Do you know what water is for?

Many people ask themselves: what is water for and what benefits can it bring in general? After all, it does not have any vitamins, nutrients or minerals. But if you only think about it, then the answer suggests itself. Our globe is 70% covered with water, and the human body contains about 75-80% of the liquid. It turns out that water is the basis of all life on planet Earth.

What affects the water supply in the human body

Why is water needed for a person - this is quite obvious. With its help, a full cycle of functioning of all processes in a living organism occurs. The fluid inside the cells is called intracellular, due to which metabolic processes in the human body are carried out.

what is water for
With the help of the basis of life, all digestive processes proceed in the right direction, thereby removing all unnecessary toxins and waste. Human tissues are restored due to the fact that the liquid acts as a transporter of all useful substances throughout the body - this is why the body needs water.

Interesting Facts That You Should Know

There is still a lot of useful things that water does and what people don’t know about. For example, it helps to combat stress and fatigue, increasing the protective function of the body as a whole and increasing the efficiency of the cardiovascular system. If there is a shortage of fluid when taking alcohol, caffeine or any other substances, then by drinking clean water, the desired balance can be quickly restored.

During periods of various epidemics of infectious diseases or flu, doctors recommend taking plenty of fluids. Why do you need to drink water in such quantities with a cold and how can it help? The answer to this question is very simple. With its help, the body circulates antibodies in the blood, which serve as a solid defense against such diseases.

Water also performs an important function of a temperature regulator. It ensures that the body temperature will remain in the desired state if the weather changes or when the body is physically stressed.

If a person observes some diet, and he was overcome by hunger, then you can drink water, since it contains zero calories, but the appetite for a while will go away.

what is water for man

Daily rate of required fluid

Everyone can calculate their own water supply for a day, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Professional nutritionists have derived a formula according to which a healthy person should drink 30 ml of water per day for each kilogram. Thus, if the weight is 50 kg, then, accordingly, to replenish the body's water supply, it is necessary to drink 1500 ml. This is the total amount of all fluid consumed by a person per day.

It may include first courses, tea or coffee, a variety of juices or drinks. If all this is subtracted from the daily norm, it turns out that in the pure state it is necessary to drink about one liter of water.

why do you need to drink water

Useful Tips

You can still give a lot of examples of why water is needed for people. For example, you need to drink it as much as possible between meals to avoid stretching the stomach. In the morning immediately after awakening by doctors, it is recommended to drink warm water on an empty stomach and do not forget to replenish the loss of fluid after every urination throughout the day.

It is generally accepted that the appearance of edema is due to an excess of moisture in the body, but this is not always true. Due to lack of fluid, such cases are also common, and this is due to the fact that adipose tissue is trying to accumulate water supply in order to avoid its deficiency.

It turns out that the eyes, hair, nails and skin of a person need fluid. What is water for in this case? Everything is very simple - it performs the function of moisturizing them.

What affects the lack of water in the body?

The consequences of dehydration of the human body can be unpleasant. First of all, a deficiency of fluid is felt on the nervous system, because its organs, namely the brain, are made up of water, so a headache occurs immediately. Such disorders can also manifest themselves in the form of other pains, since a lack of water supply is felt in all nerve cells. In this case, it is best not to take the medicine, but to drink a few glasses of water at room temperature.

If you do not replenish the supply, then the second after the nervous system will suffer the digestive tract. After eating, you will feel discomfort, as the process of digesting food can take much longer and subsequently constipation forms. A panacea and with this violation will also be a few glasses of clean and cold liquid.

why do animals need water

What else is water for? It would seem that, in addition to all this, it can still happen to a person if you do not make up for the deficiency of fluid. In fact, excess weight also appears due to a lack of water in the body, because fats cease to break down. The kidneys also suffer along with the gall bladder, in which stones can appear.

As for appearance, a lack of fluid will affect the hair, which will become dry, and the skin may begin to peel off. In addition, it is possible that the process will not touch the nails, which can be very flaky.

What can be avoided with water?

Nowadays, various scientific studies have stepped to such a level that they can prevent the emergence of many terrible diseases. Such as, for example, bladder cancer or urolithiasis. American scientists have found that men often suffer from these ailments, as they consume less water than the female half of humanity. After a survey of more than 40 thousand people, it was revealed that most of them drink less than two liters of fluid per day, thereby endangering themselves. From this we can conclude that in order to reduce the risk of the disease by at least 8%, you need to drink more than one liter of water per day .

why does the body need water

Another terrible disease is diabetes. One way to deal with it is water. If there is not enough fluid for the body, and subsequently energy, then the brain begins to produce more sugar to replenish this reserve. To avoid this, you need to drink more water in its pure form.

Life-giving moisture in the world of fauna

And why do animals need water? Its functions in the animal body are almost the same as in the human body. They differ only from the species of fauna of our planet. Mammals, for example, releasing profuse sweat, regulate their body temperature, so they just need to constantly replenish their water supply.

Carnivorous individuals replenish their fluid deficiency with food intake, and herbivores drink it thanks to the juices released from the plants they eat. But not in many animals, the body can be saturated with the liquid that comes in when eating, so you need to constantly consume more and just water.

what water is needed for plants

World of flora

Why plants need water is quite obvious. Not a single seed will germinate unless it receives the right amount of moisture. But the most important function of water, known to many more from the lessons of biology, is that it participates in the process of photosynthesis.

It also provides the vital activity of the plant, providing a flow of mineral and nutrients through its conducting system. And in general, without water, representatives of the fauna will die sooner or later, as in principle any living organism on our Earth.


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