Fast treatment of colds with folk remedies

A cold is an unpleasant disease that always catches up at the most inopportune moments. Of course, it is best to prevent any ailments, but if you suddenly could not protect yourself from SARS, you can quickly recover without any pills or drops. The best thing is the treatment of colds with folk remedies. By their properties, they are not inferior to expensive foreign medicines, and some types of herbs are much better than pharmaceutical drugs.

Treatment of colds folk remedies

Principles of Traditional Medicine

With the onset of malaise, treatment should be started immediately. And the sooner it is started, the faster it will be possible to overcome the disease.

To get rid of a cold, you should:

  1. Use medications to help treat viruses.
  2. Use funds to treat cough, breathing relief.
  3. Treat the common cold.
  4. In case of sore throat, use products that relieve inflammation and destroy pathogens.
  5. Boost immunity.
  6. Use tools that help reduce temperature, increase sweating.

Treatment of colds with folk remedies is carried out comprehensively, taking into account all the characteristics of the body. You can use several traditional medicine, but only after consulting a doctor.

Cold Cold Recipes

There are many recipes for traditional medicine, allowing you to quickly get rid of a cold.

In late spring, when the lilac blooms, you can collect and drink the infusions of the flowers of the plant. For this, a spoonful of flowers is steamed with a glass of boiling water. The drug is taken in half a glass twice a day. You can prepare a tincture of lilac buds. To prepare it, they collect half a glass of flowers and pour half a liter of vodka. The remedy is infused for a couple of weeks. It is taken during a cold twenty drops three times a day. The composition is stored in the refrigerator.

The following remedy helps to get rid of a cold: motherwort is chopped, mixed with chicory root powder in equal parts. A teaspoon of the mixture is taken and steamed in a glass of boiling water. The composition is infused for an hour, after which it is filtered. The drug is taken in half a cup three times a day.

An antipyretic effect has a means prepared from a tablespoon of burdock, a steamed glass of boiling water. The composition is placed in a water bath and heated for fifteen minutes. After cooling, the product is filtered. The medicine is taken in a tablespoon in the form of heat five times a day. For sore throats with burdock infusion, it is recommended to rinse every four hours.

For the treatment of colds with folk remedies, dandelion can be used. All parts of the plant have unique properties that can get rid of ARVI very quickly. Leaves, flowers, roots have antipyretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory properties. To prepare a medicine from dandelion, you need to pour a teaspoon of the composition with a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour. After the tool is filtered. The composition is taken in a tablespoon five times a day.

Alternative treatment for the common cold

The cold will pass quickly

In the treatment of colds with folk remedies, sedge has proven itself well. To prepare a medicine from a plant, you need to take two teaspoons of rhizomes and pour half a liter of boiling water over them. Composition infused overnight. It is taken one hundred grams three times a day before meals.

With a cold, a decoction of raspberries or strawberries helps to clear the airways. It is taken orally, inhaled: breathe through the nose over a bowl of broth.

Onion juice helps to get rid of a runny nose. To prepare it, you need to twist a small part of the onion in a meat grinder. Then juice is squeezed out of the pulp and diluted with plain water 1: 2. 1-2 drops of the drug are instilled into each nostril.

With a severe cold, when it is not possible to clean the nose with other means, a beetroot solution is prepared. It is made according to the same principle as onion, but is bred differently: 1 to 1 solution is added to adults, and 1 to 2 or 1 to 3 for children (depending on age).

Good results are shown in the treatment of colds with folk remedies at home raspberries and blackberries. These are unique plants that are accepted as immunopowering agents and not only. They have many useful properties. To prepare a remedy, one hundred grams of fresh or dried (you can frozen) berries of raspberries or blackberries is taken and poured with boiling water in the amount of two hundred grams. The remedy is infused for twenty minutes. Honey is added to berry tea to taste. The drug is taken at least three times a day as tea. Such a medicine has a diaphoretic effect, strengthens the immune system, helps fight viruses.

When coughing and as a means to increase immunity, lime color is indicated.

