Thirdly, Gleb Fetisov is a businessman who is not too deeply immersed in invested projects.

The son of Gleb Fetisov

He takes part in financing exactly as much as profitability exists, and good - not 10%, but, say, 50%. If less - Fetisov will leave the business project. It is not in his principles to be a tycoon sitting on the assets of factories with minimal profitability. Gleb Fetisov, by his own admission, is a perfectionist. He is demanding both to himself and to the people around him.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39247/

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