Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of primary schoolchildren

The psychological and pedagogical characteristic of primary schoolchildren is a document that teachers must draw up on a mandatory basis by the deadlines set by the school administration (most often at the end of the primary school child). Such a characteristic, as a rule, is compiled according to a certain template, taking into account the basic rules and requirements. If you are a young teacher and do not know how to draw up a characterization correctly, in this article you can find general recommendations and tips that will certainly help you.

psychological and pedagogical characteristics of primary schoolchildren
We should not forget that, revealing the personality of the student, the teacher should most fully describe it, analyzing the behavior of the student. It is very important that the compiler of the characteristic relies on the most characteristic facts of children's behavior and does not write anything unreasonably. It is factual material and compelling arguments in psychological conclusions - something without which it is impossible to write such a characteristic.

How deep the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of primary schoolchildren will depend on the degree to which the psychological foundations of the student’s behavior are determined. The teacher should recommend his pedagogical measures on the student’s behavior, taking into account the above basics.

As a rule, the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child are written in a separate thin notebook or on a separate sheet of A4 format . On the title page, it is necessary to indicate who and on whom compiled the characteristic. You can also note how much time the teacher watched the child, as well as indicate the methods that were used to analyze the student's behavior. Before starting to draw up the document, the teacher can ask the school administration for the previously drawn up characteristic and use it as a model.

psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child
The psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child (the style of her writing) is somewhat different in different schools, but in general it contains the same points. We bring to your attention an indicative outline for compiling a document.

Initially, the most general information about the student (age, class, appearance) is indicated.

The following is a description of the conditions of family education (data of parents, their professions), a brief description of actions to raise a child is given.

The next part of the characteristic is perhaps the most voluminous. It describes the educational, gaming, labor activity, as well as the features of the student's communication with peers and friends. It is necessary to pay attention to the child’s attitude to learning and learning new things, games, work and leisure. Describing the child’s communication, it is necessary to reflect his character, features of the circle of communication and behavior with adults, peers and younger children, as well as representatives of the opposite sex.

sample psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child
Next, you need to describe the student as a member of the class team, his place in the class, reputation, number of friends among classmates, the nature of communication with them.

In an arbitrary order, the teacher should describe the personality of the student: his character, self-awareness, abilities, temperament. Since this is precisely the psychological and pedagogical characteristic of younger schoolchildren, psychological aspects such as attention, perception, memory, and especially thinking are also described. The student’s speech, his imagination, feelings and emotions are evaluated.

At the very end of the characteristics, the teacher must draw general conclusions and write whether the level of mental development of the child is appropriate for his age, whether it is necessary to take any measures to correct the behavior. Note that the better all of the above features are described, the better the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of younger students will be, and the easier it will be for the teacher to work with students in the future.


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