Aikune - health-giving gymnastics

The spine is the foundation of our lives. This is the pillar on which the health of the body rests. The more symmetrical the spine - the better the internal organs function, the more flexible and mobile it is - the more the organs of perception of the outside world work. That is why the health of the musculoskeletal system is the bulwark of the normal functioning of the human body.

Aikune: what is it?

aikune gymnastics

Aikune - gymnastics for the spine, able to restore flexibility and health. The very name of gymnastics is literally difficult to translate, because it has a deep meaning. It can be expressed approximately like "listen to your body and move after it."

Abai Yemshi, a healer from Kazakhstan, developed this revitalizing set of exercises. He himself had severe injuries after participating in the war in Afghanistan. For a long time Abay was looking for a system that could return him to a full life. He studied the healing system of folk chiropractors, gradually compiling knowledge into one holistic philosophy of health. Aikune - gymnastics, which includes more than 1000 exercises!

The effectiveness of aikune Abai gymnastics was first proven by himself. After he began to help thousands of people who want to live a full life again. In 1998, he was recognized as one of the best healers in Russia. In many cities, health centers began to open, practicing this approach to healing the spine.

Aikune: Health Benefits

Gymnastics affects the body as a whole. This is because each organ is associated with a particular vertebra. For example, the first is associated with the organs of hearing, the second is associated with vision, and so on. That is, restoring the health of each vertebra in particular and the symmetry of the spine as a whole, it is possible to improve human health. Aikune - gymnastics that can significantly improve blood circulation, blood flow to the internal organs, strengthen the muscular frame. Plus, the immune system begins to protect the body in full force.

gymnastics aikune exercise complex

This effect is achieved by gently stretching the muscles. During gymnastics, full psychological concentration is practiced. The work includes even deep muscles, which are not commonly used in everyday life. Frozen, chronically tense muscles relax, the nerve endings that were pinched are released.

Who is shown aikun?

If you want to be healthy, then you need aikun. Gymnastics, the exercises of which are aimed at restoring health, will suit both those who already have serious problems, and those who believe that the best treatment is prevention.

The very first exercises are able to be performed by a person even with serious violations. After the second lesson, a person feels how exercises are given more and more freely, and is ready to move on to more complex ones. Aikune gymnastics for the spine is available to everyone. Every day, managing your body is becoming easier and easier.


Like and how each system of health restoration , aikun is not universal, and there are people to whom classes will not only not help, but will also harm. It is necessary to start practicing this gymnastics after consultation with a specialist and under the supervision of a trainer. Instructors claim that aikune is a gymnastics that has no contraindications. However, common sense and the luminaries of medicine suggest that exercises should not be performed with:

  • Malignant tumors, especially in the spine.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Acute course of infectious disease.
  • Severe mental disorders.

Aikune gymnastics: exercises

A careful and informed approach is the main principle of aikune. Gymnastics, the exercises of which are increasing in complexity, can take 10 minutes, or maybe an hour. It all depends on your level of preparation and state of health.

aikune gym exercises

  1. Exercise 1 . Sit on a chair. The feet are parallel to each other, in line with the shoulders. Slowly straighten your back. Having reached the maximum, stay in this position for 3-4 minutes. Increase exercise time every day.
  2. Exercise 2. Keeping a flat back, slowly and accurately bend in the lumbar region.
  3. Exercise 3. The back is straight. Try to bend your chest forward. Hold on to this pose. Burning in the spine may be felt.
  4. Exercise 4. Thanks to the implementation of this exercise, you will not only strengthen the muscular skeleton of the back, but also help the body get rid of toxins, which will improve the functioning of the immune system. Position, as in the previous exercise. The back is even, the chest is pulled forward, while the stomach is pulled in as much as possible. Hold this position for 3-4 minutes.
  5. Exercise 5. Continue to hold the previous pose. Now try to move the blades to each other as much as possible. Thanks to this exercise, you can improve blood circulation and increase skin tone.
  6. Exercise 6 . Now repeat the mixing of the shoulder blades, only the stomach this time is relaxed.

aikune gymnastics for the spine

Doctors recommend practicing their health not when there are acute and chronic diseases, but also during the health period. Gymnastics aikune - a set of exercises, performing which, you will gain health for many years.


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