Cold Treatments

For the prevention and treatment of colds with folk remedies at home, the following remedies well help:

  • In case of flu, it is useful to inhale onion fumes for the purpose of prevention. To do this, rub it on a grater and inhale the vapor for ten minutes.
  • A large clove of garlic is grated and mixed with a glass of boiling water. The product boils for a couple of minutes, cools. Take a spoonful of garlic milk in the morning and evening.
  • With a runny nose, menthol oil is instilled into the nose . They also lubricate the whiskey, forehead. You can cook it yourself by taking a hundred grams of menthol mint and pouring a glass of sunflower oil. The tool is infused for two weeks in a dark place, periodically mixing. The finished product is stored in the refrigerator.
  • Fresh pine needles are washed and chopped. Then one hundred grams of raw material is poured with a liter of boiling water, put on fire, boiled for ten minutes. After the composition is filtered, it is used one hundred grams twice a day. You can add honey to the composition to taste. This product is rich in vitamin C, trace elements. It has a bactericidal effect, accelerates recovery from colds and flu. Children can do inhalation with a decoction.
    Cold & Flu Treatment

Ways to get rid of a cold quickly

Since ancient times, colds have been treated with ginger tea with honey. To prepare it, you need a quarter cup of grated ginger and two hundred grams of honey. The mixture boils for ten minutes. This composition is added to tea by teaspoon.

Thirty grams of sea buckthorn oil is mixed with 20 grams of calendula, a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of propolis. With a runny nose in this composition, turunda is moistened and injected shallow into the nose for twenty minutes.

With a prolonged runny nose, it is recommended to make a narrow bag of linen fabric. Boiled porridge from millet is placed in it. The bag is applied to the maxillary sinuses.

It helps to get rid of a runny nose aloe. For this, five drops of juice are instilled into each nostril.

It is useful to eat strawberries before bedtime.

For the treatment of colds, flu, folk remedies use sage and bitter wormwood. These herbs are taken in equal parts, poured with water and brought to a boil. The composition is used for inhalation with cough, runny nose.

You can treat a runny nose with rosemary. To prepare the product, take five grams of rosemary and mix with fifty grams of vegetable oil. The product is boiled for five minutes. After cooling, the oil is instilled in two drops in each nostril.

Cold herbal treatment

Treating colds

For the treatment of colds in adults, folk remedies use onion milk. To make it, take half a liter of milk and one medium-sized onion. It is grated and poured with boiling milk. The composition is infused for ten minutes. It is taken within an hour in the form of heat. Such a tool helps to cope even with the most severe cough. This tool is used not only for acute respiratory viral infections, but also for pneumonia, bronchitis.

Also for the treatment of colds, you can use the following tools:

  • Garlic is rubbed on a grater and mixed in equal parts with honey. Everything is mixed up. A teaspoonful is taken once a day.
  • When a runny nose begins, you can drink half a glass of water with six drops of iodine. This remedy should not be taken with iodine intolerance.
  • You can cure a chronic runny nose by using iodine. To prepare the product, you need to dissolve seven drops of iodine in a spoon of boiled cooled water. The composition is instilled twice a day into the nasal passages. During the day, iodine vapor can be inhaled directly from the bottle.
  • In the treatment of the common cold, you can use sea salt. It has unique antiseptic properties. To prepare a therapeutic agent, a teaspoon of salt is diluted with a glass of water. With a solution, rinse your nose.
  • Among the most effective folk remedies for treating colds, aloe with honey and dry wine are distinguished. This mixture has excellent prophylactic and therapeutic properties. To prepare it, take a tablespoon of gruel from aloe leaves, add a spoon of honey and a glass of wine. Everything mixes up, insists for five days. Taken in a teaspoon twice a day.
    Treatment of colds and flu with folk remedies

Traditional medicine for colds

To treat colds with folk remedies at home, it is recommended to use eucalyptus and marshmallow. Eucalyptus leaves have a disinfecting, astringent effect, and marshmallows have enveloping, anti-inflammatory properties. Plants are taken in equal parts and steamed with a glass of boiling water. The product is boiled for ten minutes. Ready broth washed nose three times a day.

From a flu burdock helps well. During the growing season, it is recommended to take the juice of the plant just received a tablespoon three times a day. The rest of the time, alcoholic infusion is used. To make it, take a glass of juice and fill it with half a glass of vodka. The remedy is infused for a week in a dark place. Taken in a teaspoon twice a day.

