Choose the most effective remedy for barley

Barley is one of the most common infectious diseases of the eye. This ailment can affect anyone, regardless of age or lifestyle. Our ancestors treated barley in the most bizarre ways. In our article, we presented some of the most interesting folk remedies for barley in the eye from our point of view. Some of them will seem ridiculous and ridiculous, but, no matter how strange and illogical they are, they work. Important is the ability to distinguish barley from another disease. We will tell you how to determine that you have not something else, namely barley. The treatments offered by modern medicine, as well as methods tested by time and experience of past generations, presented in the article, will help you quickly and safely recover and not get infected again.

barley remedy

Signs of illness

Determining that barley has appeared on the eye is very simple. The main symptom is an uncomfortable feeling from a seal on the eyelid. Itching, redness, and slight swelling accompany it. There is a feeling of too quick fatigue from the usual work. Eyes get tired faster, visual acuity decreases, reaction to bright light escalates. At first, dryness is felt, and as barley ripens, tearing occurs. Barley can be confused with blepharitis and halazion. But the last two usually develop against the background of untreated barley and can face serious consequences, up to blood poisoning. As for barley, the prognosis of its treatment is almost always favorable.

Barley is a purulent inflammation of the eyes. Staphylococcus aureus provokes it. This parasite is very tenacious, but defeating it is not at all difficult. The lesion focus is the sebaceous glands of the eyelashes. Most often, barley is visible immediately, but sometimes the tumor grows on the inside of the eyelid. In both cases, the sensations are the same. Treatment, respectively, is common to all cases.

Causes of the disease

Almost always, barley in the eye occurs due to weakening of the body as a result of the common cold. Metabolic deterioration, decreased immunity plus contact with an infected person, and as a result, purulent infection of the eyelid.

There are frequent cases of infection with barley in institutions, when children use common things. This happens very easily: the child rubs a sore eye with his hand, then with this hand passes his pencil, book or toy to his comrade. He, taking an infected object, rubs his combed eye with his fist and thereby introduces the infection. In this regard, it will not be out of place to remind parents of the advisability of accustoming children to cleanliness and reasonable disgust from a very young age.

Often appearing barley indicates a possible genetic predisposition. In this case, in order to avoid the occurrence of pathological dependence, it is undesirable to buy hormonal drugs from barley in the eye in a pharmacy. It is better to use a simple green. We will tell about how to do this below.

folk remedies for barley in the eye

Important hygiene requirements

When treating barley, it is very important to strictly comply with hygiene requirements. This is necessary so as not to transfer the infection to another eyelid, and also not to infect others. We list the basic rules:

- you can not rub your eyes with your hands;

- For each eye, use a separate cotton swab or napkin;

- Prevent hypothermia of the eyes, and use only warm liquids to rinse or bury;

- Do not use other people's means of decorative cosmetics. This applies to mascara, brushes, sponges, applicators, eyeshadows, pencils, eyeliners and other things;

- Remember that bedding, furniture upholstery and other common items made from textile materials are also potential carriers of infection.

folk remedies against barley in the eye

Treatment sequence

Traditional healers recommend treating barley with non-traditional means, without using antibiotics and hormones, which are included in a large number of pharmacy drugs, as they interrupt inflammation at any stage, but only paralyze the development of staphylococci, driving the infection in and weakening the immune system.

Treatment of barley with folk remedies is preferable, since it affects the body sparingly and does not weaken it. Treatment regimens are constructed as follows. If barley is only outlined and struck one eyelid, we can recommend a folk remedy that has an energy focus. Several such methods are described below.

In the event that the eyelid turns red and noticeably swollen, it is recommended to accelerate the maturation of barley so that it breaks out and pus flows out. For the intensity of the process, it is useful to do warming up. After a breakthrough, plentiful and frequent washing with herbal tinctures will consolidate the result.

