Clay (mineral): types, properties and applications

Clay is a mineral that has been widely used in various fields of life. This rather complex rock can be represented by different composition and properties. The conditions for the formation of different types of clays also differ significantly.

What is clay?

Geological science has been studying rock for a long time. Scientists have found that clay, not contaminated with impurities, consists of small particles. The diameter of the dust does not exceed 0.01 mm. These are particles that belong to a certain group of minerals. It is no coincidence that the use of clay is widespread. The rock is an intricate chemical compound that contains water, silicon and aluminum.

clay mineral
Clays under the influence of liquids change their properties. Depending on the amount of water that is added to the rock particles, a plastic mass or lime may form. Clay added fluid has a high viscosity. This property is widely used in construction and repair sectors.

Clay Properties

The properties of any rock are completely dependent on the composition. Clay is no exception. The value of the constituent particles is also important. In a mixture with water, the rock is able to form a viscous dough. This property is widely used in various fields of life. Clay swells in water. Due to this, it can be used very sparingly. In its raw form, clay dough is able to preserve absolutely any shape. You cannot change anything after solidification. And so that the product can survive for a long time, it is burned. Clay becomes even stronger and stronger under the influence of high temperatures.

refractory clay
If you describe the basic properties of clay, you can not help but remember about water resistance. After the particles of rock saturate the right amount of liquid, it no longer passes moisture through itself. This property is also widely used in construction.

Certain grades of clay are able to purify petroleum products. The same properties of clay are used to clean vegetable fats and oils. Thanks to this, people can eat foods without harmful impurities. Clay absorbs harmful substances from a liquid that can be harmful to health. For the same reason, certain types of rocks are used in cosmetology.

What are the clays?

In nature, there are a huge number of types of clay. All of them have found their application in one or another sphere of life. Kaolin is a clay of a light shade, which has less ductility compared to other types. It is this breed that is most often used in the paper industry, as well as in the manufacture of dishes.

what can be made of clay
Refractory clay deserves special attention. This substance is white or light gray in color, which withstands temperatures above 1500 degrees when fired. Under the influence of high temperature, refractory clay does not soften and does not lose its beneficial properties. The rock is widely used in the manufacture of porcelain, as well as in the decoration of premises. Popular is considered a facing tile made of refractory clay.

Molding clays can also be burned at a sufficiently high temperature. They differ in increased ductility. Such refractory clay can be used in metallurgy. With its help, special binder molds for casting metal are made.

Cement clay is most often used in construction. These are substances of a grayish tint with an admixture of magnesium. Clay is used for the manufacture of various finishing products, as well as a link in the construction work.

How and where is clay extracted?

Clay is a mineral that is not rare today. The substance can be obtained from the earth without any problems. It is easiest to detect the substance in those places where rivers flowed earlier. Clay is considered a product of sedimentary rock and the earth's crust. On an industrial scale, clay is mined using excavators. The machine cuts large layers of the earth. Thus, you can get much more minerals. The problem is that clay in most cases lies in layers.

Clay quarries serve as quarries. Work begins by removing the topsoil. Most often, clay can be found already at a distance of half a meter from the top. The soil is usually easy to process . Clay can be on the surface itself. In some cases, minerals can be found under groundwater. In this case, the team installs a special drainage to divert water.

Winter is not an obstacle to mining rock. In order to avoid freezing of the soil, it is insulated with sawdust and other substances with a low level of thermal conductivity. The thickness of the insulation sometimes reaches 50 cm. Clay already extracted is also protected from freezing. It is covered with tarpaulin or other similar material that can hold the desired temperature until the clay is delivered to the warehouse.

Clay in construction

In the construction industry, clay began to be used from the first days of its discovery. Today, the material is widely used for the construction of houses in the southern regions. Due to the properties of the fossil in the houses it’s cool in summer and warm and cozy in winter. For the manufacture of blocks take only a little sand, clay and straw. After hardening, a strong building material is obtained, which is not amenable to any natural factors.

What is the best clay for building houses, the experts answer unambiguously. Most suitable is cement clay. Of this material, tiles are also often made. With the help of such decoration you can not only decorate the room, but also protect it from fire. After all, cement clay is also refractory.

