Why do facial hair grow in women? Reasons and treatment

Sometimes you can meet the fair sex, who have a "mustache". For many, this is a problem and causes discomfort. In the article, we consider the causes of facial hair in women and the possibility of getting rid of them.

The association of androgens with hair growth

A common and erroneous opinion is that facial hair appears from plucking hairs. There is exclusively a female disease in which there is an increased facial hair growth - hirsutism.

With this diagnosis, women’s hair grows in typical places:

  • in the region of the upper lip;
  • in the chin area:
  • on the chest, usually between the mammary glands;
  • on the back or below the navel.

What causes facial hair growth in women? An excess of male hormones in the body, namely testosterone, is recognized as its reason. In addition to the presence of vegetation in undesirable places, women are faced with the inability to conceive or bear a child, irregularities in the menstrual cycle and depression.

According to statistics, 5% of women of childbearing age have problems with hormones, and after 40 years, one in four.

The hormone testosterone in the male body is responsible for the development of male signs, including the growth of hairline. It is usually hard, dark, long, and the hair has a shaft. In the female body, male hormone is also available, but in a much lower concentration. He is responsible for sex drive, fertility.

Facial hair in women

Hair types

When one of the ladies is interested in why the hair on the face of women grows, you should first evaluate what they are. The following types of hairs may appear on the face:

  • Fluffy hairline. This type of facial hair can be found in a healthy woman. In this case, the hairs are soft and thin. Changes of this kind have a medical name - hypertrichosis - and do not apply to the hormonal background of a person. Often, the appearance of hairs indicates a violation of the functions of the endocrine system, pregnancy, puberty or menopause. Such hairs often do not cause discomfort and disappear after elimination of the main pathological process.
  • Hair with a core. Such a cover is distinguished by rigidity, thickness and coarseness. The formation of such hairs occurs in bulbs of a certain type and requires a more thorough medical examination.

A transition of the first type to the second is possible, provided that the male hormones in the woman's body increase.

Hirsutism symptoms

The appearance of excessive amounts of facial hair in women is accompanied by some symptoms that distinguish the disease from hormonal failure.

Hirsutism can be distinguished by such signs:

  • The appearance of hair, resembling men's type. This means the growth of hard hairs that have a pigmented shaft, they appear on the face, in the chest, back, cover the inner thighs.
  • The oily hair and skin are greatly enhanced.
  • Hair begins to fall out in the forehead.
  • Acne appears.
  • The menstrual cycle is broken.
  • Impossibility of conception is observed.

With the development of pathology in the female body, gradual changes occur and male features appear:

  • Increases libido.
  • Muscle mass increases, especially the upper shoulder girdle expands.
  • A redistribution of fatty tissue by the male type is observed - it is localized on the arms, shoulders and chest.
  • Breast tissue is reduced.
  • There is a coarsening of the voice.
  • Hair falls on the temples - this is especially noticeable and relevant for women with a round face. Hair cutting, hiding the situation, by the way, will save the situation.
  • With a prolonged course of the disease, the labia decreases, the release of vaginal lubrication decreases.
Causes of facial hair in women

What is the difference between hirsutism and hypertrichosis

Sometimes with excessive hair growth on a woman's face they confuse the concept of hirsutism with hypertrichosis. So how do they differ?

Features of excessive hair growth and hirsutism:

  • With hypertrichosis, there is an increased growth of cannon hair, which is not associated with hormonal disorders (namely, male hormones). The pathological condition is manifested for such reasons: diseases of the endocrine system, treatment with certain groups of medicines, hereditary predisposition. It is considered normal if in a completely healthy woman without endocrine disorders, hairs are observed between the nose and upper lip, in the area between the perineum and the navel or around the nipples.
  • Hirsutism is characterized by the presence of deviations in the functioning of the hormonal system, namely, problems with the functioning of the ovaries, adrenal glands, or hypothalamic-pituitary system. Such a deviation is not considered a separate disease, it usually acts as a symptom of another pathology.