With colds, lemon juice mixed with one hundred grams of honey helps a lot. Everything is dissolved in a liter of boiling water. The composition is drunk during the day. Instead of water, you can use rosehip infusion made from two tablespoons of berries and a liter of boiling water.

Grandma's methods

With a severe cold in Siberia, alcohol wormwood has been used for a long time. This method helps to quickly recover from cough and SARS. To prepare the product, twenty grams of wormwood is taken and poured with a bottle of alcohol. The tool is infused for a day. Taken a teaspoon three times a day. You can use vodka instead of alcohol. If alcohol is used, then the product is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2.

For the treatment of colds, coughing folk remedies, raspberry leaves can be used. To prepare drugs from them, take four tablespoons of raw materials and pour two glasses of boiling water. The tool is infused at night, and in the morning it is filtered and applied half a glass three times a day. You can gargle with this composition.

Mustard powder helps. It is poured into socks and worn for two days. You can add mustard powder to the foot baths: they are taken for ten minutes.

Treatment of colds in children with folk remedies is carried out in a fake color. The flowers are brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for twenty minutes. The composition is filtered, taken as tea. If the child is not allergic to honey, then you can add it directly to tea. Such a tool is recommended to be taken at night.

Adults should take alcohol tincture of eucalyptus. To prepare it, twenty grams of leaves are taken, poured with alcohol, covered and insisted for a week. The product is filtered, everything is squeezed from the rest into tincture. The medicine is taken in twenty drops, diluted in a small amount of boiled water.

For adults and children as an antipyretic, a pearl barley decoction is recommended. For treatment, one hundred grams of water is poured with a liter of water and simmer for twenty minutes. The product is filtered, a decoction is taken immediately at night. To improve the taste, add a tablespoon of honey to the composition. For children, the dosage is less.

Colds, treatment with folk remedies

Herbs and other cold fighting remedies

In order for the cold to pass quickly, treatment with folk remedies involves the use of mustard and salt baths. To prepare them, they take a bucket of water, add two hundred grams of ordinary salt and one hundred and fifty grams of mustard powder to it. Everything is well mixed. The composition is used for foot baths: feet last ten minutes, then they are rinsed with warm water. Then put on warm socks and go to bed. With vein disease, this remedy is contraindicated.

For the treatment of throat, colds, folk remedies use herbal preparations. They have a positive effect on the respiratory system, the immune system. The following remedy gives a good result: two parts of coltsfoot leaves, raspberries, one part of oregano are mixed. Then a tablespoon of the mixture is taken and steamed with a glass of boiling water. The tool is infused for twenty minutes, filtered. It is taken warm at night.

You can make a remedy by taking in equal proportions elecampane, sage, primrose, pine buds, peppermint, calendula, licorice root, St. John's wort, thyme. Then a spoonful of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for twenty minutes, then filtered. The drug is taken at fifty grams three times a day.

Treatment with folk remedies for colds on the lips, runny nose, acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases is carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Each type of pathology involves the use of certain infusions, decoctions, ointments and more. So, folk remedies for the treatment of colds on the lips include a sage broth, toothpaste and other ingredients.

Other treatments

Folk remedies for ear treatment for colds, as well as for other pathologies include a variety of methods. Infusions, decoctions, oils and ointments, tinctures help cope with any disease. With timely treatment, any ailment will pass quickly. Literally in two days you can get rid of ARVI, a runny nose, if it is correctly and timely begun to be treated.

At the first symptoms of a runny nose, washing the nose with the following remedy is recommended: half a teaspoon of salt is taken, dissolved in a glass of boiling water. The resulting composition is washed in turn nasal passages. During washing, the head is tilted forward down and on its side. First, the nostril is washed, which will be at the top, and after another.

A good vitamin smoothie is carrot juice mixed with vegetable oil and honey. The composition is taken in half a glass five times a day. Such a tool helps to boost immunity, charge with vitamins, increase the body's resistance.

Treatment methods for colds folk remedies

Each folk remedy has its own indications and contraindications for use. Therefore, in order not to harm yourself, you should consult a doctor before using any traditional medicine.


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