How to bite whiskey?

In the modern rhythm of life, which has become more like a constant race, it is sometimes so nice to relax in the company of bosom friends with a glass of strong drink. And if choosing a liquor, as a rule, is not difficult, then choosing the right snack is a rather delicate question. With vodka, wine and cognac there are no problems, but what about a more elite drink. For example, how to bite whiskey? And what to put on the table, if guests unexpectedly come to you with a bottle of this wonderful drink?

How to drink whiskey? If you are wondering how to bite whiskey, first you need to find out how to drink it correctly. It is not in vain that the Scots and Irish consider this amber drink almost sacred. And in order to enjoy its taste and aroma as much as possible, it is necessary to adhere to some simple rules.

Whiskey must be poured into special large deep glasses with thick glass. It is necessary to fill the glass by no more than a third - this will help to make the aroma more vibrant and draw the attention of guests to its pleasant, warm color.

Whiskey can not be drunk in one gulp - this is not vodka. This drink must be consumed in small sips, trying to fully enjoy its refined taste. Glasses with fruit slices or other cocktail decorations are also not allowed. Whiskey is a noble drink, an attribute of wealth and high origin, therefore, it simply does not need additional jewelry.

And now you need to find out how to bite whiskey without risking impersonating an ignorant person. There are a lot of nuances here, and each country has its own traditions.

What do the founders have a bite to drink? And to this day, the inhabitants of Scotland and Ireland are debating which of them was the first to invent this noble drink. These quarrels also concern the question of how to bite whiskey.

For example, in Scotland they believe that whiskey should not be eaten in any case, because this way you can kill the whole taste. But they decided to dilute the drink with pure spring water or soda. But the natives of Ireland drink exclusively undiluted whiskey, but they allow themselves a hearty snack - smoked fish, fried game, etc.

But the Americans drink whiskey, diluting soda or cola. And the addition of ice is mandatory. But such traditions are explained by the characteristics of American varieties of the drink.

Whiskey: how to bite a noble drink? In fact, there are a lot of recommendations regarding snacks - even the most experienced tasters constantly argue about this. Therefore, there are no clearly established rules. But you can always fit the food to the variety of your drink.

If you have a bottle of whiskey with a herbal aroma, then you can safely serve any seafood on the table - this is to your taste.

Smoked fish is perfect for soft drinks. It is believed that salmon is the perfect appetizer in this case. But with the sharp and fruity varieties of the drink, meat dishes will be combined - for example, foie gras, baked game, beef tongue, etc. The smoky aroma of whiskey will only complement the dishes of lamb or beef.

On the other hand, in many countries it is customary to bite whiskey with low-fat and mild cheeses or fish dishes. Sometimes whiskey is served even for desserts - chocolate, ice cream, cake. But a lemon snack is not recommended.

By and large, you can always put your favorite dishes on the table. Here, after all, the main thing is that guests enjoy a delicious meal, a noble drink and a soulful atmosphere - everything else is only of secondary importance. And if a friend suddenly ran into you just at the time when you don’t have any snacks, you can safely make delicious coffee and offer the guest a cigar. Residents of Foggy Albion believe that whiskey does not need holidays, because whiskey itself is a real holiday for the soul.


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