How to remove a redhead from hair after dyeing? How to choose hair dye

Not always staining curls leads to the desired result, especially if the procedure was performed at home. The adverse effects include the appearance of a redhead. This phenomenon does not look very attractive. Therefore, it is important to know how to remove the redhead from the hair after dyeing. This procedure is performed by several methods.

Why does a red tone appear?

The redhead occurs for the following reasons:

  • Washing was carried out by means of dubious quality.
  • Discoloration from brunette to blonde.
  • Coloring was carried out at home without regard to colors and their features.

how to remove a redhead from hair after dyeing

Do not remove the copper tone by discoloration. Substances that are included in such products have a destructive effect for black and brown shades. Red, red, orange and yellow will still remain. In addition, constant bleaching destroys the structure of the hair, they become brittle. It is better to perform staining in the masterโ€™s office, as he will choose the right tone based on the condition and color of the curls. This will prevent the occurrence of adverse results.

Dark, light brown and bleached hair

Eliminating a red tint from the hair is best in the cabin. Experts will choose the appropriate method based on the characteristics of the curls, as well as provide advice on how to prevent the occurrence of such a defect in the future. To do this work yourself, you must consider the following rules:

  • How to remove a redhead from hair after lightening? To do this, repaint in the original color. In this case, the paint should be lighter in comparison with the natural tone, but also darker than the reddish strands. This method eliminates unnecessary shade.
  • How to remove a redhead from blond hair? For this, a wash is perfect, which will eliminate particles of old paint. This cosmetic product quickly rinses off the remnants of the previous dye.

how to choose hair dye

  • How to remove a redhead from dark hair? You need to regularly use tinted shampoos. For this, agents with a purple, greenish and blue tone are perfect.
  • Silver shampoos help to get rid of the red tone, since they have substances that wash away such pigments.
  • With the help of coloring in dark cold or light ashy shades, it will be possible to eliminate the redhead from dark hair.

Hue Shampoos

How to remove a redhead from hair after dyeing? Often used for this tint shampoos. Such products provide gentle hair care. This method of eliminating red tones is considered sparing. Means are used in the same way as with contrast staining, but the paint does not last long.

light chestnut

With tinted shampoos, the procedure must be performed every two weeks so that the red tint is not noticeable. Blondes are better off choosing silver and purple tones of shampoos. Brunettes can use products from gray hair. Almost all shampoos allow you to get a cold shade, which will make the redhead less noticeable.

Folk methods for eliminating a defect

To remove the redhead from the hair at home will turn out using folk remedies. Although some of them may not immediately provide the desired result, they are still safe. Many components for their preparation are in every home. It will turn out a red tint if you use the following recipes:

  • Rinsing using a product based on a decoction of chamomile and table vinegar (no more than 2 tbsp. L.).
  • Lemon juice is mixed in equal amounts with alcohol. The composition is applied to curls for 15-20 minutes, and then washed off with water. This procedure not only eliminates the red tone, but also makes the curls shiny.
  • In summer, lemon juice is applied to the hair, and then dried in the sun. Since then the curls dry out, it will require the use of moisturizers.
  • It will turn out to remove the insignificant redhead with rye bread, which must first be infused in water (about a day). Porridge is applied to curls, and after 1.5 hours it is washed off.
  • At home, you can get rid of a red tint using a mask based on eggs, honey (1 spoon) and olive oil (1 tsp). The mask should be applied to wet hair, and after 30 minutes rinse.

Choosing the right shade of paint

How to choose a hair dye so that it can eliminate the red tone? It is necessary to determine the color type of the skin, eyes, curls. By contrast, it can be warm and cold, and by name distinguish such varieties as "winter", "spring", "autumn", "summer". Representatives of the warm type have tanned skin, green or brown eyes. And in women of a cold color type, on the contrary, milk skin with a slight blush, blue eyes.

how to remove a redhead from dark hair

Color types

With the Autumn color type, hair is usually reddish, reddish. The hue will be brighter if you make coloring or choose a darker color. Light chestnut, copper-gold or honey-caramel shades are perfect. Each of these colors perfectly emphasizes the dignity of appearance. Light chestnut is ideal for women of this particular color type.

The representatives of the Spring color type have blond, amber, chocolate-chestnut curls. The paint for them should be bright. Golden honey tones, the color of milk chocolate, cognac are perfect.

remove the redhead from the hair at home

With the summer color type, the strands have a mouse, light blond, dirty ashy tone. It is advisable to choose highlighting or staining, but using the shade of a blond. Platinum, golden sand and white are perfect. For the winter color type, it is difficult to choose a paint. Curls in women of dark tones. For staining, ash, dark red, chestnut colors are suitable. Having studied the color type, you can understand how to choose a hair dye.

Types of paint for durability

How to remove a redhead from hair after dyeing? You can do this with a second color change procedure. It is only necessary to choose a paint suitable for durability. It is divided into several types:

  • Persistent permanent - include ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Color persists for several weeks. Paint can be used by everyone who has their own bright red, chestnut, black shade.
  • Professional - consist of special components that protect against damage to the structure. Ammonia in the product is small, it does not affect the tone and durability. Color lasts up to 5 weeks.
  • Semi-permanent - suitable for changing hair color by 3 tones. Paints paint over no more than 50% gray hair. The composition is absent peroxide and ammonia. It is advisable to purchase such funds after consultation with the master.

how to remove a redhead from hair after lightening

  • Semi-resistant - do not damage the structure of the strands due to the low content of ammonia. The color is bright and saturated.
  • Tinting - considered safe if used in accordance with the instructions. They do not have ammonia. They release products in the form of shampoos and balms. They are ideal for light and dark hair, as they provide an attractive tone, albeit for a short period.
  • Natural - henna, basma, oak bark. Paints are used to obtain a red, golden or black color.

How to prevent the appearance of a redhead?

In order not to raise the question of how to remove the redhead from the hair after dyeing, it is necessary to adhere to tips on how to prevent the appearance of this shade:

  • Painting is best left to a professional, especially if you have no experience. After all, you must correctly determine the initial color, so that the result of the procedure is pleasant. And only a master can do this.
  • You should not lighten your hair yourself, especially if they are black or brown.
  • Always follow the instructions. If you follow all the recommendations, wash off the paint from the hair in time, then yellowness, as a rule, does not appear.
  • Discoloration is carried out in several stages. You should not ask the wizard to do this quickly.
  • You need to use professional paints and oxidizing agents. Thanks to them, a shade is obtained that is as similar as possible to that indicated on the package. As a result, you can calculate the desired result.

how to remove a redhead from blond hair

After staining, you must use special hair care products to prevent the appearance of a redhead. Simple rules will help you get a uniform, uniform color. But even if yellowness has appeared, it can be eliminated by proven means.


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