In any case, if you suspect a malfunction of the body, you need to consult an endocrinologist and, necessarily, a gynecologist. Experts do not recommend a cosmetic solution to the problem before passing the necessary tests and identifying the causes of the development of the pathology.


Classify the appearance of facial hair in women should be for several reasons.

Among the factors that cause pathology, they distinguish:

  • Constitutional (idiopathic) hirsutism. The main cause of the disease is a hereditary factor. Here, the racial and genetic characteristics of man play a role. With this type of hormonal disorder is not very pronounced. The constitutional type can be observed among women of Caucasian ethnicity or Armenian women. Separately, nationalities that are not predisposed to the disease are distinguished: Japanese, Altai.
  • Neuroendocrine hirsutism. Such a pathology develops due to malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine system. The disease can be triggered by a malfunction of the adrenal gland, ovary, or pituitary gland.
  • Exogenous hirsutism. In this case, facial hair grows in women against the background of taking medications and in the treatment of hormonal drugs. Aggravation of the situation may begin due to stress or diet failure.

To determine the degree of development of pathology, the doctor uses a special Ferriman-Hollway scale. According to her pathology is evaluated in points. The diagnosis is made if the mark reaches 8 points and above.

Depending on the connection with other diseases, there are:

  • Without concomitant pathologies.
  • Burdened hirsutism. In this case, it is accompanied by a polyseborrheic complex.
  • Accompanied by viril syndrome. In this case, they talk about the appearance of a woman’s male features - such as physique, tone of voice and the like.
Hair cuts for women with a round face

Causes of the disease

Usually, hormonal imbalances are accompanied by obvious changes in the skin and increased facial hair growth in women. The causes of the appearance of the pathology lie in the influence of hormones on the work of the whole organism, which reacts sharply to a decrease or increase in the concentration of active biological substances in the blood.

We can distinguish the main causes of facial hair growth:

  • An increase in the concentration of testosterone in the blood. Male hormone is mandatory in the female body, but in small quantities. It affects the behavior of women, reproductive function. When the first signs of violations appear, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist and take tests. Lack of treatment can lead to the development of serious pathologies. The reasons for the increase in concentration can be: polycystic ovary syndrome, tumors in the female genital organs, chronic anovulation, menopause, amenorrhea.
  • Heredity. If the female line has previously seen increased hair growth on the face and there are no problems with the hormonal background, then women are recommended only cosmetic procedures and hardware removal of unwanted hairs.
  • Violation of estrogen production. Female sex hormone has a significant effect on the reproductive system. Due to diseases or age-related characteristics, the body may receive less estrogen and hormonal changes begin.
  • Violations in the work of the adrenal glands, which can occur due to neoplasms in them.
  • Taking medications, some of which have an unpleasant side effect: corticosteroids, anabolics, progestins, androgens, immunosuppressive medicines and the antibiotic Stepptomycin.
  • Violations of the pituitary gland. With a similar process, the adrenal glands produce more androgens, which leads to increased facial hair growth. Pathology can be caused by acromegaly, Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, pituitary prolactinoma.
Facial hair growth in women


Since there can be many reasons for the growth of facial hair in women, the diagnosis requires passing tests, collecting an anamnesis and appointing examinations.

For the study, instrumental and laboratory methods are used.

Laboratory include:

  1. Using a blood test to determine the concentration of the hormone. If total testosterone exceeds 200 ng / dl, this indicates an ovarian tumor, if the indicator is less than 200 ng / dl, then doctors say polycystic. It also pays attention to the rate of increase in symptoms. Gradual development indicates polycystic, and sharp - tumors.
  2. They collect a medical history and analyze the composition of the drugs that the patient takes at the time of applying for a consultation. Checks the level of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in the blood. If it is more than 700 ng / dl and a decrease is observed when exposed to dexamethasone, then doctors are talking about adrenal hyperplasia. If the analysis index is above 700 ng / dl and does not decrease in dynamics, then an adrenal tumor may form.
  3. The menstrual function of the female body is evaluated. The regularity of the cycle makes it possible to understand whether hisutism is not a hereditary pathology.

