Premix for laying hens: vitamin composition and instructions

Successful breeding of laying hens on a mini-farm will be only if they are properly fed. The diet of this bird should be as balanced as possible. In order to get as many eggs as possible from laying hens, they are usually given grain and mash munitions 2-3 times a day. At the same time, special premixes are added to the feed, which are a complex of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antimicrobial agents. The use of such additives allows you to strengthen the body of the bird and make it more productive.

Need for application

Deficiency of vitamins and trace elements in the feed of laying hens, which occurs especially in the winter season, can lead to problems such as:

  • death of young animals;

  • decreased activity of an adult bird;

  • increased incidence due to weakened immunity;

  • decrease in egg production.

premix for laying hens

The absence of premixes in the diet of a bird can lead to a decrease in commercial quality in eggs. For example, their shell may become thinner or their chemical composition may change for the worse. Also, eggs of a bird that does not receive the necessary complex of vitamins and minerals usually become smaller.

It is especially important to use premix for laying hens in farms in the fall, winter or spring. Also, such additives can not be dispensed with if the hens are not kept in the floor, but in the cellular way. In addition, experts advise mixing premixes into feed:

  • after vaccination of the bird;

  • transition to another type of feed ;

  • adaptation when changing the region (climate).

That is, a premix can be useful in any stressful situation for chickens. Among other things, such additives can in some cases reduce feed costs.

The use of premixes for chickens is not contraindicated. The absence of any side effects is also what distinguishes almost any premix for laying hens. The manufacturer always indicates how to apply an additive of one or another brand in the instructions attached to the complex.

premix composition for laying hens

Types of premixes

Currently, the industry produces the following types of such additives:

  • vitamin

  • mineral;

  • complex;

  • medical;

  • protein.

For layers, the first three varieties of premixes are especially relevant. Vitamin supplements can strengthen their immunity. Mineral premixes when added to feed improve egg quality. Complex additives can achieve both of these goals simultaneously. That is why they are the most popular on farms.

Among other things, such mineral-vitamin complexes may differ in percentage of feed additives. Most often, farm owners use premix for laying hens 1% or 0.5%. Mixtures of 2-3% are also quite common.

Premix Release Form

Such additives are usually marketed in durable bags, the packaging of which can be very different. Owners of household plots and mini-farms usually buy premix for laying hens in small standard packages of 150 grams. Such additives are used strictly dosed. Therefore, on the packaging, the manufacturer usually indicates how much feed (10, 30, 100 kg), etc., this particular product is calculated.

Most Popular Laying Premixes

Many companies supply similar products to the Russian market. However, additives from some manufacturers are especially popular with farmers. For example, very good deserved such premixes for laying hens reviews:

  • "Ryabushka";

  • "Miavit";

  • "Good peasant";

  • "Miracle";

  • "Farm";

  • Zdravur.

Composition of premix for laying hens "Ryabushka"

It is this supplement that Russian farmers use most often. The composition of the premix "Ryabushka" is actually very rich and diverse. What vitamins and minerals and in what quantity are contained in this supplement (150 grams) can be found in the table below.

The composition of the premix "Ryabushka"

Vitamin or Mineral



700 thousand IU


150 thousand IU


0.5 g


0.1 g

IN 1

0.2 g

IN 2

0.3 g

AT 3

2 g

AT 4

25 g

AT 5

2 g

AT 6

0.4 g

AT 12

2.5 g


10 mg


1 g


0.25 g


5 g


6 g


0.1 g


0.07 g

Advantages of Ryabushka powder

Once in the body of a bird, this premix affects many processes occurring in it. At the cellular level, it stimulates redox reactions. With daily use, laying hens not only increase productivity and improve health. The farmer also gets rid of such problems as biting eggs, mortality, premature molting, rickets, diseases of the bones and eyes of the bird.

Instructions for use of the additive

Of course, only with proper use can any premix for laying hens benefit. The instructions for use of the Ryabushka complex are simple. In poultry farms, this additive is poured into the chickens in the cereal and vegetable mixers in the morning. In home gardens and farms, chopped greens and root vegetables are usually given to laying hens at lunchtime. Accordingly, it is at this time that the premix is ​​applied. Mix the additive only in chilled feed.

The daily dose of Ryabushka premix per head is, according to the instructions, 1 gram. Thus, three to four layers in the feed should add 1 teaspoon of this product, and 10 - 1 tbsp.

Most often on the shelves of shops you can find Ryabushka, a concentrated premix for laying hens, 1%. Instructions for use regarding the preparation of feed from it is quite simple. Of 150 grams (a standard pack) of such an additive, farmers prepare 15 kg of high-quality feed.

There is only one contraindication for Ryabushka. It is not allowed to feed his chickens grown on industrial feed. Indeed, in such food all the necessary additives are already available in full.

Premix "Miavit": varieties

This quality additive is produced by the Ukrainian company Tandem-2002, which is the official representative of the German company Miavit GmbH. The Russian partner of this enterprise is the Kormovit company. If you wish, today you can buy several varieties of the premix "Miavit" for laying hens. Such products are produced for:

  • chickens;

  • young ones;

  • commercial poultry;

  • manufacturers.

good peasant premix for laying hens

Supplement Benefits

This premix for laying hens is a gray powder with a specific smell. The benefits of Miavit supplements include:

  • recipe accuracy;

  • the ability to choose the best product option;

  • the possibility of long-term storage without loss of quality;

  • excellent fluidity.

