Blood in a chicken egg: whether to eat, causes and methods of solving the problem

Poultry farming is a good option for making extra profit in the village. You can sell food and hatching eggs, carcasses and down. In addition, in this case, there will always be meat on the table. But on some day, a farmer may find a blood clot in a chicken egg. This can be due to both bird disease and improper conditions. Why is there blood in chicken eggs? In the article we will consider the answer to this question.

Rupture of blood vessels

The blood in the chicken egg can upset the farmer, some even decide to remove the hen after that. But experts in the field of poultry farming do not recommend raising a panic, but start looking for the cause of the incident. Why is there blood in a chicken egg? Most likely, the chicken simply had a rupture of blood vessels during ovulation.

If this does not happen on a daily basis, then the farmer has nothing to worry about. At the moment when ovulation occurs, capillaries may occasionally burst in a laying hen. In this case, an insignificant amount of blood gets from the damaged vessel into the forming egg, and the clot can subsequently end up in both the yolk and the protein.

Some people are afraid to take such a product for food due to natural disgust or because of the fear of being infected with any disease. But if the egg with the bursting capillary is subjected to sufficient heat treatment, then it can be safely eaten. A bloody clot can spoil the aesthetic appearance of the dish a little, in which case it can simply be removed.

Blood Chicken Egg


This disease most often affects birds carrying very large eggs. First, there is inflammation of the cesspool, and then it falls out, causing severe laying pain to the laying hen. This is what can cause the appearance of bloodied eggs.

The emergence of pathology can contribute to improper care, for example, keeping the bird in unsanitary conditions. In another way, this ailment is called salpingitis. It can be caused by improper feeding, sparse cleaning in the barn, poor ventilation of the room. Another cause of salpingitis is dampness, which is fatal to poultry, as is drafts. An ailment can also provoke injury to a layer due to an impact or fall from a height.

If, due to salpingitis, the chicken has cloaca, it can only be killed. Veterinarians do not recommend trying to treat this ailment, as this will only prolong the torment of a living being. If the cesspool has only shifted slightly due to inflammation, but has not yet fallen out, then the chicken can still be helped. The farmer should take the diseased bird by its legs 5 times a day, and while it is upside down, shake it slightly. At this moment, the oviduct straightens, and the cesspool rises to its proper place.

Early puberty

The farmer is interested in the fact that the young chicken began to lay eggs as early as possible. To do this, he can add vitamins, growth hormones and other drugs to her food. All this leads to the early maturation of the bird and the appearance of chicken eggs smeared in the blood from time to time. It is noted that under the influence of supplements, puberty may occur earlier than nature intended.

This leads to the fact that very young chickens, in which the oviduct is not yet sufficiently formed, begin to trot. Untrained birds are injured, because of this blood may appear on the shell. In addition, due to the abundance of chemical additives, eggs turn out to be larger than they should have been, which makes their birth difficult. In the process, the layer is injured, and the shell turns red. It is noted that such problems are much more common in birds that carry brown eggs.

If the farmer needs to sell such products, then he must wash off the blood with a sponge and a weak vinegar solution. With early puberty, the muscles of the cloaca in chickens are not elastic enough, but after a while they will return to normal. After this happens, there will most likely be no more eggs with blood.

Egg Chicken

Stress state

Hens are not bold in nature, any change in the house or a sharp sound can lead them to a state of panic. They get used to new workers, improved bowls, or the advent of nipple drinkers for a long time. Sudden changes can not only reduce the amount of products received, but also cause blood to appear inside the chicken egg.

It is important to create a comfortable, peaceful environment in the house. It will be better if the same workers take care of the chickens. Do not abruptly go into the room to the bird, you must first open the door or knock on it, and then just go. In this case, chickens will have time to prepare for the appearance of a person, and he will not become a cause of stress for them.

With birds you need to talk kindly, quietly. Shouting and clarifying relationships with workers in the barn is unacceptable. It is necessary to try so that there are no sharp loud sounds near the chickens. It is also better to place the doghouse with the dog a little further from the premises. If possible, then in the house you need to make good sound insulation.

Large chicken

Crowded content

Improper bird care can cause many diseases. Why is there blood in chicken eggs? One reason is crowded content. The bird feels great in a clean spacious chicken coop, it improves its mood, increases egg production. If the conditions leave much to be desired, then this provokes fights, decreased productivity, and various diseases.

Crowded contents can lead to biting, which is the reason for the appearance of bloodied eggs. Due to constant injuries, especially if the cesspool is affected, the bird may die. If improper feeding and sparse cleaning is added to the crowded state, then the appearance of blood in the egg is the least that a farmer can expect. In the end, the mass death will begin, and the owner will lose the whole bird.

For prevention, chickens need to organize normal conditions. Birds should be free to move around; multi-tiered perches can be arranged indoors. If the farmer prefers to keep chickens in cages, then he can slightly increase their area.

Pecking cesspools

A chicken egg in the blood can confuse the farmer. Most often, such products can be obtained from young women who have not yet had enough time to form. The reason that an adult bird carries eggs in the blood may be the biting of cesspools. It is no secret that an unbalanced diet, especially if there is a protein deficiency in the feed, contributes to chicken cannibalism. The same undesirable effect can be obtained with crowded bird keeping.

