Highlighting on black hair and dyeing light curls

In the modern world, many women experiment with their appearance, and most often, as calculated by stylists, the hairs of beautiful ladies undergo changes. Various hairstyles and haircuts, a variety of styling, the use of a wide palette of colors - this is not a complete list of all the actions that can change the appearance and create a new image of the fairer sex. However, highlighting, a way to change the basic hair color, but not radically, but in the form of separate color accents, must also be indicated in this list. Highlighting on black hair or blonde curls will look equally effective if the procedure is carried out according to all the rules.

The term "highlighting" itself means mixing, which implies a combination of several colors or color shades in the process of dyeing hair. Different types of this cosmetic procedure require different technologies, materials and devices, on which it depends on whether the result will be a fairly standard hairstyle with coloring individual strands or whether a real work of art will turn into a bold original combination of various halftones and shades.

Modern highlighting is not just a way to make small changes to your usual image - now a similar procedure is carried out using such means that also treat the hair, keep it strong and attractively shiny. Many women believe that highlighting on black hair looks most spectacular, however, blondes can very well use this method to emphasize the depth and brightness of the natural color of their locks. For example, an excellent solution for fair-haired ladies is the elution procedure, in which a special composition is applied to the hair, enveloping each hair and forming a protective film around it . The color of the composition (“elumes”, as experts call these coloring substances) can be very different - from gold and light brown to chestnut, which allows you to experiment with the full program. With the help of such “elumes”, highlighting on black hair or light coloring of light ones can be carried out.

In general, owners of light and dark hair prefer to carry out the so-called “highlighting through a hat” or “feathers”. To do this, a special hat is put on the head, through the openings in which the specialists take out several strands with a crochet and color them in the chosen shade, close to the natural color of the hair or, on the contrary, contrasting. Another way to gently paint individual curls is highlighting on black hair (also suitable for light hair), made using a foil in which colored strands are wrapped.

Home highlighting how to do? This question is asked by many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, planning to improve their appearance at home. You won’t be able to do it on your own, but with an assistant, the job will go very well. For dark shades of hair (from chestnut to black), coloring, or coloring of strands in American style, is perfect. For application, 3-4 shades are chosen, each of which should be in harmony not only with the others, but also with the color of the hair as a whole. The result of coloring will be a wonderful hairstyle, visually more magnificent, literally "playing" in the sun. Also, the deep color of black hair will be successfully emphasized by California highlighting - dyeing all curls (with the exception of a few centimeters at the roots) in one shade, with the help of which an effect is created, as if the hairstyle was burnt out in the sun. The advantage of this method is that the growing roots will maintain the created effect for a long time, so that even highlighting on dyed dark hair can become effective and long-lasting.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39309/

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