Download the press to win the hearts of men.

Summer. It's time to get out to the beach and demonstrate your beautiful body to others. Thoughts about vacation and the gym have not left us since winter. It is with the arrival of the long-awaited heat that the gyms cease to be empty and the girls and women who are hungry for sports begin to get in shape. It often happens that due to lack of body shape, namely due to lack of abs, it is difficult for girls to get a tattoo on their body or piercing, which is why it is very important to download the abs in the summer to be proud of their appearance on the beach.

“In a healthy body, healthy mind” as the old Latin aphorism reads . At present, it is as relevant as possible, since propaganda of a healthy lifestyle captures not only all university and school walls, but also haunts us in everyday life. Fitness centers answer the questions of many clients about caring for their own body, and most often they ask how you can quickly pump up the press. Before you start explaining all the necessary exercises that will help you acquire good forms, you need to learn a little theory, because all practice should have a theoretical basis.

So, if you look in the mirror and tighten the abdominal muscles, you will notice that the front abdominal part of the body has three types of muscles - these are the muscles of the upper, lower press and oblique muscles. The biggest problem that every girl faces is how to swing the lower part of the press. Therefore, you must first of all remember that in all exercises designed to train the press, two muscle groups are involved - the upper and lower muscles. But, nevertheless, specific exercises allow you to distribute the load of your muscles and focus it on the desired part. Downloading the press is always difficult at first.

Let's move directly to practice. First, we will describe exercises for the lower abdominal muscles. You take the starting position lying down, hands are parallel to your body, heels should be in contact. Next, when you inhale, you raise both legs 90 degrees and lower them without reaching the heels of the floor. To make the effect better, hold your heels at a distance of 5 cm from the floor and hold for a few seconds. Then continue the exercises again, raising and lowering your legs, without touching the heels of the floor.

If you feel that this exercise is still difficult for you, try the following: the starting position remains the same, only raising your legs, you bend them at the knees, and then, unbending your knees, you return to the starting position without touching the heels of the floor. As for the upper press, it is always easier and faster to pump it up, since our daily load goes exactly to the upper, and not the lower press. So, take the starting position, lying, legs, again, should be bent at the knees, and the feet are fixed (you can hook your feet on the sofa, chair ...), your hands should still be parallel to your body (if you feel that you it’s so easy to do the exercise, you can keep your hands behind your head). On inspiration, you raise your body with your hands and try to reach your knees with your body. After that, you should slowly unbend and take your starting position without touching the floor with your hands. When it becomes necessary to pump the abs, do not forget that it is also important to train the oblique muscles of the abs. To do this, there is such an exercise: you are lying on your back, your legs should be bent at the knees, you have your hands behind your head or, if you are not comfortable, spread them apart. On inspiration, you should raise your legs with your hands 90 degrees, and then lower them on the right side. In doing so, you should definitely touch the floor with your knee. You should perform this exercise 12 times, in two sets.

In the end, you can do a light massage of your abdomen by tilting to the side. One who already has experience in this exercise can do double inclinations 30 times in two sets. This will be an effective exercise for you, and you can already in a month, with everyday training, enjoy your body. If you want to pump the press only at home, then you must fulfill the following requirements: first you need to direct the load to the lower part of the press, then you train the oblique muscles, and in the end you need to do exercises for the upper press. Remember these rules: you need to increase the intensity only gradually and you need to be prepared for the fact that the results will not be instant. But do not leave the exercises aside, as playing sports requires endurance, willpower and perseverance.


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