Contributes to the appearance of chicken cannibalism and the wrong arrangement of nests. In the process of laying the egg, the cloaca in the bird begins to protrude. The goods that appeared nearby can simply peck this organ out of curiosity. If the farmer finds an individual with a damaged cesspool, then he must isolate it. In some cases, such a bird commodities peck to death. Until complete healing, the cloaca is lubricated with hydrogen peroxide. Only after complete recovery can the chicken be released back.

To prevent biting, experienced farmers recommend painting all the lamps in the room red. You can also create twilight in the place where the chicken nests are located. You can also put small houses in the premises, similar to dog houses, then other individuals will not see that one of the birds began to rush.

Blood egg

Unbalanced diet

Another reason for blood in a chicken egg is the lack of minerals in the feed. Moreover, this is more common in farmers who feed poultry with unbalanced mashlings in terms of nutrients. Especially bad malnutrition affects crosses, which have higher productivity than ordinary chickens. Nowadays, many diets have been developed taking into account the breed characteristics of the bird, and it’s quite simple to adhere to these recommendations.

If you feed the bird in a balanced way, there will be much less cases of blood in the eggs. A farmer may contact veterinarians, livestock specialists, or his colleagues to assist in making the right diet. If he wants to develop a menu for his bird on his own, then it is advisable to include vitamin and mineral supplements in it.

A large number of cocks

For 10 chickens, 1 male is enough. Naturally, the farmer must also have a backup cock, which can become the main one in the event of the death of the first. But such a male should be kept in a separate pen and not have access to chickens.

If there are many roosters, they will not allow females to live quietly. They will rip feathers out of them and do other damage. Due to the rude attitude, birds can begin to lay eggs with blood in the yolk. The problem will disappear immediately after the resettlement of excess cocks.

Chicken for a walk

Is it possible to eat eggs with blood?

This question worries everyone who at least once used such a product in cooking. Is a chicken egg with blood dangerous or not? In terms of nutritional value and other indicators, they are no different from others. Eggs in which blood streaks are noticeable are also tasty and nutritious. They can replace meat, due to the high protein content. One medium egg contains about 70 kilocalories and 4 grams of fat. Despite the cholesterol contained in the product, this food is good for people of any age.

Is it possible to eat chicken eggs with blood inside? It all depends on the squeamishness of a person, some people without fail remove blood clots. You can cook any dishes from such eggs, they will turn out exactly the same as when using ordinary ones. The main thing is not to eat them raw, it is necessary to subject the product to heat treatment. If the blood in the egg is too embarrassing, then you can break each of them into a separate bowl, and then cleanse from unwanted inclusions. Then the prepared product can be prepared or mixed with other ingredients.

Ways to solve the problem

Initially, you need to find the reason why the blood appeared in the protein of the chicken egg. If the bird has inflamed cesspool, then you need to add 2.5 teaspoons of salt to a glass of clean warm water. The resulting fluid must be drawn into a small enema with a soft tip and rinsed. Most likely, the bird will break out, so it is better to carry out the procedure with someone together. Put enemas in the morning and evening for 3 days, then - once a day.

Also, so that the disease does not progress, you need to start giving the chicken some kind of antimicrobial drug. It helps, as follows from the reviews, Metronidazole. Within 7 days, give the chicken half a tablet, and soon the bird will noticeably improve.

If the matter is in the wrong content, then you need to improve the indoor climate. Increase the area of ​​enclosures or cages, eliminate dampness and drafts. Also start giving chickens a nutritious diet enriched with vitamins and minerals. If there are too many cocks in the breeding herd, then the extra ones will need to be jailed.

Chicken in the nest


Provide a good feed to the bird. Why is there blood in the yolk in chicken eggs? The reason may lie in improper feeding. Experienced farmers recommend buying grain from trusted suppliers. Sometimes people travel around villages selling low-quality cattle feed on the cheap, it’s not worth buying anything from them. Due to the small amount saved, the entire population may be affected.

If there is no opportunity to buy vitamin-mineral complexes, then you can start to germinate grain. This will be especially useful in the spring, when immunity in birds is often reduced. Sometimes, in order to save money, farmers begin to feed chickens with industrial diets for turkeys and even pigs. It is absolutely impossible to do this. In different animals, the requirements for protein and other nutrients can be very different, so such experiments can ultimately lead to the death of the entire population. If the farmer cannot independently calculate the diet for the bird, he should buy ready-made compound feeds, and not make unbalanced mixers.

Basket of eggs

Recommendations of specialists

When buying a new bird, quarantine it for at least 2 weeks. An even more correct option is breeding chickens from their own livestock. You can also buy hatching eggs from other farmers - this will reduce the likelihood of infection entering the farm. For the same reasons, you can’t go into the room with hens in street clothes, especially after the market or visiting agricultural exhibitions.

It is recommended that you inspect the bird at least once a week for bloodied feathers in the cloaca area. At least once a year, you need to invite a veterinarian to your farm to inspect the entire livestock. Only a qualified doctor can give the right recommendations and, if necessary, help the birds. Never self-medicate - this can lead to the death of the entire livestock.


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