During treatment, you will have to abandon cosmetics for the eyes, and not only from decorative, but also from caring. Cold water for washing is also contraindicated - only warm herbal decoctions are allowed.

domestic barley folk remedies

Tea solution

This method is probably known to everyone. It is most accessible, safe and quickly gives a feeling of relief.

Tea is one of the varieties of the well-known plant medicine, camellia. Its ability to tone just helps to alleviate the symptoms that accompany barley. It is acceptable to use both black and green, both packaged and loose, but loose is still preferable. Tea does not cure the infection, but improves the general condition of the patient. It should not be brewed too tightly, but as for a regular drink. For the procedure, ten minutes should be allocated. A swab dipped in tea should be placed on the sore eye and lie down calmly.

It is important that the fluid does not flow from the patient into a healthy eye, otherwise infection cannot be avoided. Flat disposable tea bags are best avoided. Firstly, they are too concentrated, and secondly, their composition does not always correspond to the desired.

Tea lotion relieves stress, but does not cure. After it is recommended to apply on the eyelid any special medicine for barley in the eye - drops, or ointment.

remedies for barley on the eye in a pharmacy

Herbal tinctures

In this section, we will talk about medicinal plants used to treat barley.

The most effective are tinctures of eyebright, calendula, chamomile, tansy, meadowsweet and cornflower. One tablespoon of dry or fresh flowers should be poured with boiling water, covered with a warm cap and insisted for half an hour. Use in a warm form as lotions, as well as for drinking. For the future, herbal tinctures are not made. They can be used only fresh and always warm. All listed herbs can be drunk assembled. Standard proportion for brewing: per 10 g of grass - 200 ml of water. Of the listed herbs, the best remedy for barley is obtained from the eyebright. It not only treats eye infections, but also perfectly affects vision in general.


In rural areas, where it is full of different herbs that are not poisoned by city dust, at the first sign of barley it is customary to do as follows. It is necessary to find and tear off the plantain, rub the leaf between the palms thoroughly, and when it is sufficiently moistened, attach to the eye and squeeze. You can even rub a little. It helps just fine. It is advisable to dry this plant for the winter and for various inflammations, including barley, to use in decoctions and lotions.

Warming up

Good effect on barley warming. It accelerates the development of the process, thus contributing to the localization of infection.

Hard-boiled and peeled chicken eggs are laid hot in the eye. The egg cools slowly enough, and this is exactly what is required.

The baked onion is also suitable for warming. A small head of onion must be baked in the oven, without removing the peel, then, not allowing to cool, clean and put on a sore eye. Not only will it warm no worse than a boiled egg, but it will also destroy staphylococcus.

barley treatment in the eye

Brilliant green solution

Zelenka is a very good treatment for barley in the eye. Alcohol solution of brilliant green is recommended by both therapists and traditional healers. With an applicator or a cotton swab dipped in green, you need to draw not too thick lines along the edges of the upper and lower eyelids. You can use one stick in both eyes, since alcohol instantly destroys Staphylococcus aureus. Repeat until the barley is completely gone.

Bee Honey

Folk remedies for barley for a century often contain honey and other bee products. Honey is mixed with the jelly-like contents of aloe leaves and the crumb of brown bread, form plastic cakes and put on the eyelids.

Perfectly affect the eyelids affected by barley, warm compresses from yogurt with honey. They should be kept for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, the eyes can not be washed with anything other than a warm herbal infusion.

Honey, ground with burdock root, not only stops the development of infection, but also improves vision. To prepare this remedy for barley, you need to dig out the burdock root, grate it on a fine grater, mix with honey and put on forever. Even if only one eye is sick, honey cakes are placed on both.

Another plant with no less benefit can be used against our ailment. This is garlic. The medicine for barley from garlic and honey is made in the same way as from the root of burdock, only garlic needs to be taken no more than a quarter of the clove in both eyes. There is more honey, respectively.

Honey cakes are recommended to be thickened for ease of use. To obtain the required consistency, herbalists most often use rye bread or rye flour.