Clay dishes

Clay cutlery is not only beautiful, but also useful. The material is environmentally friendly. Do not be afraid that dishes under the influence of high temperature will begin to secrete substances harmful to health. The use of clay in many is associated precisely with the manufacture of plates, pots and vases. Today, dishes from this material are manufactured on an industrial scale. Everyone can purchase a service from quality material that can last for a long time.

clay application
Handwork is much more appreciated. Entire exhibitions are arranged where masters can boast of their products. Here you can buy high-quality clay dishes. The main thing is that the product is made in a single copy. But the price will be appropriate.

Clay modeling with children

Making various products using clay can be a very exciting and fun activity for a child. Modeling promotes mental development, improves motor skills of children's hands. The kid can show imagination at his pleasure. And what can be made of clay, parents will always tell.

clay properties
Clay modeling requires careful preparation. It should be remembered that not all clothes can be removed from the mineral. And the child will definitely put spots. Therefore, the baby should change into a working form, and lay a table with oilcloth. What can be made of clay in the first place? First of all, you should sculpt simple oval figures. It can be animals or funny little men. With an older child, it will be possible to make a plate and a spoon. After solidification, the product can be painted. It will look original and will be able to persist for a long time. But it is worth remembering that clay without firing is quite fragile.

The use of clay in medicine

Even in ancient times, people noticed the beneficial properties of clay and began to use them for medicinal purposes. Some types of minerals have anti-inflammatory effects. Due to this, they are used to treat various skin diseases. Clay quickly helps to cure burns, acne and eczema. But self-medication should never be done. Individual types of clay have different properties. Only a specialist will be able to choose the right material and apply it correctly to the sore spot. Without the necessary knowledge and skills, only harm can be done.

clay making
Clay is a mineral that is the source of many minerals, vitamins and minerals. Some rock species can also be taken orally. Clay is an excellent source of radium. At the same time, the body assimilates the amount of a useful substance that is necessary for normal life.

Clay is able to remove toxins from the blood, as well as normalize metabolism. Due to this property, minerals are often used for various types of poisoning. The powder is taken orally in a small amount, washed down with water. But for medicinal purposes, only some types of clay can be used.

Clay in cosmetology

Cosmetic clay is often used by many girls to improve their appearance. The mineral is able to even out skin tone, rid the face of acne, and thighs of body fat. For cosmetic purposes, various types of clay are used. All of them have their own characteristics and properties.

To rejuvenate the face, white mineral clay is most often used. The photos of women who used this product to perfect their face are impressive. Expression wrinkles are really smoothed out, and age spots disappear completely. White clay is also great for girls with oily skin and large pores . Properties and use of the substance are information that can be read on the packaging. But using any clay is still better after consulting a cosmetologist.

The use of blue clay

This rock has good anti-inflammatory properties. Its composition includes salts and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. Blue clay masks should be made to people who are prone to skin rashes. With the help of a natural substance, acne and comedones are perfectly treated.

Using blue clay, you can also lighten the skin. 10 procedures will help to get rid of freckles and age spots for a long time. In addition, blue clay perfectly smoothes shallow facial wrinkles.

Green clay

This substance is also widely used in cosmetology. Green clay has excellent absorbent properties. Thanks to this, it is possible to quickly cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins. Clay can be applied both to the face and to the whole body.

mineral clay photo
Green clay wraps are considered popular. Minerals help restore the body's water balance and remove excess moisture. This property helps girls to get rid of cellulite, as well as make the skin more even and smooth.

Red clay

The most optimal for people who are prone to allergic reactions will be red clay. This substance has a special shade due to the content of copper and iron oxide in it. Only the extracted substance cannot be immediately used in cosmetology. Making clay for various masks is a laborious process. Red clay is being prepared with special attention. The breed is cleaned of various harmful impurities that can harm the skin.

Red clay masks perfectly relieve redness and irritation of the skin. The material is also widely used in medicine. Red clay contributes to the speedy healing of wounds, and makes postoperative scars less noticeable.


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