The conspiracy from cystitis: texts, rules and time of the ritual, results, possible consequences and reviews of doctors

Magic has existed for as many millennia as humanity. She accompanied people at all stages of life. Rituals and rituals helped protect oneself from enemies, provided hunting assistance and healed. Magic does not lend itself to scientific calculations and explanations. Nevertheless, people believe that she is able to heal from many ailments. For example, a conspiracy from cystitis can help get rid of the symptoms of this painful disease.

The role of the moon in conspiracies

Rules for Reading Conspiracies

Properly performed magic rite begins to work for several hours. Few beginner sorcerers know that 99% of success depends on the performer. The process is significantly affected by emotions, intonation and thoughts. The most important role is the faith of man.

Before proceeding to the chosen ritual, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the important rules of magic:

  1. Reading conspiracies is recommended at sunrise or at night, in the light of the moon.
  2. It is forbidden to engage in witchcraft out of curiosity or for fun. Higher powers can severely punish a witch-sorcerer.
  3. All rituals must be carried out alone. The presence of another person is allowed only if the removal of damage from him is carried out or a conspiracy is read to heal him.
  4. The ceremony must be carried out strictly in accordance with its description. If it is impossible to get the required attribute, you will need to choose a different ritual.
  5. While reading the plot, it is important to clearly present the final desired result.
  6. Clothing for rituals should choose free and plain. All jewelry must be removed.
  7. Women should perform ceremonies without makeup, with her hair loose. Before embarking on magical activities, it is recommended that you take a relaxing bath or shower.
  8. Conspiracies to get rid of the disease are read on the waning moon, and on health promotion - on the growing. Sometimes exceptions are allowed, but this will be indicated without fail in the description of the rite.
  9. Performing rituals during menstruation is prohibited.
  10. One week before the ritual, one should fast. Completely abandon meat and dairy products. Exclude alcohol and smoking.
  11. Before you start reading the conspiracy from cystitis, it is recommended to say your favorite prayer.
  12. Doing magic should always be kept secret even from those closest to you.
  13. While reading the morning conspiracy, it is recommended that you face east. In the event that the action takes place at night, it is necessary to look west.
  14. If something interferes with the ritual (for example, an uninvited guest came, the candle constantly goes out), it is recommended to interrupt and transfer it to another day.
  15. Electric lights, household appliances and telephones should be turned off while practicing magic.
  16. Pets should not be in the room while reading the plot.
  17. Sick people and pregnant women can perform only those ceremonies that are aimed at healing.
  18. After the end of the ritual, candles cannot be blown out. Extinguish fire with wet fingers or a special cap.
  19. The person over whom the healing conspiracy is being read must hear all the words well.

Ritual with stones

Large sea or river pebbles can be used in a magical ritual while reading a plot of cystitis. It’s best not to do this ceremony itself; it is recommended to use the help of a loved one. At sunrise or midnight, seven church candles are lit in the room. The patient is placed on a bed on his stomach.

It is necessary to preheat in the oven two large, round, round naked. Put a towel on the patient’s lower back and warm stones on top. After that, a loved one should say the following three times: “As a strong and heavy stone does not bend or break, so the servant of God (the name of the patient) will quickly get rid of the ailment. As cobblestone gradually loses heat, so the torment and pain of God's servant (name) leaves. Amen".

Cystitis conspiracies

Stones must be left on the patient's body until they are completely cooled. Then extinguish the candles and pick up the naked. The patient or his assistant should take the used stones to a pond with running water and leave it there.

Tap water ritual

For people who have never practiced magic before, a simple conspiracy to tap water from cystitis is suitable. It must be done in the morning, immediately after waking up. Repeat the action is necessary for several days, until the moment of full recovery.

Water conspiracy

A patient with cystitis, immediately after waking up, must draw cold water from a tap into a porcelain bowl or a white cup. The liquid must be crossed three times and uttered such a conspiracy-whisper: “Sister-water! There is no fire that you couldn’t put out. The servant of God (name) burns the flame of weakness. Extinguish, sister, the fire within me. Amen!" After that, the charmed water is drunk on an empty stomach.

Conspiracy on the waning moon

You can read the conspiracy from cystitis on the waning moon. The ritual should be performed in the period from twelve to three at night. The room should be prepared in advance: put on the table three church candles and light them. In addition, put a dark wood board, a new nail and a hammer.

A patient with cystitis should sit opposite the magical attributes and say the prayer “Our Father”. After that, you can start a conspiracy. It should be read seven times: “Son of God, take away the disease. Pain is burning out of the bladder, which has come in with a nail, and is removed. Give me strength. Attach my pain to the black board so attach it with a nail. Let her stay there forever and stop pestering me. Amen!"

After all the words of the conspiracy have been read, take a hammer and nail a nail to the board. Put out the candles. To bury a board with a nail under the nearest oak.

Conspiracy from cystitis

Water conspiracy or infusions

A good result shows a conspiracy from cystitis to water. But the effect of it can be enhanced if you use a healing infusion. In this case, the effect of magic will complement the remedy based on medicinal herbs.

To prepare the infusion, you need 15 g of dry lemon balm leaves to fill in a thermos and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Insist for five hours, then strain. Use this tool for the ritual.

At dawn, pour the finished infusion or holy water into a transparent glass. Put it on the windowsill so that the rays of the sun fall on the liquid. Read the prayer “Our Father” three times. After that, whisper these words: “The light of the sun will warm the water, absorb its strength. My body will be washed from the inside out, sickness and painful pain will be banished by illness. Amen!" Spell infusion drink. The ritual can be repeated for several days, until recovery.

Conspiracy of Stepanova

The famous healer from Siberia has his own option for treating the disease. Stepanova’s plot against cystitis also involves the preparation of an infusion. Before the ritual, the healer recommends taking a warm bath with chamomile.

Consequences of conspiracies from cystitis

To prepare the infusion according to Stepanova’s prescription, you will need:

  • dill seed;
  • currant leaves;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • bear ears;
  • dandelion root;
  • Birch buds.

Herbs are mixed in equal proportions. Then, 50 g of the collection is poured into 500 ml of boiling water and insisted for 30 minutes. Filter and cool. We should whisper over the finished liquid: “Let all the ailments adhering drop by drop come out of me. Key. Castle. Tongue". The enchanted infusion is divided into three parts. The drug is drunk in the morning, on an empty stomach, for three days.

Possible consequences

Reading conspiracies from cystitis and other diseases is censured by the Orthodox Church. Witchcraft is a sin. The church believes that harmless conspiracies do not exist and each of them is direct communication with demons.

conspiracy from cystitis

It is possible that after the ritual the state of health will really improve. Only an entity that has provided assistance to a person will necessarily require payment for their services. Therefore, it is not uncommon for a person who is healed with the help of magic to have another disease, someone close to him or work failures.

Priests warn of the terrible consequences of all people who turn to witchcraft for help. Such magicians can suffer both in earthly life and in the afterlife. Do not risk an immortal soul for the sake of a mortal body.

Doctors reviews

Doctors categorically do not recommend resorting to conspiracy from cystitis. Testimonials from doctors say that they often have to save patients treated with magic. When patients do get an appointment, the disease goes into a more advanced stage. Cases where without professional treatment the patient develops interstitial cystitis or pyelonephritis are not uncommon.

Doctors reviews

Doctors say that it is safe to use a conspiracy from cystitis only when the patient consults a doctor on time and receives the necessary therapy. In this case, treatment can be supplemented by reading healing plots. It will not do any harm. According to doctors, it will even help, as it will strengthen the patient’s faith in a speedy recovery.


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