The ultrasonic humidifier will maintain the desired humidity in the room

Not only comfort of life, but also health depends on the level of humidity in our apartment or house. If this indicator drops below 40%, then drowsiness occurs, well-being worsens, and absent-mindedness appears. To ensure normal health , the air humidity should be 45-55%, but in the winter, this figure in heated rooms barely exceeds 20%.

Ultrasonic humidifier

Dry air prevents dust from settling, contributes to the accumulation of static electricity, overdries the mucous membranes of the nose, increasing the body's susceptibility to infections. This explains the increase in the number of respiratory diseases in the winter. Humidifiers are used to maintain the humidity level necessary for comfort. The industry produces three types of humidifiers:

  • Cold steam (traditional).
  • Steam.
  • Ultrasonic

The only type of instrument that maintains a given humidity is an ultrasonic humidifier. Let us dwell on the principle of its work, advantages and disadvantages.

ultrasonic humidifier reviews

The principle of operation of ultrasonic humidifiers is based on the supply of water to a piezoelectric element that vibrates at high speed, breaking the water into tiny drops. The resulting suspension is blown into the room by a built-in fan. From the side it seems that water is boiling in the tank and steam is leaving, however, the steam has room temperature.

To maintain constant humidity, hygrostats are built into the ultrasonic humidifier - devices that control humidity and turn the device on / off. Some modern models are also equipped with remote controls, a timer and the ability to function in automatic mode. Working in automatic mode, the device independently, based on air temperature, determines the optimal parameters and monitors their compliance.

ultrasonic humidifier reviews

An ultrasonic humidifier sprays water in the form of a tiny suspension, but ordinary water contains impurities. If you pour water from the tap into the tank, then soon a white coating will appear on the surrounding pieces of furniture, on the plants and on the floor. Experts recommend using only the most purified distilled water. Some models contain filter cartridges that absorb impurities, but after 2-3 months, these cartridges need to be replaced, and they are quite expensive. It is the problems due to the use of ordinary water that are the main disadvantage of such devices.

If you or your child are susceptible to frequent respiratory illnesses, install an ultrasonic humidifier. The feedback of those who purchased such a device suggests that children get sick much less often, in addition, they feel better and their whole family is working. It is also noted that the ultrasonic humidifier works almost silently.

Caring for these devices is simple: if water runs out in the tank, the device automatically turns off. If necessary, special indicators light up. The cleaning itself is carried out with an ordinary medium-hard paint brush, the water tank is simply washed.

To ensure a favorable microclimate in the room , an ultrasonic humidifier will be the best option . Reviews only confirm the high efficiency and comfort of such devices. They are compact, silent and economical.


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