Whiskey "Glen Clyde": description and reviews

In 1990 the spirits market replenished with new alcoholic products, which later became a brand. According to the manufacturer, the recipe for whiskey "Glen Clyde", which will be discussed later, was invented in 1837. It went on sale only in the twentieth century. Today it is bought by leading restaurants and various entertainment venues. Information about Glen Clyde whiskey is contained in this article.

whiskey glen clyde 3 years

Acquaintance with alcohol

Glen Clyde is a fairly young brand with a strength of 40%. Therefore, there is still no product with a 50-year exposure. Nevertheless, masters of blending create drinks that can satisfy even the most demanding connoisseur of strong alcohol. There are several types of this whiskey, more about which below.

About the three-year-old drink

Glen Clyde whiskey is infused for 3 years in oak barrels. According to consumer reviews, this product is with the aroma of dried apricots, celery, honeysuckle and malt. Whiskey with a slightly sour, bright and pungent taste of honey, apricot and orange jam. Alcohol with a bright amber color. In 2013, at the IWSC competitions in England and SFWSC in Italy, this brand received gold medals. Since that time, alcohol has been awarded at the annual Food Expo. Judging by numerous reviews, Glen Clyde three-year exposure can be bred with cola, various cocktails, juices.

whiskey glen clyde 12 years

Some add ice cubes to alcohol. Nevertheless, you can get acquainted with the true taste of this whiskey only if you drink it clean.

12 year shutter speed

Glen Clyde Whiskey Deluxe. Blend masters use alcohols in the production process, which are preliminarily aged for 12 years in oak barrels. An alcoholic drink with a mild flavor and a multifaceted aroma from a combination of dried fruits, almonds, honey and candies. According to experts, if you hold the whiskey for a while in a glass so that the drink "breathes", in its aroma you will clearly feel rich pastries and dried apricots. Alcohol with a long finish with a touch of citrus. Whiskey has a velvet amber color. You need to drink it in its pure form. However, pure spring water can be added to this drink. They resort to this measure when they want to slightly soften the taste of whiskey. In 2004, the Prod Expo exhibition was held in Russia, where 12-year-old whiskeys received a gold medal. Later, at competitions in 2013 in the UK (IWSC), in San Francisco and Los Angeles, he received gold medals and the Outstanding Silver award.

glen clyde reviews

Glen Clyde Old 40

Premium Single Grain Whiskey Grain. Aged in old barrels in which port or sherry was previously stored. From the previous brands of the brand, whiskey differs in that it is produced only on the basis of grain alcohol. The alcoholic drink has a dark golden color. The taste clearly shows vanilla and dried fruits, namely apricots, dried banana, figs and dried apricots. 40-year-old whiskey with cinnamon and clove flavor. In addition, alcohol smells a bit like beech and oak shavings. Drinks of all three varieties are sold in bottles of 0.5 liter, 0.7 liter and 1 liter.

whiskey glen clyde reviews

What should customer look for?

Judging by numerous reviews, Glen Clyde whiskey is not so easy to buy. The fact is that there are a lot of fakes on the alcohol market. In order not to become the owner of the counterfeit, experts recommend paying attention to the following nuances:

  • Glen Clyde whiskey should not contain sediment. Due to the fact that mirror-clean water is used in the production process, there should be no sediment in real whiskey. According to experts, the shelf life of the drink reaches at least a hundred years.
  • Alcoholic beverages should be uniform and bright in color. For example, with an exposure of 12 years, Glen Clyde whiskey, of course, if it is real, will shine a little.
  • Judging by consumer reviews, the drink has a sweet and fragrant smell. Even if it is heated, it will not be spilled with alcohol.
  • Since whiskey with a slightly stretching base, it will drain longer on the wall of the bottle.
  • If you shake a bottle of Scotch whiskey , then many bubbles will appear on the surface of the drink. If this happened, then we can confidently say that the whiskey is real.

If the bottle of whiskey has an uneven shape, if the lid is of poor quality or the label is glued crookedly, then you should not buy such alcohol.

glen clyde

How is whiskey served?

First you need to get thin square or round glasses. The container must be with thin glass. This is necessary in order to better consider the color of the drink. In addition, in a glass with thin walls, the whiskey heats up faster if you hold it in your hand for a while. When serving this alcohol, guests ’individual preferences should be considered. For example, this multi-degree drink, some consumers like to drink a little diluted cola or water. Therefore, a very common mistake is to serve whiskey already poured into glasses. It’s better for the owner to put a bottle on the table, and the guests will pour the glasses themselves. Also, the brand can be served not only in the company bottle, but also in the decanter.

How to drink?

According to experts, the way in which the tasting will take place will give a certain impression of the drink. Therefore, due respect should be given to the classics and to use whiskey correctly, namely in small sips. Experts recommend sniffing the smell of alcohol as much as possible in order to fully appreciate the versatility of the aroma. It’s better to use the brand by holding it in your hand a little. It is desirable that the temperature of the liquid be at least 18 degrees, but not more than 20.

About snacks

Among consumers, there is a belief that whiskey is a purely male alcoholic drink that should be drunk and not eaten, so as not to interrupt other products with a pleasant experience. According to experts, such an opinion is erroneous. Whiskey is quite suitable for both men and women. In addition, with some products, the palatability of alcohol only intensifies. For example, many connoisseurs of alcohol bite whiskey with game and seafood: salmon and smoked salmon. Due to the neutral taste characteristics that are characteristic of whiskey three years and twelve years, these drinks are successfully combined with other ingredients. On the basis of the brand, you can create many good cocktails.

The opinion of experts

According to experts, Glen Clyde is a typical representative of cost-effective brands sold in supermarkets. Alcoholic beverage with a strength of 60% is exported in a tank.

Tanks with alcohol.

In the blend, malt whiskey is approximately 10%. To a commercial fortress it is bred on the spot. For example, in the Netherlands, Lithuania, Russia, France and Germany. Despite the assertion that whiskey is made in Scotland, in the country of alcohol with the same name, experts say, no. Glen Clyde is a standard blend, one of many, with its own lettering number. This means that it can be transported in a tank. Among other standard whiskeys, this alcohol is quite good and cheaper. The booklet for this product indicates that the malt and grain whiskey in this brand in the ratio of 30/70.


To become the owner of a liter bottle of 3-year-old whiskey, you will have to pay 1,400 rubles. For 1 thousand rubles, you can purchase a 0.7-liter capacity. A half-liter costs only 790 rubles. The price of the same bottle of 12-year-old whiskey varies from 1100 to 1200 rubles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C39327/

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