Also, experts pay attention to the following indicators in a blood test:

  • Cortisol, an increase in which shows Itsenko-Cushing's disease.
  • Androstenedione. An increase indicates ovarian disease.
  • Gonadotropins. If the amount of luteonizing hormones prevails over follicle-stimulating ones, then doctors say polycystic.
  • An increase in 17-hydroxyprogesterone indicates congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

Instrumental examination methods are also carried out:

  • Ultrasound of the ovaries and adrenal glands and MRI of the latter.
  • MRI of the brain.
  • If the doctor suspects a tumor process, then laparoscopy of the ovaries is performed.
Why do facial hair grow in women?

Drug treatment

Hirsutism can occur for many reasons. Women should get rid of facial hair in women (treatment will be described below) with an eye on the source of the disease.

After examination and clarification of the diagnosis, drug therapy is prescribed. Usually it includes hormonal medications that are taken cyclically for 3-6 months, while in some cases the doctor recommends repeating the treatment. It should be remembered that drugs have an effect on the growth of new unwanted hair, but they do not affect those that have already appeared.

Indications for treatment determine its tactics:

  • With hyperandrogenism, drugs are prescribed that will gradually reduce the level of testosterone in the blood - this is a group of birth control medications: Yarina, Zhinin, Diane-35 and others.
  • With congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Prednisolone, Cortisol are prescribed.
  • If the diagnosis is “polycystic ovary”, then the concomitant use of contraceptive drugs and the antiestrogen “Clofimen” are prescribed.
  • In pathological formations, surgical treatment and chemotherapy are prescribed individually.

If a woman has the following conditions, then hormonal therapy is contraindicated:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • tumors with any localization;
  • individual intolerance to drugs.

Sometimes the patient may require the help of a psychologist and specific treatment. Facial hair in women can cause depression and psychosis.

Doctors also recommend a low-carb diet to normalize body weight.

Facial hair removal in women

Cosmetology methods

If a woman does not have problems with the hormonal background, and tests have not confirmed malignant neoplasms, then cosmetic treatment is prescribed. Also, similar procedures are recommended simultaneously with the appointment of hormonal therapy.

Facial hair removal in women can be performed by the following methods:

  • Hydrogen peroxide clarification. The procedure bleaches the hairs and makes them less noticeable. The method is suitable for mild hirsutism.
  • Plucking with tweezers and treating the site with an antiseptic. During the procedure, the hair is removed along with the shaft, which helps to reduce the number of unwanted hairs. But the method can lead to infection if septic measures are not followed.
  • Shaving or waxing. It is often prescribed to remove hair on the back, legs, stomach. It is not prescribed for relapses, because it can leave scars.

More expensive procedures include:

  • Photoepilation, in which the hair follicle is destroyed. This procedure is more suitable for removing dark hairs, and the effect lasts up to six months.
  • Laser hair removal is designed to remove hairs in the active phase of growth. The laser does not affect dormant bulbs, so several procedures are necessary to achieve the effect.

Alternative treatment

Many people ask the question: how can a woman get rid of facial hair in folk ways? But it is worthwhile to understand that traditional treatment should be the main one, and traditional medicine - an additional method.

  • Green walnut juice. For this, the green fruit is cut in half and squeezed. It will turn out just a few drops that are applied to the hair roots. After a few treatments, growth will slow.
  • Fresh garlic. Slices clean and make pulp, which is applied to the roots of the hairs for 10 minutes. If the procedure is performed regularly, then hair growth slows down.
  • Datura decoction. The leaves and stems of the plant are crushed and filled with water so that the liquid covers them. Boil over low heat for 1 hour. Broth grease the roots of the hairs 2 times a week. But it is worth performing the procedure carefully, because the plant is poisonous.
Facial hair grows in women

The appearance of facial hair in women is an unpleasant situation that requires immediate action. Since the life cycle of the hairs lasts for six months, treatment should also be prescribed for at least this period. If a woman follows all the recommendations of a doctor, then the prognosis of the pathology will be positive.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39289/

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