Treatment of barley with folk remedies always involves a certain amount of creativity and imagination. The attitude of people to honey is almost like a panacea for all diseases. It is proved that it has a powerful antiseptic and restorative effect.

barley treatment with folk remedies

Hard to believe but helps

Often, folk remedies for barley on the eye cause bewilderment and distrust. They say that barley should disappear, you need to spit in a sore eye. The debate is about what matters - the composition and amount of saliva or something else. Adherents of the first opinion suggest that the patient thoroughly brush his teeth, moisten his finger with his saliva and rub his sore spot. As practice shows, this method does not work. Effective only if you suddenly spit in the eye from a distance of 20-30 cm. Of course, without saliva. The effect of the method is a strong and quick reaction of the muscles and vessels of the eye to unexpectedness. For help, it is best to contact a loved one.

Red thread

It is interesting that, regardless of whether it is external or internal barley, folk remedies always act the same way. This rule applies to the method below.

It is believed that if you attach a red wool thread to the arm opposite the eye with barley, then the inflammation will pass very quickly. The wrist is tied up with a thread. Other sources advise wrapping the thread around two adjacent fingers, making a cross between them. The thread should lie freely and not pinch the blood vessels.


Folk remedies against barley in the eye are distinguished by a truly remarkable originality and great variety. Believe them or not, you decide.

What traditional medicine does not cure with this liquid: wounds, and eczema, and burns, and, as it turns out, eye diseases. Urine, or more simply, urine, you need to rinse your eyes until the inflammation completely disappears. Relatively valuable properties of urine are still heated debate. It is believed that male urine is the best remedy for barley in the eye. She, de, is incomparably better than women. You can even drink it. It helps from both internal and external diseases, and in the treatment of burns, cuts, eczema, barley and other skin lesions, it simply does not have a price. The disinfecting and healing properties of urine, they say, are simply unique. Check or not - a private matter for everyone. Perhaps it is all about faith.

Women prefer to use urine only in case of illness of a very small child, when there are no other means at hand. Healers advise washing the baby's eyes with his own urine.

Another very funny method

Traditional medicine does not shy away from humor. They say that if you keep your fingers folded in a fig near a patient’s eye, or, as it is also called, a muzzle, then barley will quickly disappear. It is unclear why exactly a muzzle, and not a pinch, for example? Probably, the crossed position of the fingers somehow affects the circulation of energy flows. It is no accident that this gesture symbolically means prohibition. Note that those who chose this particular remedy for barley never suffer from inflammation for longer than one to three days. Keep fig near your eyes quite a few times a day for 5-10 minutes.

barley remedies for a century

Traditional treatment

Which is better - to treat barley at home with the grandmother's method or go to the clinic? It is very possible that the doctor will prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures - UHF and Ural Federal District, and also prescribe to instill Albucid, Phloxal, Ciprolet, Tobrex or use an ointment containing neomycin, tetracycline, hydrocortisone or chloramphenicol.

Adjunctive therapy

Barley always occurs due to a weakening of the protective functions of the body. In especially severe cases, it can spread to both eyes, to the upper and lower eyelids. It happens that in one century - two barley. To strengthen immunity, in parallel with the treatment of barley itself, it is necessary to drink immunomodulatory preparations based on ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Schisandra, echinacea and the like.

Cleansing the body of toxins also contributes to the rapid elimination of the focus of infection.

For this purpose, it is recommended to brew five to six bay leaves with one glass of boiling water and hold in a water bath for 10 minutes. Drink the resulting broth for one day.

Each folk healer has his own, that is, branded, remedy for barley, but all healers agree on one thing: repeated barley significantly reduces visual acuity. Forest blueberries, both fresh and dry, are an excellent nutrition for eye-debilitated patients. When treating barley, one must additionally drink compotes from berries rich in vitamin C, such as rose hips and sea buckthorn.


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