Mixing Miavit premix into poultry feed is very easy due to the manufacturer’s use of special filler.

The composition of the additive

Like Ryabushka, Miavit contains just a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that are healthy for poultry. Which composition (per 1 kg) this premix for laying hens has can be found in the table.

The composition of the premix "Miavit"




1.1 million IU


350 thousand IU


0.3 grams


10 g


6 g

IN 1

0.3 g

IN 2

0.6 g

AT 3

1.3 g

AT 4

120 g

AT 5

3 g

AT 6

0.4 g

AT 12

2 mg


4 g


1.6 g


12 g


10 g


125 mg

In addition to vitamins and minerals, this supplement also contains enzymes and antioxidants.

Instructions for use

Use this complex in the same way as the Ryabushka premix. That is, they simply mix the chickens in the grain or give it with grated vegetables and root crops. Introduced into the bird feed premix "Miavit" in the amount of 0.25% of the total mass. Mixing the additive, despite its "fluidity", should, of course, be as thorough as possible.

Complex "Zdravur Layer": advantages

This premix is ​​made by the Nizhny Novgorod firm "Your economy". It is usually packaged in convenient packages of 600 grams. The advantages of the complex "Zravur", many owners of household plots include:

  • lack of growth stimulants and hormones in the composition;

  • reduction in feed costs;

  • increase in egg production (after 7-10 days).

Especially useful, according to farmers, give this premix to a weakened bird. Zdravur not only helps improve the health of chickens, but also prevents cannibalism. In the market there are additives of this brand, designed not only for adult birds, but also for chickens.

premix for laying hens how to apply

Composition and method of application "Zdravur"

There are no growth hormones in this premix, as already mentioned. It does not contain any birds that are harmful to the health, and worsen the quality of its meat and eggs, antibiotics. Is a supplement "Zdazhur" gray homogeneous brown powder. Regarding vitamins and minerals, the composition of the premix for laying hens “Zdravur” is really very rich. This supplement contains:

  • vitamins A, E, D, K, H, B (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12);

  • 7 essential microelements for the chicken body;

  • amino acids and enzymes.

According to the manufacturer, the components that make up the Zdravur premix, among other things, trigger metabolic mechanisms in the body of the bird. They also prevent the development of stagnant processes and improve the appearance of feathers of chickens. This premix is ​​mixed in bird food in an amount of 1 g per head per day.

Additive "Farm"

This premix just perfectly affects the metabolism in the body of the bird. Particularly good reviews have earned this supplement from farm owners. The fact is that the use of the Khutorok vitamin-mineral complex allows not only increasing the productivity of laying hens. When used, among other things, the size of the eggs increases and the quality of the shell improves. That is, products acquire an attractive presentation.

How to use the Khutorok premix for laying hens and what is its composition

This product has a strong influence on the quality of eggs, primarily because, during its manufacture, the producer places the main emphasis on the mineral complex. That is, the supplement “Khutorok” is very useful for giving the bird, for example, with bone diseases (curvature, lameness). It is also recommended to use it for problems with the eyes of chickens, pecking eggs, feather loss.

The method of applying this premix is ​​not more complicated than any other. Stir it into the bird feed once a day. In this case, approximately 10 grams of the additive per 1 kg of the mash or grain are used.

premix for laying hens 1 instruction

Premix "Miracle"

This additive is a tan powder. It is packaged in bags and bags of various sizes, as well as in bottles made of polymeric materials. Permix “Miracle”, being added to the feed, normalizes the metabolism in the body of laying hens, positively affects their health and productivity.

This complex is produced in Ukraine by Yakisna Dopomoga. According to the manufacturer, the additive does not contain any harmful chemicals or stimulants. This premix is ​​suitable for birds of all age groups.

How to apply

Use the premix for laying hens “Miracle” in the same way as any other. That is, they are added to the grain or mixers. Its dosage is 10 grams per 1 kg of feed. About 5 g of this supplement is placed in one teaspoon. Poultry fed with this premix must be provided with free access to water. Its manufacturer does not give any other special recommendations on the use of the Miracle supplement. The composition of this premix is ​​also quite rich. The Miracle supplement contains:

  • vitamins A, E and D3;

  • iron, copper, manganese, zinc, iodine, calcium, cobalt.

It also includes biotin and lysine. The manufacturer uses ordinary bran as a filler in the production of this premix.

premix for laying hens yolk

Good Peasant supplement: benefits

This vitamin-mineral complex manufacturer recommends giving the bird almost from the first days of life. “Good Peasant” is a premix for laying hens, the use of which can significantly reduce the attack of young animals. This supplement also accelerates the development of poultry. In adult chickens, its use significantly increases productivity. If, without the “Good Peasant” supplement, chickens carry 3-4 eggs a day, then after its introduction into the diet - 5-6.

The advantages of this complex, among other things, include the fact that it is an absolutely environmentally friendly product. Moreover, its use helps to eliminate various kinds of toxic substances from the body of chickens.

premix for laying hens instruction

Composition and instructions

Pouring this premix is ​​recommended only in freshly prepared food. Its dosage, according to the instructions, for an adult bird is 0.5 grams per day per head. In addition to vitamins (A, D3, E, etc.), as well as beneficial microelements, the composition of the Kind Peasant supplement contains carotenoids. Such a useful component makes this premix for laying hens especially popular with farmers. When used, the yolk in the eggs acquires a saturated bright color even in winter.


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